Monday, March 2, 2009

On Not Taking Sides

I realized what my, sort of, "philosophy" is regarding countries and this country, the U.S.

It's not that big of a deal. But yesterday, after catching an acquaintance in a complicated lie, I said, after telling them how I discovered this--"THAT'S why SOME people want me to be an ESPIE!" putooey, because then I spat on the floor. Okay, I didn't spit. But I thought about it today and realized, no, it's more of an ability to put 2 and 2 together and find matches for the truth and mismatches when someone is lying. It's that logical puzzle thing, where one finds A and B but C left at 3 so where are the others now and who is lying about being behind door number 5.

I also thought about certain groups who are at odds with eachother and how aligning oneself with one group might cause others to think you share the same ideology or philosophies or whatever.

For one thing, I've had problems with a certain group that has been, predominantly, Catholic. But my last 3 boyfriends were all Catholic, and I'm marrying a Catholic. I wasn't joking when I said I do not have something against everyone who is Catholic, but the thing is, if there's a commonality, no matter WHAT that commonality is, religion, special hobby, the Lion's club...whatever it is, you have to take a closer look at that and wonder why.

Not that this has been the only thing holding certain groups together which have harmed me and my son.

Now that I'm coming back to this post, I feel I've lost my momentum and train of thought exactly. I thought I knew what I was saying and now I'm lost in thought about other things.

I think what I was trying to say, is that I feel neutral regarding all of the countries whose diplomats and people I've met. I don't know, because for example, I've met a lot of people from different countries which are enemies of one another, but I haven't and don't take sides.

I don't think any person or country, should be unfairly defamed or characterized, because this has happened to me, and I understand how this is damaging and unfair. So when I defend Iran from being castigated as having the "first biological weapons" at a time when animosity or concern about Iran is going around, it is not to say I am then against the U.S. or Israel or I don't know what I'm saying. Maybe it's unimportant that I say it at all, but I think about this sometimes when I'm meeting different people and making friends and I think, I want anyone and everyone to feel comfortable with me and basically, not think I take sides.

Which is not to say I don't have strong opinions about certain things, but in general, I think I'm fair-minded.

I really cannot remember what my point was, for this post. At the time, it seemed profound, and now I add to it and think I'm stating the obvious. So anyway, this is the end of this post until I come up with a better idea.

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