Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oliver's Speech Problem Not From Vaccine Or Autism

I'm sort of wondering, why, after I became pregnant, I got so much harassment over at my workplace. People coming in and a lot of people claiming I was making mistakes, and then the supervisor too, when nothing changed. And that's when the work shirts disappeared and reappeared and this guy was caught coming into my apartment.

I just wonder why, all at once. I might have to go back and see what I was writing about on my blog.

Also, while I take very seriously, the incidence of autism from vaccination, and other problems, and think it's a big mistake, and while I know my son was very, very, sick after his 2 month vaccines, I do not believe this is what caused his speech to suddenly turn into gibberish.

It doesn't fit autism and his other traits were fine. He understood everything still. I could talk to him and see he comprehended me in the same way. And he was social, and he TRIED to talk all the time, but got frustrated because he couldn't say what he'd been able to say before. It was like he had the same problem I had, after a seizure, where I could hear what the question was and knew I should know the answer, but couldn't think of it, even though I knew I should know.

If you read Cawley's comment, to my question about how his son tested heat, you see how he even notices I ask a question and then I do the research and figure out the problem myself.

I have been able to do this with even my own health and I've been accurate each time. The only thing that's thrown me off is that while I supposedly have evidence, from the MRI, of a worse prolapse than what Washington claimed, they said I didn't have broken bones, and I know for a fact that my tailbone is still not just broken but displaced. It will move if you press on it and it still does this and is painful. Also, I highly doubt the herniated disc or fracture of vertebrae in my lower back just "went away". Dr. Freed said it was degenerative. If it was "degenerative" it wouldn't have healed itself. It would still be degenerating. I knew, even then, that it wasn't degenerative.

So I have evidence, from that clinic, on X-ray, that there is a slipped or fracture lower lumber problem in my spine, and for that to just be "healed" is less likely than it is that the MRI didn't pick up on some things. For one thing, to do a proper MRI, you have to be injected with a solution that will distinguish one thing from another so you can see what's there, and this wasn't done, because it would have been toxic to the unborn baby.

So, what this says to me, is that IF the herniated disc or fractured lumbar vertebrae HEALED, this indicates and PROVES it was not degenerative, but was instead, as I had been claiming an injury from childbirth. I am also doubtful that it is completely "healed" as well.

If the prolapse is the explanation for all the pain, I would be very surprised indeed. As is, if the MRI shows no lumbar problem, I can compare this with the plain X-ray that DOES show injury, and there you go: PROOF of traumatic injury that somehow, supposedly, "healed".

And I have proof of prolapse that the neurologist said was a uterine prolapse. I was never diagnosed with this before, and if that's what I have, then my damages were and are far worse than Washington doctors admitted to. And no one is going to claim that I had all this happen in just 2 months of pregnancy, because most doctors would concur there is not enough growth of the uterus to cause that much damage, even if I felt the pain. If I'd carried much longer, or to term, it would have been very difficult to prove my damages were not from the new pregnancy. It would be hard to sort out what happened when. As it is, I am able to prove my damages were far worse than Washington admitted to.

Being analytical, and using reason and logic, and I try to do, I extend this rational approach to consider exactly what happened to my son. I had CPS try to claim my son "lost" his speech because of trauma being with me or neglect. This doesn't add up. When kids lose speech for this kind of thing, they completely QUIT talking. My son didn't QUIT talking--he was still jabbering away all the time.

The difference was that he could no longer articulate what he wanted to say, when I knew he was comprehending himself, that he couldn't say what he KNEW he should be able to say. It was as if his brain signals and memory had been scrambled. And then, his speech has very slowly been restored, just as his and my health was also slowly restored once we were away from the environment we were in.

If I was having seizures, true seizures, and I am predisposed, my son could have also had a genetic tendency to seizure. I saw his arm raised and jerking in his sleep and a doctor I talked to in Canada said this would be neurological and warranted a brain scan. My son was also speaking very well, which Wenatchee refused to admit, and then when I accused them of refusal to provide treatment when Canada knew something was wrong, CPS changed their whole story. Suddenly, CPS was very anxious to get one of their own speech therapists to say my son's speech problem was because of neglect by ME or trauma.

The state has proven a pattern of changing their story to suit whatever fits their needs best, regardless of the truth. I can prove they lied to claim they knew I had "PTSD" and then they switched and lied and said they didn't know, when it was convenient, and then lied and switched again and said they did know, after claiming no one in the whole state office ever suspected even ONCE that I had any mild PTSD at all. I have their lies on audio record.

They did the exact same thing with my son. First they claimed there was "NOTHING WRONG" with my son, to save doctors from liability, and then when they found out I had evidence to the contrary and Canada was on my side, they suddenly switched their story again and said, "YES," that my son DID have issues, and that I allegedly caused his speech problem.

Kids who have speech problems from severe trauma, just quit talking altogether. They become like Anna O, in Freuds observations, and this is extremely, extremely, rare.

My son didn't quit talking. He became unable to articulate what he needed to say, and this would point to something going wrong in his brain, not psyche. Even the doctor report, immediately prior to my departure for Canada, described my son as being normal, active, very well-cared for, bright, and happy. They described my son as being HAPPY and he was. He just couldn't speak, and I tried to get help for him and for myself, for what were obvious true seizure, and instead, Wenatchee, with ZERO evidence and a blatant REFUSAL to do any diagnostics for either one of us, to rule other things out, tried to create their own theories--a theory that MOST SUITED them when they knew I planned to sue them.

Any jury, any lawyer, and any doctor or judge, should know that before you go accusing parents of causing a child's illness or injury, diagnostics must be done to rule out actual medical trauma or damage. And in my case, the same is true. There was a very logical explanation for what I had been describing as "hits" and every symptom I named fit criteria for seizure.

But Wenatchee wouldn't know, because their medical system is half-assed and incompetent and they lost some of their privileges because of it. They should continue to lose privileges, for what has happened here. They didn't have neurologists, and even though the symptoms I described at ER were neurological, they didn't transfer me to another hospital that was licensed to deal with head issues, as they had been required to do. Any neurological problems, this hospital had been told, were to be referred out of the area to Spokane or Seattle, because this hospital does not have neurologists on staff to handle these things. This hospital, Central Washington Hospital, didn't even follow the directives of the state, as they had been ordered to do, and as a consequence, I was slandered and had my son taken from me when it COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED.

The state is also responsible, because they, for their part, had refused to reimburse me for mileage to go to Seattle for medical care, and told me I had to get care in Wenatchee. I had already told them I'd tried already, and it was impossible. Next, CPS became responsible, when they neglected to first offer "services" before removing my son, on the basis of their assumption and hysteria that I had a psychotic break or was, as they defamed me to Canada: "paranoid schitzophrenic". Now, they have bent over backwards, trying to force me into their own state's evaluations because they KNOW, if they are WRONG, they are guilty of defamation and it compounds the problematic issues they already have, with telling me I could legally leave the country if there was no protective order, and then running after me and having me thrown in jail and taking my son, because of their false and defamatory accusation I had a mental illness, a very serious one, that I do not and never did have.

Regardless of what the "trigger" was, what makes most logical sense, when you put the pieces together, is that if it is TRUE that I was having seizures, and it's clear this may very well have been the case AND if it's true I had computer and electrical problems which computer techs say can only be caused by sending out a "magnetic pulse", AND if my son was with me at all times, which he WAS, then it is most likely my son's speech problems, which began at the same time we began having benign fasciculations, are or were the result of seizures as well. Even if he wasn't having seizures like I was, he would still suffer consequences from that strong of a magnetic pulse, and any computer tech would testify to this. The only other differential, really, is whether my son had a hemmorhage or aneurysm which showed up later after his traumatic birth injury to his head, which was on his frontal lobe and is the same area that processes speech. If my son had anything like this happen, this would cause disturbances in processing speech he was comfortable with before.

What is true, from what I could gather by talking to my son over the phone, is that while he was slowly picking up words again, he still wasn't the same. He still shows evidence of being behind and having problems. He didn't get "better" because he was removed from me. He got better because either a hemmorhage began to heal, or he quit having brainwave problems from the same source or trigger that caused my seizures. My son was extremely advanced in speech and he is still not up to what his levels were before, which indicates damage and warrants an MRI. It has been completely irresponsible and a harm and caused delay to treatment for my son, for the state to hold him hostage in Wenatchee and force him to see only state doctors who are HMO state paid doctors who will go along with what their pals say and want.

The state has deliberately prevented my son from getting a second opinion and in doing so, has delayed treatment which could have been assessed and started months ago. They didn't even want me to be able to take my son to doctors in Seattle, but now, I think they're confident that any Washington state doctor will do, because they would know where my son is going and would slander me beforehand to prejudice my son's care.

My son has suffered and been denied reasonable care, because of Wenatchee doctors and the state.

At this point, they know this, and they have been pushing for my aunt to adopt my son, so my son is never in my guardianship again, and is never able to get an outside opinion which they are worried might prove them wrong. They do themselves and Wenatchee doctors a favor by pushing to have my son's bond broken with me, to set this up so he is adopted by my aunt, who they know will not sue anyone because it's "against their religion". I would like to see the state prove me wrong.

Do something, Wenatchee, to prove what I have just said, is completely wrong. Show me some good faith, on your part, after all of your lying. Because you will need to fall back on something if you are going through with your plans, to keep my son from me. You will need to be able to show a jury that my story doesn't line up. Right now, as it stands, my story lines up. I can prove dishonesty and negligence in following your own rules and protocol from the very start. This is not just deliberately conspiring with Wenatchee medical professionals to avoid lawsuits, this is discrimination against both me and my son for physical disabilities which YOU and Wenatchee refused diagnostics and treatment for.

Had you offered services first, medical services, you would not be in this position.
I even offered to be evaluated for being so-called "drug seeking" when I was not, and you refused to take my up on my offer. I also have proof that I offered to have you observe me and my son interacting together, which is the same thing you do now with "supervised visitation" and you refused.

Had you allowed me and my son to get outside diagnostics, my son and I would have had treatment for our injuries a long time ago and you would not be in this mess you're in.

I don't have to be able to prove "who did it" with regard to a "magnetic pulse". All I have to be able to do, according to the law, is provide another explanation for what was happening to me and what could have happened that affected and still affects, to some degree, my son's speech.

Whether my son had brain trauma from a hemmatoma and an aneurism or hemmorhage later, or whether his brain signals were mixed because of a magnetic pulse that would explain THREE DIFFERENT THINGS:

1. My report of computer and electronics problems,
2. A trigger for seizures,
3. A cause for disturbances and possibly, seizures in my son,
4. My loss of periods with the onset of health problems in me and my son, and continued damages,

You neglected to do the differential work first.

It is entirely possible there was a physical and medical explanation for these things, and it doesn't make sense that I was "neglecting" or traumatizing my son when plenty of witnesses saw us together, video clips show a happy child, and doctors reports indicate my son was enthusiastic and happy immediately before we went to Canada. My son was not withdrawn and choosing not to speak like an Anna O.

What I can also prove, is that I never had a chance, because lousy public defenders didn't do even preliminary homework, which is probably why they've neglected to send me a copy of their case file. What would it show? It would show they did NOTHING for my case and even failed to give the Judge a simple note from a Whatcom doctor stating I needed change of venue for inability to travel because of traumatic childbirth injuries.

I still haven't received a copy of my case file. I got the discovery from the state 1-2 months after they had decided a Fact Finding against me, when I had no discovery for which to even prepare a defense. And I was hung up on and not given notice I had to be "pro se" for the Contested Sheltercare which is what paved the way for Fact Finding.

What I can prove, is an absolute disregard for the rules.

As for WHO or what group would try to hack onto my computers and screw with electronics and harm me and my son, I don't have to know who it was. But I can certainly point a few different motives, and I have evidence that there were some powerful groups which were in danger of losing a lot, right before it happened. Those groups are the Abbey lawyers/Wenatchee medical professionals, and certain members of the FBI in Oregon and law enforcement that "knew my name from Oregon to Washington".

Go figure.

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