Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Solution to Cee Cee Allaway from Americans with Disabilities

I've already posted the nonsense response to my complaint, sent by Cee Cee Allaway. And I've written what I think is happening to the U.S. Here is my solution. You have a problem and need a solution? Well here is the solution:

1. First of all, you don't hire people like Cee Cee to handle the INTAKE and processing of complaints.

The problem may be that Cee Cee is NOT a lawyer. If that's the case, then you simply remove the non-lawyers from the intake department. If Ce Ce IS a lawyer, that's a whole different problem.

I find it difficult to believe an actual attorney, who passed the logics and other portions of the LSATs, and who graduated from law school, would miss the jurisdiction issue. A real lawyer would know exactly what is up, and they would know the complaint jurisdiction is not based on what kind of empoloyee made the violations, but one what kind of LAW was violated.

There are city, state, and federal laws. One does not prosecute for federal law violations in a district court for a city. There may be some kind of crossover, sometimes, but it follows, in my case, that the appropriate governing body is the ADA. The laws which were violated were ADA laws, not city laws.

What I really want to know, is whether or not Cee Cee Allaway is a lawyer or not. If she is NOT an attorney, she should be removed until she passes the fucking Bar. If she IS an attorney, she should be FIRED for attempting to pass off a complaint which she SHOULD know is within the ADA jurisdiction.

Only attorneys should be receiving complaints and developing opinions regarding jurisdiction, merit, and other qualifiers. If you get an attorney who is caught making judgements like the one she made regarding my complaint, you do NOT retain this person for employment, if you want the agency to retain credibility. If the objective of the agency is to collude with other government agencies or employers/employees, this is not going to square well with the public. Because, for one thing, some of the "people" have more common sense and can see through disclaimers like Cee Cee's. Then there are the others, for which the rest of us thank for the elections of all the idiots--the "people" who are not in possession of their wits when faced with someone who looks good, speaks well, and may be connected, but who is absolutely out of their logics league.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your blog comments on Cee Cee the rubber reject stamp ADA offical. Here is a letter rejecting employment discrimination and my complaint had nothing to to with an employment issue. I will follow with a letter to Barack Obama to let him know how much we appreciate rubber stamps in Washington "It time to change the stamp"

GregO atached link to rediculus rejection letter by Cee Cee Allway or I call Cee Cee WrongWay!

Unknown said...

The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States of America

Thank you for the opportunity to address the highest level of government via your web site for positive change in Washington. Few Americans have problems that require a letter to the president to straighten out an issue, especially if the issue already has a process and function in place to handle such concerns such as disability discrimination and retaliation in higher education.

Unfortunately, after two years of writing reports to the Justice Department at the request of the Justice Department, I just received what is known in disable student circles as a ‘Cee Cee Rubber Stamp” letter that states “The circumstances you describe do not raise an issue that we are able to address,” signed Cee Cee Allaway, Director, Complaint Intake & Adjudication. My concerns list in details, the systematic discrimination that exist today on American Campuses that played a major role in the shooting at Virginia Tech, on one of your campus, Illinois University in April 2008, and a library in my own Home town of San Antonio Texas less than six months ago!

Senator John Cornyn is monitoring this case because I made a commitment to his office, “If this case is investigated thoroughly it will help all Texas Disabled students.” I also made a comment to the Dallas Office of Civil Rights that I would cooperate fully with the investigation that is now in process for over two years and is a major campus safety concern. The Dallas Field Office of Civil Rights can not perform their duties if Cee Cee rubber stamps and rejects valid complaints from students and also in this case disabled student parents of students that attend Texas Campuses- We have a valid interest in this case regardless of the fact that we are both disabled.

Lastly, at the request of the Justice Department, I have submitted 100rds of pages of testimony that is still under investigation by the Dallas Field Office. Today, I receive a letter from Cee Cee Allaway that does not state which of the 27 separate grievances of discrimination, retaliation, and harassment now under investigation by the Dallas Field Office that Cee Cee is rejecting. Please have your staff look into the bogus investigations by the Justice Department over the last eight years during the Bush Administration. Due process can not work with a Justice Department that cheats to its own agenda.

Thank you

Gregory O’Dell and Family and on behalf of disabled students of higher education