Wednesday, December 24, 2008

On Radiation, to Mother (Feb. 21, 2008)

I was on the wrong track. It was magnetic pulse, not radiation. I thought radiation because of my loss of hair and my hair not growing on my legs and loss of periods, but magnetic pulse accounts for that, when it's strong enough, and then seizures contribute to altering hormone production in the brain. But several of these emails are about radiation:‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 2/21/08 6:35 PM
Mom, look at this link about measuring radiation in nails. It's in teeth and nails, but I think you have to do it as soon as possible after the fact. Already, it's been almost a month since I left the source and quit having the pain. I need to have you do some homework on who will test and how to contact them. If you can come up with contact info, I'll call them on this phone long distance. I need help from you with this and some court appointed attorney isn't going to go for this. Somehow we have to find an expert who can advise on this matter.


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