Saturday, January 30, 2010

Introduction To Remote Viewing & Mind Control 3rd gen. guy who worked for the CIA and then when he decided to talk they tried to discredit him as "paranoid schitzophrenic". This post is a work in progress: I have to edit and sort out the remote viewing clips from the mind control bc they're related but also totally different. The other day, within the last few days, I got an impression of the phrase: "Third generation psychic spy" but I didn't know who it was referring to or who was supposed to have said it.

Fox news clip about this guy, and about the psychic program with CIA and its whereabouts now.

This is a good introductory clip which helps to explain what remote viewing is or the history. I've found some to be even more interesting or shocking, but this is a general overview.

Okay class, but let's imagine this experiment with machines and connecting to the machines, just imagine some welfare mother tells people she's able to do this herself. Even I think the machine thing sounds weird, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. But wouldn't someone who claims to affect machines sound completely paranoid schitzophrenic?

I found many clips about this phenomenon, of psi, so doubters and skeptics, be prepared to open your minds, and if you think this doesn't happen or isn't possible or isn't being used by most country's, you're wrong. I will add some footage from the Russian psychic too.
Here is a clip about Joe McMoneagle, being candid about the stigmatism of psychic powers and yet how he still gets government clearance. A lot of people don't want to admit to even believing in psychic phenomena because they're worried they'll be called nuts:
Here's a short experiment where he tries to guide the man to go with the first impression and see what's there:
Here's another very simple tutorial on acheiving the state of mind needed to try to gather impressions. She looks very psychedelic and not as professional, but what she's saying is right, and people come in all forms, and the gift or ability is the same no matter whether you are conservative and wear a suit or are a hippie. From what I've read, this ability tends to be strongest in some of the types you'd never expect, but they keep it hidden out of fear for their careers or being called nuts:
Now, here is some of the more shocking stuff. Footage about experiments from the government in mind control. This one is more tame. I have to find the one I saw the other day because that one is very shocking, it was even for me: This one is by National Geographic and talks about mind control experiments, but old ones.

Here is a clip but I don't like how it's split screen througout--more distracting, but the information is accurate:

What most Americans do not realize, is that these same kinds of experiments are happening today, and they are given access to perform this kind of research without consent because of a clause in law that allows for such experiments during "times of war" without requiring any consent from the participant. This includes regular civilians, although military is usually targeted first, and it does not have to appear that there is any kind of formal structure--one doesn't have to be in a lab to be under observation or the target of an experiment.

I'd like to find this one clip I saw the other day, which was very good, but I'm still looking for it. After I find it, I'll go back to posting more information about remote viewing and psychic abilities.

All of this is considered to be mind science and inter-related.

I can't find it. It was really good and had much more detail about the kinds of mind control experiments which were done and still done. I have to find it, because it will open up a lot of minds! I was even surprised.
So who wants to take me out to dinner?
Oh! Here it is! It's on the Russian experiments but then the U.S. also conducted these experiments. It speaks about both Russian and American experiments and weapons used for actual mind control. I found this clip to be extremely informative and the sense that it leads one to want to know more and it also speaks about modern experiments. If they were doing this stuff and had these techniques in the 60s, imagine what they have now. It talks about conferences even in 1993. So this is still being used and is in development even now:

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