Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Email copy to CPS Erickson re. Ignoring Request

Ignoring My Attempt to Comply with "Services"‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 3/10/09 12:56 PM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (ermi300@dshs.wa.gov); holly (hollybeanpole@aol.com); mom dad (dicksiedael@aol.com)


I am waiting to hear from you and at least get a phone call back about doing the UA. I wrote to you and told you I
wanted to do the UA. I haven't heard from you. I let you
know I had no address to provide you with, but you have my phone number and any agency could call me for testing
for drug use.

I have not heard from you for a couple of weeks, once again, after making a good faith attempt to comply with their "services".

I have had several medical and physical problems which have prevented me from being pro se, in any fashion, and I will be filing for an extension of everything.

While I will be filing for an extension, I am also making plans to return to WA asap, to see my son, however, I am diagnosed with herniated discs which I've been told must be treated immediately and I am not in a position to go back to WA where I was refused diagnostics for this and mocked by the state, who claimed I had no physical problems. The problem has worsened and I am instructed by medical professionals to see a specialist immediately for correction or treatment of the problem.

In the meantime, I told you I would do the UA testing and you have not made any response.


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