Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pamela from CPS Gets Nervous (Feb. 21, 2008)

Don't Let THem Play You‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 2/21/08 11:25 AM
I sent it, but it should have been 23 pages and not just 22. One didn't go through. Let me know which one it is and I'll send that one too.

If you and Dad call this other guy and agree to pay a retainer, he will start working on it and can petition the court for a hearing to have Oliver back with me at any time, before the nexst hearing in ONE MONTH. If I don't have a laywer, I have to wait one whole month just to go before the court and nothing can be modified about the restraining order or even having him back. A private lawyer will work fast, much quicker than anyone else.

I need to get the testing done for the nails. Tell Holly to let Oliver's toenails grow out and then to save the clippings. She will think it's nuts, but as totally crazy as this sounds, I KNOW this is what was happening. I need to get that testing done as soon as possible because if for any reason it came back positive, it will be the quickest way to resolve this entire matter. In the meantime, I need a lawyer to back me up and fight them.

Pamela, I could tell, was extremely nervous and didn't want me to get a private lawyer. She kept saying to come back to Wenatchee, and get court appointed lawyer, and to "cooperate"...AND she even went so far as to say I shouldn't get a private lawyer. She KNOWS what it could mean mom. SHe knows the system as well as I do and knows the public defenders in Wenatchee will just back her up. Like you said, they have, technically, a "fiduciary responsibility" but, like I said, my own defense laywers threatened me and told me to plead guilty without doing ANY work on my case. they get away with it all the time. When Pamela says "work with us" it means "cooperate" so they can prove their case, that I'm an unfit mother. Rmeember mom, they're saying I have schitzophrenia and yet she was lying to you and Dad saying mental illness wouldn't keep a child from the mother's care with proper medication. She flat out lied. LIke I said, depression and anxiety are one thing, but schitzophrenia is totally different. I will lose Oliver forever if they diagnose me as schitzophrenic. The private lawyer in Blaine doesn't think I'm mentally ill. He thinks I'm a mentally sane person who simply says "crazy sounding things" and people assume I'm ill.

Pamela knows they don't have evidence to keep Oliver from me, and that a private lawyer could straighten this out. CPS doesn't want to be questioned or held accountable for the extreme measure they took.

The only way I will get Oliver back, and the fastest way, is by private representation and I need to hire a lawyer NOW.

I swear to GOD, and to you, I will be motivated for the rest of my LIFE to pay you back. Oliver is everything to me and I would give everything for him. Which means I would work off a loan gladly and be motivated to do it. You could even put interest into the loan and I'll sign it.

Mom, we have to catch them by surprise and the only way to turn the boat around, after they've even manipulated you and Dad and thought you were in their pocket and used your statements against me, is to hire a private attorney.

Anyway, I really do need to go to a doctor for sleeping pills today. If you can say you'll help with money for that, I'd appreciate it. Not only that, if CPS is found to have improperly removed Oliver from my care without evidence, or if a private lawyer finds a loophole they missed, they may be responsible for my emotional distress and damages. Not that I'd sue them, but some lawyers would offer to, if it's bad enough.

Let me know which page you're missing.


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