Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rinaldi On My Fetus & Framed By FBI

I don't like some of the things that have been happening lately.

I decided to break off my engagement and have all this crazy shit going on with federal law enforcement which is probably, if I had to guess, FBI.

Here is this guy trying to do a sting on me to put me in jail, and then offering a house in Penn. the next minute. I only know of one person who might be in Penn. and that's someone I realized I was in love with, late. Not only that, "discovered" late.

I feel I've been tricked one too many times though. I have a fucking federally monitored computer, given to me by some federal guy, who has control of the network admin. functions, and I type away on it happily, as if I don't even care--meanwhile, my sentiments, emotions, and everything are being documented. This is not paranoia, it's the truth.

So I find out about someone's connection to probably the FBI or at least the Catholic church and realize who it just may be. I could be mistaken, but I don't think so.

Right after I "cave" in and decide to try to forgive him, after months of ignoring me, Rinaldi calls me about what to do with my baby, my fetus. This, after he acted anxious over the idea that I might want to preserve the baby to do DNA testing to prove who the father is, so I'm able to cover my costs for all the medical problems I've had.

If anyone from the FBI or federal government was trying to HELP me and not harm me, they would have come forward and talked to me about it, and about my cooperation with them. Instead, they just come up with one attempt after the other, to get me with something.

Sometimes, I would hold off in what I was about to write, out of the hope that someone was trying to help me but if there was any investigation at all, in my favor, someone would have come to me and told me what their plans were.

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