Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Safety In Wenatchee (Feb. 26, 2008)

RE: Need Discovery and Visitation; Conditions‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 2/26/08 1:59 PM
To: Caballero, Tomas (ATG) (

I appreciate it, but at this point, I'm talking to lawyers in Seattle who specialize in complicated cases. If I have to move it to Seattle/King County and live there instead, that's what I'll do. I'm not having this in Wenatchee. Not only that, I do not believe I am safe in Wenatchee as I have documentation of harassment/stalking, multiple car vandalisms, and other things, including police officers advising me to move out of town or state and to go into hiding and change my name.

I don't even feel comfortable going into Wenatchee for visitation but I'm doing it for my son.

I have legitimate concerns for my and my son's safety in Wenatchee. We have sworn statements from witnesses to the fact I've been harassed.

> Subject: RE: Need Discovery and Visitation; Conditions
> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:58:58 -0800
> From: TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV
> To:
> CC:
> There are several local experienced attorneys that are not public
> indigent defense attorneys that I can give you their names if you are
> interested. Regards, Tom

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