Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Promise, Pamela, & CPS Mental Health (Feb. 20, 2008)

Mental Health Evaluation by CPS--read to DAd‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 2/20/08 2:43 PM
You PROMISED to pay for a lawyer if someone tried to take Oliver away.

Dad made me a promise, and made it more than once.

I even have email from you about how you wouldn't help BEFORE they took him away, but that if they ever DID, you would pay for a lawyer.

Now you're changing your story AGAIN.

You think CPS will just let me have Oliver back if I do their mental health evaluation, and yet the private lawyers I've talked to HAVE ALL said that if they pin you with a diagnosis of schitzophrenia, you will lose your kid.

Pamela lied to you and sweettalked you and wanted to try to reassure you she was on your side, just like she did with me, telling me she agreed all the accusations were "political". But once they have a mental health diagnosis, then they have CAUSE to have him removed from the home and I will always, for the rest of my life, be under pressure and questioned, even if by slight chance I keep him. Some mental illnesses are not a problem for keeping kids--like, depression, anxiety, etc. But what they don't tell you and don't want you to know is that schitzophrenia is a big no-no with kids. No one will hire someone with schitzophrenia to work with kids, or to even care for their own kids. It's too unpredictable and if someone is "paranoid" and makes weird choices, they DO put their kids at risk. AND, the best specialists will tell you, there is no proven medication effective for's the most difficult disorder to treat. I would be monitored for the rest of my life.

You think CPS wants to help and do ME a big favor, and YOU and that they actually care about your daughter, but they don't. I'm an adult, and they don't care if I"m wandering crazy in the streets--all they care about is Oliver. This Wenatchee CPS has been accused in the past of "baby-selling" and finding kids for their friends and locals to adopt. Adoptions are in high demand and Oliver isn't even old enough to protest. He is HIGHLY adoptable at this point.

Having an evaluation paid by CPS and the state is NOT okay. Like I said, they want you on their side, to go along with them and what they want. And the minute they get someone to write up a diagnosis, they have "evidence" against me, and can claim I neglected him and it's PROBABLE that I neglected him, because "she has schitzophrenia".

You need to back me up for ONCE.

There is nothing more important than this and I am ASKING for your help financially. I am trying to help you open your eyes and understand this is far more serious than you even think and that it's all downhill from here unless I have a paid private lawyer fighting this.

At this point, "cooperating" is the worst possible thing you could do. WE have to fight it. I'll have the mental health evaluation. By only by a private lawyer.

Please read this to Dad and remind him of his promises to me.

Like I said, I could sign something promising to pay you back. I've never signed anything before, and it's binding. So just have me sign something.

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