I went to the door to ask my Mom about something and noticed for the first time, she has an extremely noticeable scar from a very deep and wide cut to the palm of her hand.
It's thickened and white and raised, and it is her left hand.
I said, "Mom! what is THAT?!" and opened her palm to look and she said, "Quit looking for things that don't exist."
It's right there.
She had a scar on her cheek being removed by someone and then just today I saw this deep and very bad scar to the palm of her hand. It is like she was attacked by someone with knives.
No one in the U.S. would be claiming it never happened, if they were not concealing evidence of torture of my mother by a U.S. employee or Katie Middleton or someone who knows her. It was possibly Lorraine Roses family contacts. They know the Middletons and she has a British accent that the dog would be scared of, however, it's more Katie's accent, not Lorraines. Lorraine doesn't even have that harsh of an accent anymore.
My Mom said, right before I noticed her hand, "What foundation do you have on right now?" and she said, "It looks pretty good" and I said, "Pure Beige" and added, "and then I have the rose powder over it". I had been looking at foundations from Estee Lauder with my Mom and took a sample of Ecru, Sand, and Pure Beige. She thought the Sand one looked best there but today I wore the pure beige. When I said it was "Pure Beige" she then said, "turn your head so I can see" and looked at my cheek and neck, which is what I do when I'm looking at the scar on my Mom's face.
Then I said I wanted to see her arm color so I looked at for once, I was yellowish or more yellow undertones and my mother was pinker undertones and I said, "That's really weird. Usually you're more yellow and I have the pinker undertones." I started to wonder if I'm looking more yellow bc of U.S. torture and things that cause internal bleeding or might make me look more jaundiced than usual. And then my Mom said she was more tanned but the thing is, she is always a more golden undertone than me. I was shocked by this when I noticed her hand. A very deep and dramatic cut across the palm of her left hand.
The other Dicksie doesn't have one like that.
Also, my Dad (one of the Bob's) tried to indicate to me again that he was a twin, not a triplet but a twin. Today it was a different Bob than the one from yesterday.
The only way the U.S. is convincing people that I am "delusional" or that there is no crime by them, is to switch the Bob and Dicksies, who are identical twins, in and out with eachother. So as soon as I say my mother has a scar on her palm, and the U.S. knows someone is going out to inspect or see for themselves, a journalist or maybe one good person, they switch the one with the cut out for the one that doesn't have a deep scar. Then someone probably shows up, and sees there is no scar at all, whatsoever, and they think, "Cameo is literally seeing things that aren't even there. She MUST be delusional." And then if my parents try to say anything, they get tortured worse later.
I know it's Kate Middleton because of how many times my Mom indicated it was.
I also know she made a big thing about palm tree oil and not wanting me to get things with palm tree, and I had no idea why, I just noticed it seemed to make her expression depress a little or looked pained, so I was buying things with canola oil instead and always avoiding palm just because the mention of it bothered my Mom so much.
Katie's the one with the palm tree ideas and people who support her. Which proves the U.S. has been supporting her and is willing to have me sound mentally ill and my parents sound crazy, and to intimidate others, just to keep crimes committed over her and people she's with a secret. It's an extremely deep cut and there is no way someone wouldn't go to a hospital over it so if she didn't, it was because the U.S. had her jailed up somewhere as a hostage.
Also, someone has been forcing my mother to do her hair in a blond shade that's not her shade or what she actually likes. In Sherwood she was doing her hair close to her natural color or what complements her skin, and then one day it was like someone told her to do it ugly and cheap looking. She doesn't look that bad, but it was a switch. My mother's photos, all of these photos of her beautiful, beautiful, hair are gone. She had hair that was silky straight, thick around as a 2 lb sack of flour, past her waist, and platinum blond when I was a young girl. There were photos of it for my 6th birthday. All of this changed after that, sometime in 1982. My life changed and all kinds of things changed and the only thing that happened that I see any connectors to is Edward Howard being accused of being a spy in 1982, and Katie Middleton being born.
I held up some of my hair against my Mom's today and said it looked like the same color and mine is strawberry blond and hers is blond but she's been having to make it rustic, and warmer, sort of more brassy than it actually ever was. I was going to do a neutral henna for shine and decided not to, thinking if I do my hair I might go with an ash color that was closer to the strawberry blond hair that is more cool toned at the base of my neck. Also, my ash-blond patch at the back of my neck is not as ash blond and cool toned or light as it's been my entire life so this must be something that was added to a shampoo I used, because it should change the color of my entire shaft of hair once it's grown from my head unless it travels through the hair core or something, but I can't explain why my skin is suddenly more yellowish than it ever was my entire life.
I have blood tests scheduled for hemophilia and unless someone was wanting to tamper with that, there should be no difference. Also, someone put an orange substance into an experiment I had going in my kitchen and they dumped most of the water out of it and then someone added a bunch of orange rust to a bucket on my porch. I noticed when we were in Coos Bay recently, my mother looking not very happy when all these people decided to drive out with orange cars. I never saw so many orange colored cars and trucks on the road in my life, and the fact they did this the same day my skin was turning unnaturally yellow-orange and my patch of hair in the back got colored, and then finding an orange water in my experiment, basically means a lot of people are getting fed information on this family while this family gets tortured, raped, and cut.
Anyway, this is the natural reason why I ended up seeing this scar on my Mom's hand--because I had just been looking at skin color and hair colors today.
How long did the U.S. hold one of the twins hostage while they tortured the other ones?
Not only that, it seems to me that I have a twin myself. If I don't, I don't know how it was possible for the U.S. and Canada to torture me all the time. it's possible it's just me, but if so, everything was covered up.
On my x-ray for my right knee, there is a Y shaped wire that goes to the side and it has two nodules on either end. Basically, if you want to know how it looks, it's imitated on the KDR sperm donor site where it says, after you register, you can click on this icon and "share information with others"..it's designed the same identical way this wire is placed in my leg.
So why would the website or software designer for KDR have enough knowledge to think it's cool to create a "share info" icon that matches the wire and microchips in my knee, but the FBI thought it was funny to keep my life endangered and to try to kill me while they gave everyone else the information about me, including Kate Middleton?
Then think about Nancy Kerrigan at the Olympics, getting whacked in the knee by Tanya Harding and screaming all the time "WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!"
I had a Y going sideways in one knee and probably a Y going the opposite way in the other knee, because the doctor mentioned something in 1995, and it's like ---<o and o>---- except with the dots on both ends of the < and > and this is what the FBI was assaulting me over clearly.
This country took me hostage and drugged me with Haldol to prevent me from discovering what was inside of my knee, and proving the United States is FULL OF SHIT and frankly, sucks KMs breasts. All they cared about was MORE milk from Katie.
This country tortured me, and my son, and then added crap to my body that they were then literally trying to "blow up" while I am alive, to get rid of evidence, since they failed to kill me by assassinating me with premeditated vehicular homicides.
I fell on my knee and needed an x-ray, and that thought was so frightening to the U.S. government, they refused to even physically examine my knee at all, and surrounded me with 5-6 men all at once and held me hostage. I was then driven to a remote location of a psychic ward as the excuse for holding me hostage and they drugged me so badly they hoped I would never recover, and I do not and have not felt the same way ever since.
THIS is what the United States is guilty of, and worse.
They GAVE Katie Middleton that information and knew she was even trying to boast about it and rub it in with her wedding designs and her prior runway idea so they did this to me.
The other thing on that x-ray, next to the Y wire shaped thing with 2 electrodes of some kind on both ends of it, is a curly line, 2 of them, with one of them shorter than the other one, on the right side, exactly like Katie had her hair done with 2 curly ribbons, one shorter than the other, on the right side of her head.
If I was talking about her and her family then, and had had an x-ray done and put it up for the world to see, there would have been some "problems".
Underneath the Y with the two electrodes or microchips that then have another center in them (2 layers) and the 2 uneven squiggly lines next to it, lower down further to the left is round hole shaped thing that I said looks like a bullet hole but I don't mean like I really think a bullet went through my knee..it's as clean around as one and it's not a normal part of bone.
When I picked up my x-rays, everyone was quiet. No one who had been talking, kept talking. They all just stared at me the entire time as I walked through the building and then out and then it was just staring as I walked home and looks of "Damn. Game Over."
Katie is really nice, isn't she. She MUST BE.
The U.S. had me bugged and wired and then they just went after me and decided to blow up parts as they wanted and add a few to compete with for another group. Like the one added to a dental filling which someone felt was important to blow out before Kate Middleton decided to become pregnant publicly. Why? Oh I don't know. Maybe because it would lead back to her and someone would decide to murder her kid, realizing she isn't what she seems to be. Why else wait like that to get pregnant? She wanted to maybe be sure she wasn't going to prison first and leaving the royals with a prison baby. Or maybe she felt it was dangerous to have a baby publicly when that implant could be traced back to her and people in the U.S. and connect them to me and people would realize what a horrible person she and her friends and supporters are. Maybe then they'd believe me when I said Kate Middleton tortured my son Oliver/was involved in torture of Oliver.
The other thing I was told was done to me, was the U.S. put a metal stent near my heart and sternum, in a Y or fork shape in Maryland during my D&C, and I guess a stent is inserted through the groin, and this is when they did it. I was never tortured to my heart until they did this to me, and right after it was done, then Alvaro Pardo wanted to bolt. He smirked over at the doctor many times, like they shared a secret, and he looked paranoid all of a sudden, around me.
After Katie got pregnant, someone even decided to change the design of bobby pins from straight sort of curved lines and little rubber knobbies on the ends to Y shaped ones, like the one in my knee.
Before that, someone decided to call headphones, "ear buds". So you have a Y shaped wire with "buds" attached to the ends. I remember when someone first told me to get a pair and smirked.
Think about it.
Think about the disadvantage I've been at, in this country, my entire life.
My son is going to be returned to my custody and the U.S. is going to pay HUGE for what they've done and so will the UK and Canada. Like anyone trusts Katie in England who is actually English.
She's a CIA brat who had a Dicksie and Bob tailing after her to hold up her skirt while Carol wiped her ass.
I want to know if she has any of my dolls that were given to me and then "disappeared". I am sure she probably ended up with that cabbage patch doll and I'd like to know where my porcelain doll is because I am the owner. I remember seeing Katie with a straw hat on like the one on the doll about the time she got engaged and thought about why I had not seen my doll for some time, even at my Mom's house.
One of the Dicksies had been upset it went to me and not to her so I said she could hold onto it for me until I asked for it back. If one of the Dicksies has something to do with the bitch Kate, I'll know why.
What would make sense is if my Dad was Kate Middleton's sperm donor (one of the Bobs) or one of the Dicksies was an egg for her. Then it would make sense. Otherwise, it's like people just stole from me and oppressed me and forced my parents to do it over her regardless of how I felt. Obviously, with scars like that on my Mom, she's been tortured into something and into lying and the U.S. isn't admitting it so the U.S. is definitely involved.
I will go back to the post about what efforts the U.S. made to try to blackmail me, which is how they have attempted to control my family if they can't get someone to work for them, marry in with them, or can't kill them off or make them sound crazy enough. The main reason the U.S. tortures me is not for "research" but out of hatred, and also because my complaints about it, for the general public, make me sound nuts and give "government professionals" something to latch onto and the lawyers and attorneys get intimidated hearing about what is done to me, the very few who are around that do anything decent anymore. 90% of them work for the government and big business that controls the government, so your justice system is corrupt because it's not a democracy--it's a military state run by an oligarchy or plutocracy.
I never signed up for any of it. Ever. The U.S. used torture to kidnap my son, and people they had already blackmail and who would profit.
This country is so damned it's beyond recovery. Don't pretend it's not true because even Obama and his wife agreed with the pastor who said God Damn America. They left the church for political reasons, not because they disagreed.
The U.S. is cursed.
Once, it was blessed. Now, it is cursed, and anyone who doesn't notice has blinders on.
The entire department of Infant and Children Services in Washington D.C. is cursed. The people who work for them and for CPS who have trafficked kids for the military and CIA are cursed.
The U.S. is exploiting, abusing, using, and torturing my son for the U.S. government and they've been doing this since they started torturing us. Their plan was to "kidnap" him the easier way, by having me agree to allow someone else to adopt him or to lie and say I was a drug user and take him from me at the hospital.
The minute the U.S. started stealing innocent children and tortured them, for any reason, was the day they lost their blessing and began accruing a curse. That curse is going to overflow.
I think part of the hope for the U.S. has been that I kill myself since they didn't end up with my being killed "accidentally". This is the only reason they tortured me as badly as they did, aside from keeping me from appealing my lawsuits in 2005, that the FBI forced me to lose. Then they tried to have me tortured so badly, I ended up in the hospital for an excuse to steal my son from me, or to drive me to Canada where they thought I might go if they tortured me enough. Prior to this, they made sure I drank sometimes first. I am sure this country has successfully tried to have people kill themselves or become ineffective through alcoholism that isn't even for alcohol and is the only legal thing someone has on hand to deaden pain. I never drank though, except on occasion, and the only occasions I was coerced to go out with someone, where I thought I had a safe system, and went with a woman and with the "buddy" idea, or believing a coworker or FBI or government employee was safe, I was set up to be raped.
Being raped twice and having the FBI and Portland police contribute to their escape, and bribing each other to conceal the rapists, was motive enough to have them want to find more of their employees to rape me but make it look like I was just easy or a one-night stand. They had a motive to find any excuse they could, and since I didn't sleep around, and would be believed, they kept raping me and they even got women involved to help them set it up.
I had a right to go out and drink and dance with other women and not have to worry about being raped by a man or dumped by someone to be vulnerable, or introduced to someone a woman already knew, who had these plans.
I just watched Brandon Mayfield and his wife and for all of their talk and an FBI apology to them and 2 million, it sounds to me like they have always been working for the government and finally got their paycheck for backpay. What they were saying, on the John Stossel show, sounds good, and I believe them about what happened, but the FBI is too corrupt to issue apologies and 2 million. They would do something like that for one reason: they were already working for the U.S. government undercover and since there was a show of abuse at one point, they finally got paid for their work.
I don't believe anything about the FBI. I know them to have been fully and completely corrupt to the core. They never pay the real victims, not even when they are caught. They would never pay the Mayfields unless they were already working for them or for another government agency that handed off the money to the FBI as they FBI sent it out. That's how the FBI launders money.
I have been tortured all day and most of yesterday and the FBI knows about it. What apology or money do I have? None. Why? Because I never worked for them.
Had I married their employee, they would have paid me, or tried to entrap me through him again. The FBI sat on evidence for decades, about me, and knew about it, and then engaged their agents in on me. They never told me what I needed to know to be aware of why I was being assaulted by this government's Pentagon, and NASA. They just tortured me and knew about it, and allowed their own FBI agents to collect information about me to use against me in my own lawsuits in Portland while the FBI lied and had undercover FBI agents as lawyers working against me on those cases.
They gave kids I went to high school with, information about me, to use against me to make me vulnerable and cause me to be distressed and in a state of shock, the same way they used against me and had plans for when I was a baby and toddler and assaulted. Not only did they have motive to cover for assassination attempts and then for rapes and to make me sound like a loser so they could get away with their lawsuits and have me ousted, they used re-traumatizing me for purposes of cornering me into working for them.
All of them will burn in hell.
If they couldn't kill me, or get me to kill myself, then just kept me in a state of disorganization so I couldn't get the FOIA I asked for. When was I tortured every single day? Right after I asked for FOIA from the FBI about my personal file, which would have contained information about 1977 and had me wonder why there was a record about me from 1977.
The U.S. tortured me and then wanted the public to think I was nuts and get ahead enough on trying to make me sound nuts and like a criminal, so the FBI just flagrantly and criminally refused to process my FOIA requests, which were all in writing and sent to them. By law, they can claim there is no information, but they cannot ignore written requests. That is what they did.
The only reason to ignore me and commit crimes of destruction of my file and record and obstruction of justice on a filed written request for FOIA was for themselves and the rest of the federal and state agencies who wanted my life to be in danger. If they couldn't kill me, maybe they could incite some other group to do it. Meanwhile, they left me nothing to arm myself with, not even my record, to prove to a lawyer that I was not crazy and that I have been a hostage in this country my entire life.
My mother has major scars from deep cuts and so does my Dad and if she's claiming it doesn't exist, and the U.S. is making this claim, the U.S. is obviously involved.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Magazines Hint At Katie Middletons Interference With My Family
I got a bunch of nature magazines and was actually shocked to find they were not just nice magazines with interesting articles, but many made specific jabs about me and my family and it wasn't hard to miss.
For example, one from the Humane Society in April 2013, features a woman named Katie who named her new parrot "Squirelly", a parrot she got after another one died in 2006. Squirelly was one of the main nicknames I had as a kid. So her entire article goes on to say she loves birds and rescues captive ones and she's not crazy, she just ends up with feathers in her hair from her bird Squirelly. Next to this, on the opposite page, is a parrot flying out and the title is "grounded for life".
I mean, were the Middletons seriously involved in reasons for my being grounded for months at a time as a kid, forced out of the house, and with my homework stolen ever since she was born?
There is way more than that in these magazines. It touches on malice and hatred, one after another, and there are some great things in the magazines and photos and I like them, but it's really odd to find people "tee hee" laughing at what they imagine their inside joke will do to the people they know have an insider file on my family.
This "Katie" is the editor of the Human Society magazine. Checking into "bird lady's" bio might shed light on where she got her ideas for her article entitled: "My bird-shaped heart". It has a nice little Y design next to it.
This is one of many very bad articles and reveals that I found.
Not only that, my x-ray of my right knee sort of matches Katie's runway sweater and hair design. So I thought, why would that be possible because it's the first time I had an x-ray of that knee, to my knowledge--however a physical therapy place in Portland, Oregon saw me after a car accident and took full body x-rays, of my entire body. It was the chiropractor's offices next to PCC and then they had professional Swedish masseuse guys, who said they were Swedish but I had thought Eastern Europe.
At any rate, someone would have had to give her access to my medical records through them, if she was at all referencing my knee injury and an odd mark on the x-ray, with a Y and conspicuous marks.
Not only that, someone must have known something was unusual about that knee in 1993 even, because after one of my knees was blown out and I had to go to OHSU, the doctor asked my mom if I was going to have the surgery or not and she said no and while in person, he had suggested, staring hard at her and smirking, "We could always take an x-ray of the other knee too because it is likely the other one is the same way." She looked uncomfortable and I never forgot his expression or what he said and how he was leaning over when he said it, because he made it sound like he could reveal a big secret. He possibly used exposing what was there in my other knee as a form of intimidation to discourage my having my knee fixed in a surgery when I was a professional runner. I was running 10 miles every day and only sometimes taking a 1 day rest. I ran twice--in cross country practice and then on my own at home. So they ruined my future in that. I had always wondered why his suggestion about this made my Mom uncomfortable and why he seemed so eager and delighted, sort of gleeful to hint about looking it up. No x-ray was taken then until the chiropractor's offices with their "Russian" (?) massage men who were possibly Swedish (they said they were) and the people there. The doctors there started acted bizarre around me too. They went from treating me to telling me I couldn't have my medical records and looking at me oddly when I went in. It was like I was walking into a CIA office every day and one of them started to get completely frightened and was shaking every time she saw me.
Why? because they found microchips in my body and then passed the info along to Katie?
I'd like to know if a doll that is mine ended up in her house as well.
For example, one from the Humane Society in April 2013, features a woman named Katie who named her new parrot "Squirelly", a parrot she got after another one died in 2006. Squirelly was one of the main nicknames I had as a kid. So her entire article goes on to say she loves birds and rescues captive ones and she's not crazy, she just ends up with feathers in her hair from her bird Squirelly. Next to this, on the opposite page, is a parrot flying out and the title is "grounded for life".
I mean, were the Middletons seriously involved in reasons for my being grounded for months at a time as a kid, forced out of the house, and with my homework stolen ever since she was born?
There is way more than that in these magazines. It touches on malice and hatred, one after another, and there are some great things in the magazines and photos and I like them, but it's really odd to find people "tee hee" laughing at what they imagine their inside joke will do to the people they know have an insider file on my family.
This "Katie" is the editor of the Human Society magazine. Checking into "bird lady's" bio might shed light on where she got her ideas for her article entitled: "My bird-shaped heart". It has a nice little Y design next to it.
This is one of many very bad articles and reveals that I found.
Not only that, my x-ray of my right knee sort of matches Katie's runway sweater and hair design. So I thought, why would that be possible because it's the first time I had an x-ray of that knee, to my knowledge--however a physical therapy place in Portland, Oregon saw me after a car accident and took full body x-rays, of my entire body. It was the chiropractor's offices next to PCC and then they had professional Swedish masseuse guys, who said they were Swedish but I had thought Eastern Europe.
At any rate, someone would have had to give her access to my medical records through them, if she was at all referencing my knee injury and an odd mark on the x-ray, with a Y and conspicuous marks.
Not only that, someone must have known something was unusual about that knee in 1993 even, because after one of my knees was blown out and I had to go to OHSU, the doctor asked my mom if I was going to have the surgery or not and she said no and while in person, he had suggested, staring hard at her and smirking, "We could always take an x-ray of the other knee too because it is likely the other one is the same way." She looked uncomfortable and I never forgot his expression or what he said and how he was leaning over when he said it, because he made it sound like he could reveal a big secret. He possibly used exposing what was there in my other knee as a form of intimidation to discourage my having my knee fixed in a surgery when I was a professional runner. I was running 10 miles every day and only sometimes taking a 1 day rest. I ran twice--in cross country practice and then on my own at home. So they ruined my future in that. I had always wondered why his suggestion about this made my Mom uncomfortable and why he seemed so eager and delighted, sort of gleeful to hint about looking it up. No x-ray was taken then until the chiropractor's offices with their "Russian" (?) massage men who were possibly Swedish (they said they were) and the people there. The doctors there started acted bizarre around me too. They went from treating me to telling me I couldn't have my medical records and looking at me oddly when I went in. It was like I was walking into a CIA office every day and one of them started to get completely frightened and was shaking every time she saw me.
Why? because they found microchips in my body and then passed the info along to Katie?
I'd like to know if a doll that is mine ended up in her house as well.
Guinea Pig Allergy
I found out I'm allergic to guinea pigs even though I've never been allergic to cat, horse, dog, or bird hair or feathers. I got these guinea pigs and I'm allergic to their hair and I found out after holding them next to me and breaking out in itching sessions all over my stomach and chest. At first I thought it was lice or something and I treated everyone and used some homeopathic things too, but then I realized, I am actually allergic to their hair or dander. Not bad, but a little. Maybe if I didn't have the thrush or tinea I wouldn't be as sensitive to it. I can put on a jacket with their fur on it, and start itching but it's not bad. I'm not getting rid of them over it. I think I have to give them baths more often but I haven't been yet because I'm trying an olive oil treatment on them, to first be sure there are no bugs.
I wonder if this is why I didn't have a guinea pig after awhile. It disappeared one day, but I remember holding it a long time until it fell asleep once and possibly I don't remember if I broke out into a rash.
So, like animal fur or whatever, I guess they are all different, just like forms of foods and chemicals and substances.
I sort of remember itching around my guinea pig when I was little too. If so, it's the only allergy aside from antihistamines that I'm aware of. Actually, horse hair made me itch but that was only after I was leaning against the horse brushing it's hair for a long time. I used to that, or scratch their necks or the crevasses where the joints meet, and they love having their rear ends scratched. I itched but I think most do from horse hair. I don't remember itching while riding ever. Just when leaning up against them a long time. So possibly a little horse hair and guinea pig hair allergy though I have never been allergic to dogs or cats. ?! and possibly, if everyone itches from brushing out horses a long time, I'm not allergic to them either.
I wonder if this is why I didn't have a guinea pig after awhile. It disappeared one day, but I remember holding it a long time until it fell asleep once and possibly I don't remember if I broke out into a rash.
So, like animal fur or whatever, I guess they are all different, just like forms of foods and chemicals and substances.
I sort of remember itching around my guinea pig when I was little too. If so, it's the only allergy aside from antihistamines that I'm aware of. Actually, horse hair made me itch but that was only after I was leaning against the horse brushing it's hair for a long time. I used to that, or scratch their necks or the crevasses where the joints meet, and they love having their rear ends scratched. I itched but I think most do from horse hair. I don't remember itching while riding ever. Just when leaning up against them a long time. So possibly a little horse hair and guinea pig hair allergy though I have never been allergic to dogs or cats. ?! and possibly, if everyone itches from brushing out horses a long time, I'm not allergic to them either.
Public Health: How to Protect Liver from Alcohol
I thought I would share some information and ideas I had, that might educate some or explain what to do or not do for health while drinking alcoholic drinks.
I came across the idea in a combination of noticing something with me and also because I read some information about Hepatitis C and how certain drugs slow the metabolism and muscle function of certain organs. I don't have Hep C but I heard about someone, not in the area, so I looked it up.
Basically, I did research and found out how the liver is affected, muscularly, by some drugs. Not just as a nervous system response from what gets sent as a signal to the brain, but just coming into contact with certain substances can affect how it works too. One substance that affects the liver and how well or quickly it works, are anti-depressants. If you have to have them, have them. But if you have a liver problem, or possibly prostate or Hep C which affects the liver or is affected by the liver and how well it's working, antidepressants will stun the liver into not working as quickly. This means toxins can accumulate, which you don't want to happen.
So then I had a few drinks or one drink each night for a few days in a row, trying some things I read used to be used for medicinal reasons (i.e., scotch for phlegm or mucus production and colds, vermouth for appetite enhancement, etc.) I drank water, separately, but I didn't mix my drinks with any water. I had club soda on hand but just bc I like it plain sometimes. Basically, what I noticed is that alcohol caused water retention in my body. I actually still had to go, basically, but it decreased thirst and the need or feel of need for water.
So I thought about how alcoholics get cirrhosis sometimes, of the liver, and I realized, this must have something to do with the accumulation of alchol in the liver, even in small amounts, because it tends to be retained there longer and can slow down how it works for other things. Not only that, it most likely decreases the natural thirst. Suddenly, you feel like you don't need to drink as much water, milk, juice or other things and it's not a replacement by alcohol quotient, it's that it literally makes the body feel it has enough hydration.
So drinking water while having an alcoholic drink isn't just to keep from being intoxicated, it's to prevent liver damage. However, you could probably have a night of alcohol and then be sure the next day to hydrate and/or take something that is diuretic, and this will counter the effects of the body wanting to store something longer or being slowed down mechanically in some way.
So you might try lots of water, double the amount as usual, for this, or try coffee or tea or something with caffeine, along with water, and other diuretics are dandelion, Siberian eluethero, and I'm sure someone can look up more. Milk thistle is also a diuretic.
This is a way to prevent potential future damage to your liver and to drink while maintaining health of the organs.
My opinion is that is has to be a conscious effort because your body will think it's hydrated enough. Also, I would use a diuretic of some kind to undo the slowing done to the liver.
So it's not just to not be too intoxicated, or to prevent getting sick, but to counter the effects that occur.
Also, some medications like antidepressants, which slow down certain organs, might not be great for those with prostate and liver problems or Hep C or anything to do with the liver. Maybe it says that somewhere on their labels, but I would not be prescribing that to someone with problems involving the liver.
Unless it's life-threatening and they'll kill themselves, but there are other kinds of things that maybe wouldn't affect the liver, that are not pharma, and I haven't checked on it, but I would maybe try other things. Obviously, exercise is one of the most beneficial.
Another thing about prostate problems, supposedly milk thistle maybe kills or prevent prostate problems, but one of the main actions, aside from a potentially beneficially compound, is as a diuretic. One problem for some, that I've read, is it can occasionally cause enlargement of breast tissue in men (rare I think) and that's possibly because it even has the ability for women to produce milk. So it does have some effect on hormones, but at the same time it seems to be protective of the liver for the silymarin component and, not to forget, the diuretic action.
When I drank some of my milk thistle tincture, I went all the time, constantly. When I drank other things, it was like I didn't have to go as much and also, I didn't feel the need for water as much either. So having a combination of something that is diuretic along with alcohol, before after or during, is probably good for you.
Also, what goes through the liver gets sent out of the body different ways. So most goes out of the body as a fluid, but some of it gets stored in the colon and leaves the body as a semi-solid, which is why having that toxic material in the colon, can contribute to cancers associated with liver problems.
Sometimes the body uses the nervous system to tell it when to do things and sometimes it is a storage capacity matter that tells the body when to do things and other times it's the regular muscular actions and operations. What would regularly occur, is the normal metabolism and statis of the organs (sort of like the automatic response). What is controlled by storage, such as the bladder, tells you when it's full and then it goes to action. But also, even if the bladder is not full, you can go if the nervous system sends the signal to go. So different things control when and how your organs work, which is why some substances will affect your brain and nervous system and tell your body what to do, and other times, it's more of a muscular automatic action.
Your bladder might say, "I'll go now" while your brain could be saying, "I feel fine the way I am right now" depending on the chemical or substance you ingest or use. Or it might say, "I can wait".
You can manage your own body like a controller if you want to. Well, co-pilot.
I think some things are told to us by our bodies, through cravings and things we lean toward, and being in tune with that is important and then some things our bodies do not tell us, we tell our bodies. You could crave a food for the reason that it has a nutritional content your body wants, or if you grew up with something specifically you might crave it for an emotional-level reason. I think all of it can be balanced for the most part, but it helps to know how things work and how you react to them. Some of us have things that work better for us. Redheads have a gene that tells their bodies to reject anaesthesia, while the rest accept it and are knocked out with a smaller amount. It's gene-specific for that one, and there are other things which are probably gene specific and work for your body and brain a little better than it works for someone else, or in a different form.
I came across the idea in a combination of noticing something with me and also because I read some information about Hepatitis C and how certain drugs slow the metabolism and muscle function of certain organs. I don't have Hep C but I heard about someone, not in the area, so I looked it up.
Basically, I did research and found out how the liver is affected, muscularly, by some drugs. Not just as a nervous system response from what gets sent as a signal to the brain, but just coming into contact with certain substances can affect how it works too. One substance that affects the liver and how well or quickly it works, are anti-depressants. If you have to have them, have them. But if you have a liver problem, or possibly prostate or Hep C which affects the liver or is affected by the liver and how well it's working, antidepressants will stun the liver into not working as quickly. This means toxins can accumulate, which you don't want to happen.
So then I had a few drinks or one drink each night for a few days in a row, trying some things I read used to be used for medicinal reasons (i.e., scotch for phlegm or mucus production and colds, vermouth for appetite enhancement, etc.) I drank water, separately, but I didn't mix my drinks with any water. I had club soda on hand but just bc I like it plain sometimes. Basically, what I noticed is that alcohol caused water retention in my body. I actually still had to go, basically, but it decreased thirst and the need or feel of need for water.
So I thought about how alcoholics get cirrhosis sometimes, of the liver, and I realized, this must have something to do with the accumulation of alchol in the liver, even in small amounts, because it tends to be retained there longer and can slow down how it works for other things. Not only that, it most likely decreases the natural thirst. Suddenly, you feel like you don't need to drink as much water, milk, juice or other things and it's not a replacement by alcohol quotient, it's that it literally makes the body feel it has enough hydration.
So drinking water while having an alcoholic drink isn't just to keep from being intoxicated, it's to prevent liver damage. However, you could probably have a night of alcohol and then be sure the next day to hydrate and/or take something that is diuretic, and this will counter the effects of the body wanting to store something longer or being slowed down mechanically in some way.
So you might try lots of water, double the amount as usual, for this, or try coffee or tea or something with caffeine, along with water, and other diuretics are dandelion, Siberian eluethero, and I'm sure someone can look up more. Milk thistle is also a diuretic.
This is a way to prevent potential future damage to your liver and to drink while maintaining health of the organs.
My opinion is that is has to be a conscious effort because your body will think it's hydrated enough. Also, I would use a diuretic of some kind to undo the slowing done to the liver.
So it's not just to not be too intoxicated, or to prevent getting sick, but to counter the effects that occur.
Also, some medications like antidepressants, which slow down certain organs, might not be great for those with prostate and liver problems or Hep C or anything to do with the liver. Maybe it says that somewhere on their labels, but I would not be prescribing that to someone with problems involving the liver.
Unless it's life-threatening and they'll kill themselves, but there are other kinds of things that maybe wouldn't affect the liver, that are not pharma, and I haven't checked on it, but I would maybe try other things. Obviously, exercise is one of the most beneficial.
Another thing about prostate problems, supposedly milk thistle maybe kills or prevent prostate problems, but one of the main actions, aside from a potentially beneficially compound, is as a diuretic. One problem for some, that I've read, is it can occasionally cause enlargement of breast tissue in men (rare I think) and that's possibly because it even has the ability for women to produce milk. So it does have some effect on hormones, but at the same time it seems to be protective of the liver for the silymarin component and, not to forget, the diuretic action.
When I drank some of my milk thistle tincture, I went all the time, constantly. When I drank other things, it was like I didn't have to go as much and also, I didn't feel the need for water as much either. So having a combination of something that is diuretic along with alcohol, before after or during, is probably good for you.
Also, what goes through the liver gets sent out of the body different ways. So most goes out of the body as a fluid, but some of it gets stored in the colon and leaves the body as a semi-solid, which is why having that toxic material in the colon, can contribute to cancers associated with liver problems.
Sometimes the body uses the nervous system to tell it when to do things and sometimes it is a storage capacity matter that tells the body when to do things and other times it's the regular muscular actions and operations. What would regularly occur, is the normal metabolism and statis of the organs (sort of like the automatic response). What is controlled by storage, such as the bladder, tells you when it's full and then it goes to action. But also, even if the bladder is not full, you can go if the nervous system sends the signal to go. So different things control when and how your organs work, which is why some substances will affect your brain and nervous system and tell your body what to do, and other times, it's more of a muscular automatic action.
Your bladder might say, "I'll go now" while your brain could be saying, "I feel fine the way I am right now" depending on the chemical or substance you ingest or use. Or it might say, "I can wait".
You can manage your own body like a controller if you want to. Well, co-pilot.
I think some things are told to us by our bodies, through cravings and things we lean toward, and being in tune with that is important and then some things our bodies do not tell us, we tell our bodies. You could crave a food for the reason that it has a nutritional content your body wants, or if you grew up with something specifically you might crave it for an emotional-level reason. I think all of it can be balanced for the most part, but it helps to know how things work and how you react to them. Some of us have things that work better for us. Redheads have a gene that tells their bodies to reject anaesthesia, while the rest accept it and are knocked out with a smaller amount. It's gene-specific for that one, and there are other things which are probably gene specific and work for your body and brain a little better than it works for someone else, or in a different form.
Smartwater Recall to Safeway
I have to return a bunch of Smartwater I got at Coquille (military-CIA town) Safeway because the water tastes like a piece of hamburger was put inside of it. It has a taste of raw meat to it.
I thought, this morning, "No way." I thought maybe it was just me.
So I got out Smartwater I purchased at Walmart yesterday and there was no meat taste. Then I tried the Safeway Smartwater and again, it was a meat taste. This is on sealed bottles, and I tried a few to be sure.
So it's sort of odd to see the front page news about a meat recall for e coli, when I have bottled Smartwater, sent from New York City, to Safeway in Coquille, that tastes like meat. It's like a gross raw, sort of going bad raw meat taste. Or maybe it's just raw meat taste, not going bad at all, but it's gross to me because raw hamburger to a vegan and to someone who doesn't like their water to taste like meat, is gross.
So I'm sending all of it back to New York City.
I imagine it's not impossible the local NYC raised FBI agent Gregory Fowler is involved. I will post all of the product dates and labels for some of this.
The exact same bottles of Smartwater from Walmart taste normal.
There really isn't any reason the Safeway water should taste like meat. If it was packed around meat, since when does Safeway pack their foods that way, and since when does a water place do this? It's in the water, it's not like it got through the plastic.
The water I compared to it from Walmart has a batch ID of May1115 GP C 1024 1 PRODO51513 NV06980 PB. That's a normal tasting one.
The ones from Safeway have batch date, one of them: May1815 CB D 0052 3 PB PRODO52313 NVAC5104986 and another, for example, says: May1815 CB D 0051 Z PB PRODO52313 NVAC5104986. They taste like raw meat.
All of them.
I was also sold rotting mushrooms from that Safeway. They were packaged as organic baby bellas and by the Organics Safeway brand and they rotted with a weird odor the same way a bunch of Canadian crimini mushrooms from Champs rotted that I got from McKays. The crimini mushrooms were from Abbotsford, Canada by the brand "Champs" and Canadian. They were not normal mushrooms and did not deteriorate like normal. I had plenty of other criminis and button mushrooms, some organic and some not, and they were all put in the same place, in the same conditions, and for the same amount of time and some of them were foul, as in, tampered with. So right after this was done through the McKays store in town, I went to the Safeway store and started buying organic baby bellas. They were good the first times I bought them and then someone brought in a tampered batch where they all stank and deteriorated exactly, identically, to the ones from McKays.
I had all of them kept in the exact same place, and in the exact same conditions and there were no variables. There was no reason for one batch to stink and had a weird smell and rot within one day, while the others were fine for 1 week. The ones that were tampered with were basically dissolving like they had some kind of weird decomposing chemical in them that sped up decay.
I told you this was a United States government town and I wasn't lying. Obviously, the U.S. is "tight" with Canadian government.
Right after getting the tampered mushrooms from McKays, they kicked me out when I asked to return a tea light kind of candle in a glass jar that was cracked. I said nothing about the tampered-with mushrooms but when I quit buying them, and went to Safeway instead to buy organic baby bellas, all of a sudden, the very next time I needed to return something, with the receipt, I was told to get out and never go back. They "banned" me from their store and then called police to have me "trespassed" from their store to degrade and humiliate me, after they had been carrying bad products. The "trespass" was by the store manager and this was for a routine, normal return of an item that cost $3 or less, for my money back. I was polite, and I stated I had the receipt and instead of refunding my money, I was followed after by their manager who left his hot dog stand to run after me and scream I was trespassed from their store. I was shocked and said why and he said, "You don't like our store, NEVER COME BACK" or something like that. All that I'd tried to do was return one thing, after I didn't even complain to him about his tampered and rotting mushrooms. Not to mention the bad water they sold me there at a different time, the Earth H20 water.
Also, they didn't tell me not to go back until I quit buying mushrooms from them and went to Safeway. So as soon as I did that, they made their move. Then, as soon as I was banned from McKays, someone changed the baby bellas that I'd been buying and brought in the same kind of rotting and chemically treated ones like McKays, knowing that was the kind I was buying. I mean, same package and the mushroom looked the same, but they were treated with something to make them rot within 24 hours.
I tried a different package and it was the same thing. So then I looked and noticed no one else from this town was buying those mushrooms and they all had the same batch date. She removed them from the shelves and refunded my money, but the fact is still that whatever was being done to McKay mushrooms, was then done to Safeway mushrooms the minute they knew I wasn't buying from McKays anymore.
Like I said, this entire town is operated and controlled by the U.S. government. It is basically like living on a military fort town except some parts of it have concentration camps. The only difference is that there are no officials signs, titles, or fences that indicate that's what this is.
It's basically reflecting the condition of the United States itself. It goes by one name and set of ideas or laws and claims of rules or justice system, and actually, what it really is, is something totally different from what it claims to be. The U.S. basically has this town called "Coquille" that doesn't look like a government town or like there are prisoners or concentration camps, but that's what it is. How nice that someone wanted to define, on a map for people in the U.S., where concentration camps in North Korea are, when the conditions in the United States are worse than anything happening in North Korea. By comparison, the U.S. is less civilized, less democratic, more corrupt, and poorer.
I am being tortured in the U.S. and it's because they take money from people who commit crimes and then don't want to be sued or go to jail. All of it is about lawsuits.
It's impossible to have democracy at the same time citizens are tortured to obstruct justice to keep them from filing lawsuits or to make them sound so strange no lawyer takes their lawsuit. It's impossible to have democracy when the U.S. tortures lawyers who try to take cases against those who are corrupt.
The U.S. is not a democracy. Period.
The U.S. is not "rich". They are more in debt than most countries, and ride by on a credit card trade that has no financial backing. The U.S. is getting by on its good looks alone, and those are fading fast.
The U.S. has a bunch of uncivilized people who now go to work while people who don't really care about their kids are having their kids raised in boredom with a bunch of other kids, which is no different than government-controlled orphanages. The ones that resist going to the government orphanages, who the U.S. thinks they need or want, they kidnap and torture. Daycare kids raised by people who don't really care about them, and then going home to parents who are too tired to care for them and who haven't had enough time with their children to even form a correct bond with them, make shitty soldiers.
And shitty soldiers take jobs torturing other kids they're jealous of, because since the quality of people has gone downhill, the U.S. thinks they need to make up for their lack by torturing kids and forcing them into the military.
This means any normal and decent person, who has information against the U.S., will be using it against the U.S. And any shitty soldier will be using that same information to personally get rich and be motivated by corruption, not by a care for citizens or the state of the country.
So, the U.S. has killed off their own.
Which makes North Korea heads above the U.S. in every way. That doesn't mean I'm going there, or to any country the U.S. would love to try to send me to so they can find an excuse for torture and spying.
It just means the U.S. is a joke and anyone who has a chance to consider the facts, knows it. The U.S. does not have and never had any legal right to my son and they have allowed people to do every possible horrible thing they can to me.
You can look up for yourselves who has contributed to tampering with a few of the food or drink items I've mentioned.
Also, I think there is a difference between orphans who know their parents died, and those who know their parents are alive and chose to pass their raising off onto others. If they had to, that's one thing, but kids can figure out whether it was necessary or not and knowing their parents didn't want to spend time with them when they could have chosen this, over a new purchased item or some other thing, will make its way into their reflections at some point.
I thought, this morning, "No way." I thought maybe it was just me.
So I got out Smartwater I purchased at Walmart yesterday and there was no meat taste. Then I tried the Safeway Smartwater and again, it was a meat taste. This is on sealed bottles, and I tried a few to be sure.
So it's sort of odd to see the front page news about a meat recall for e coli, when I have bottled Smartwater, sent from New York City, to Safeway in Coquille, that tastes like meat. It's like a gross raw, sort of going bad raw meat taste. Or maybe it's just raw meat taste, not going bad at all, but it's gross to me because raw hamburger to a vegan and to someone who doesn't like their water to taste like meat, is gross.
So I'm sending all of it back to New York City.
I imagine it's not impossible the local NYC raised FBI agent Gregory Fowler is involved. I will post all of the product dates and labels for some of this.
The exact same bottles of Smartwater from Walmart taste normal.
There really isn't any reason the Safeway water should taste like meat. If it was packed around meat, since when does Safeway pack their foods that way, and since when does a water place do this? It's in the water, it's not like it got through the plastic.
The water I compared to it from Walmart has a batch ID of May1115 GP C 1024 1 PRODO51513 NV06980 PB. That's a normal tasting one.
The ones from Safeway have batch date, one of them: May1815 CB D 0052 3 PB PRODO52313 NVAC5104986 and another, for example, says: May1815 CB D 0051 Z PB PRODO52313 NVAC5104986. They taste like raw meat.
All of them.
I was also sold rotting mushrooms from that Safeway. They were packaged as organic baby bellas and by the Organics Safeway brand and they rotted with a weird odor the same way a bunch of Canadian crimini mushrooms from Champs rotted that I got from McKays. The crimini mushrooms were from Abbotsford, Canada by the brand "Champs" and Canadian. They were not normal mushrooms and did not deteriorate like normal. I had plenty of other criminis and button mushrooms, some organic and some not, and they were all put in the same place, in the same conditions, and for the same amount of time and some of them were foul, as in, tampered with. So right after this was done through the McKays store in town, I went to the Safeway store and started buying organic baby bellas. They were good the first times I bought them and then someone brought in a tampered batch where they all stank and deteriorated exactly, identically, to the ones from McKays.
I had all of them kept in the exact same place, and in the exact same conditions and there were no variables. There was no reason for one batch to stink and had a weird smell and rot within one day, while the others were fine for 1 week. The ones that were tampered with were basically dissolving like they had some kind of weird decomposing chemical in them that sped up decay.
I told you this was a United States government town and I wasn't lying. Obviously, the U.S. is "tight" with Canadian government.
Right after getting the tampered mushrooms from McKays, they kicked me out when I asked to return a tea light kind of candle in a glass jar that was cracked. I said nothing about the tampered-with mushrooms but when I quit buying them, and went to Safeway instead to buy organic baby bellas, all of a sudden, the very next time I needed to return something, with the receipt, I was told to get out and never go back. They "banned" me from their store and then called police to have me "trespassed" from their store to degrade and humiliate me, after they had been carrying bad products. The "trespass" was by the store manager and this was for a routine, normal return of an item that cost $3 or less, for my money back. I was polite, and I stated I had the receipt and instead of refunding my money, I was followed after by their manager who left his hot dog stand to run after me and scream I was trespassed from their store. I was shocked and said why and he said, "You don't like our store, NEVER COME BACK" or something like that. All that I'd tried to do was return one thing, after I didn't even complain to him about his tampered and rotting mushrooms. Not to mention the bad water they sold me there at a different time, the Earth H20 water.
Also, they didn't tell me not to go back until I quit buying mushrooms from them and went to Safeway. So as soon as I did that, they made their move. Then, as soon as I was banned from McKays, someone changed the baby bellas that I'd been buying and brought in the same kind of rotting and chemically treated ones like McKays, knowing that was the kind I was buying. I mean, same package and the mushroom looked the same, but they were treated with something to make them rot within 24 hours.
I tried a different package and it was the same thing. So then I looked and noticed no one else from this town was buying those mushrooms and they all had the same batch date. She removed them from the shelves and refunded my money, but the fact is still that whatever was being done to McKay mushrooms, was then done to Safeway mushrooms the minute they knew I wasn't buying from McKays anymore.
Like I said, this entire town is operated and controlled by the U.S. government. It is basically like living on a military fort town except some parts of it have concentration camps. The only difference is that there are no officials signs, titles, or fences that indicate that's what this is.
It's basically reflecting the condition of the United States itself. It goes by one name and set of ideas or laws and claims of rules or justice system, and actually, what it really is, is something totally different from what it claims to be. The U.S. basically has this town called "Coquille" that doesn't look like a government town or like there are prisoners or concentration camps, but that's what it is. How nice that someone wanted to define, on a map for people in the U.S., where concentration camps in North Korea are, when the conditions in the United States are worse than anything happening in North Korea. By comparison, the U.S. is less civilized, less democratic, more corrupt, and poorer.
I am being tortured in the U.S. and it's because they take money from people who commit crimes and then don't want to be sued or go to jail. All of it is about lawsuits.
It's impossible to have democracy at the same time citizens are tortured to obstruct justice to keep them from filing lawsuits or to make them sound so strange no lawyer takes their lawsuit. It's impossible to have democracy when the U.S. tortures lawyers who try to take cases against those who are corrupt.
The U.S. is not a democracy. Period.
The U.S. is not "rich". They are more in debt than most countries, and ride by on a credit card trade that has no financial backing. The U.S. is getting by on its good looks alone, and those are fading fast.
The U.S. has a bunch of uncivilized people who now go to work while people who don't really care about their kids are having their kids raised in boredom with a bunch of other kids, which is no different than government-controlled orphanages. The ones that resist going to the government orphanages, who the U.S. thinks they need or want, they kidnap and torture. Daycare kids raised by people who don't really care about them, and then going home to parents who are too tired to care for them and who haven't had enough time with their children to even form a correct bond with them, make shitty soldiers.
And shitty soldiers take jobs torturing other kids they're jealous of, because since the quality of people has gone downhill, the U.S. thinks they need to make up for their lack by torturing kids and forcing them into the military.
This means any normal and decent person, who has information against the U.S., will be using it against the U.S. And any shitty soldier will be using that same information to personally get rich and be motivated by corruption, not by a care for citizens or the state of the country.
So, the U.S. has killed off their own.
Which makes North Korea heads above the U.S. in every way. That doesn't mean I'm going there, or to any country the U.S. would love to try to send me to so they can find an excuse for torture and spying.
It just means the U.S. is a joke and anyone who has a chance to consider the facts, knows it. The U.S. does not have and never had any legal right to my son and they have allowed people to do every possible horrible thing they can to me.
You can look up for yourselves who has contributed to tampering with a few of the food or drink items I've mentioned.
Also, I think there is a difference between orphans who know their parents died, and those who know their parents are alive and chose to pass their raising off onto others. If they had to, that's one thing, but kids can figure out whether it was necessary or not and knowing their parents didn't want to spend time with them when they could have chosen this, over a new purchased item or some other thing, will make its way into their reflections at some point.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Targeted for Knee Assault Again Yesterday: Police/FBI/CIA Blackmail
I am going address two things.
Blackmail and my personal experience with being blackmailed by the government, the U.S. government, or their attempts actually, to blackmail me.
Secondly, I was going to go to a fruit stand today and walk there to get more of a kind of plum I liked and I couldn't go. Why? Because yesterday when I walked to the library I was assaulted in the knee that I had an x-ray for.
The assault occurred exactly as I was approaching the library in downtown Coquille. In addition to this, later that day, after I was harassed by what appeared to be Mexican mafia, a cop came to my door and I was targeted and assaulted again.
My knee obviously has some problems with it, from the x-ray. I looked at it at the recommended or default resolutions, which was generally best and then used a few other tactics to see if anything turned up that I was missing. At first glance I thought my patella looked sort of knocked off to the side or displaced and I also saw fractures. In addition to that, an odd hole. I didn't notice the necrosis until later. In that past I noticed necrosis as defined by the cresent shape with greater signal intensity. I mean, in the past, looking at something else. Or, a fully developed ring around a part of necrotic bone. So I found out, when I was wondering what some of these darker spaces were that didn't appear to be shadows, is that bone goes through stages of necrosis and only later does it break off or a ring develop--that sort of thing. I thought the angle of my patella as well, might be from position, but I observed there is another sign with its displacement and it is of the black line that one should see evenly between the femur and tibia/fibula and it's not even. It's like the femur got smacked down from patella and pushed down on one side more, and then there is a greater signal intensity beneath that space, in a cresent. There is what appears to be avascular necrosis on a part of bone near the patella, where the kneecap would hit as well, or on the top of the patella. There is also flattening of the femur condyles where it was hit and it could be further necrosis. I'd have to look again, because right now going from memory. So there are clear problems and it is not hard to see how it was caused by impact from a fall on the knee, on hard ice, because of the way it's damaged. Separately, there is some kind of hole that looks like a precise bullet hole went through my knee.
I picked up the record and then it was the next day I was assaulted while approaching the library. That was yesterday. My knee does not always feel great, since it was broken, but I felt my knee being targeted, like from a laser from a distance, as I was walking basically to the visitor center. It wasn't like my knee just didn't feel very good or was strained. I could feel it like a direct target on my knee and the only things in front of me were the visitor center, the kid's swimming pool, and behind that pool there is a tall building with a balcony. The pain from target quit, on that day (yesterday) after I was on the side of the visitor center building.
I don't think anyone would do this unless they knew there was potential for lawsuit over my fall on ice, and possibly trying to make me sound crazy or discredit the damage that was done.
So then the next day--I guess that was day before yesterday the target occurred--and then yesterday, I was walking home and almost got run into by someone who wanted me to know they were steering towards me and then just missing me, and I know this because I heard them behind me. There was plenty of time for me to hear the noise of a car approaching in a normal path and then taking a lurch towards me, within an inch of my arm and then lurching back and pulling into a driveway and getting out. It was obvious he wanted me to know. I said something about not appreciating his trying to kill me and walked to my house after finding out he's been there one day. So then all of a sudden I had a cop at my door. The cop was telling ME some neighbor claimed they heard me threaten him and I said, "HE threatened me and nearly ran me over." I said, "I wouldn't say he tried to run me over, literally, but he intended to create intimidation because he knew what he was doing when he did it and he wanted me to look behind my shoulder at him when he started steering to me and I didn't give him that satisfaction." So I said, "I would not call it trying to run me over, but intimidation."
It's like all of a sudden the cops and FBI want to make assassination attempts by Mike Nichols and others like Tony Roos look like it wasn't really a big deal--not murder really, not a murder attempt, just some guy trying to harass me or intimidate me or being careless.
I know the difference.
So then after this, with this neighbor intending to create a problem, a cop came to my door, and it was Officer Wallace and I said I would be out in a minute. I don't know who he is really, or where he's from or who he knows and how long he's worked there and I also don't know that he personally had anything to do with the assault, but it was done to me while I stood there next to him.
This other form of assault has been something most people don't even talk about. Lasers are one thing and bad enough, but since I've been in Oregon, the U.S. has been torturing me targeting my genitals. I am not kidding.
I just had a pap exam and tests and everything is normal. There isn't anything wrong with me that would create this problem, and when I moved here, the first people to start talking about it and referring to "genital torture" and technology torture to genitals, were people at the library. I went to the local Coquille library and while it was being done to me, they would get together near me and start up a conversation about it. Never in my life did I mention anything like this to anyone, and not to them or my family, and I don't know people who just decide to start talking about military torture to genitals or using forms of distance or remote technology to degrade and assault someone in this way. So what made being tortured worse than the torture itself, were the government employees sitting around, almost mocking me by talking about it in front of me.
I said nothing the entire time, knowing all they wanted to do was prompt a response or reaction from me. So for 2 years, I have said nothing. They would talk about genital torture and then brings up conversations about "vaginal mesh" all the time, as if to indicate women who have had D&C's like myself, might need metal "mesh" to hold everything together which the military would use to for facilitating torture to the genitals.
The U.S. started doing this to me, at the same time I began looking into being a gestational surrogate again and quit my job at Devil's Kitchen which I knew was owned by a U.S. federal employee--another government man and wife trying to use me for their own research and not just to work. It was in 2011.
I witnessed torture the U.S. directed to my own son that caused his circulation to change and his body, mostly his private parts to turn blue and purple.
The librarian that brought it up most was one who married a Mexican guy who sits there while she works. I think he's her husband and I think they're both Hispanic. But there were white librarians bringing it up too.
The U.S. has been doing this as a sick game of retaliation. If I say I have no interest in being with a government employee, which I did say after another one of them tried to hit on me and then the U.S. was hoping another could get lucky, they torture me. So they started torturing me not only to my genitals, which has been ongoing for 2 years now, they continued other forms of torture they were practicing.
This cop Wallace came to my door and I stood outside and the minute I stood next to him, this form of torture was used against me. Since he was present the entire time it happened and was done to me, my guess is either that he reports back to a military person or he himself is military or works for another part of government besides police. The only reason to call him out and have him there to watch me and observe me while they was done to me was to document or notice how I acted when I was tortured, or to make a sick point, as a police officer stood there, and then the U.S. government torturing me and targeting me specifically to my genitals. Either Wallace had something to do with it, or someone else knew when he was there, and he called it in, calling me "Candy" and then the torture was started against me. Maybe he called me Candy because someone thought it was funny to try to connect their preplanned genital torture of me with "candida" or thrush problems or something.
At the same time, other forms of torture have been done against me and my parents.
Prior to his showing up, after I had a neighbor trying to intimidate me, a bunch of what seemed to be Mexican mafia were in town, mocking me as I walked back to my house. One of them had license plates 289 EWP (Oregon).
I told my Mom today if someone thinks I would believe Howard, my Dad's brother, was actually my Dad, I'd never fall for that. I said, I know Edward Lee Victor Howard is my biological Dad. Kyle Flick and others never would have targeted my family if it wasn't true, and too many mentions have been made about it. If ELVH has other unknown or IVF or undocumented children, I'm sure that may be true.
I know some of the time I was being tortured by Canada and the U.S., my Mom or one of the Dicksies was there because she laid down on her side while I had to lie down. She rested on one side and I used to instinctively touch my forehead. I also know when I ran away from school, I expected to see a private plane waiting. I had no natural reason to think a plane was going to be waiting for me aside from my subconscious memory and planes that most likely transported me around to be tortured. Possibly as far as Sandoval in Switzerland where the CIA ran PET scan experiments.
I didn't know how people got blackmailed by the U.S. government to allow horrendous things to occur but I have no problem explaining some things the United States government tried to use on me. They commit crimes, all of them together, like one big mafia: FBI, CIA, local and state police, and military, and they claim to do it for the CIA and military when most of the time it's an excuse for retaliation over something someone did they don't like, or getting caught for crimes they committed first.
So the U.S. will kidnap a child, torture that child to your face, and then tell you to either fuck their agent Alvaro Pardo or keep watching your child be tortured. And then they'll try to frame you to make it look like you're commiting marriage fraud in the meantime. The U.S. will take a bunch of government employees that are all corrupt, and corner someone who they want to degrade, exploit or abuse, or whose child they want to steal, and this is what they do. Steven Spielberg's idea of the war horse where a horse is taken from a boy "for the war" as property confiscated by the government, is sort of putting forth an idea that kids get sold like horses and kidnapped from their parents. However, that's not really how it is. It's not about some war horse, national security matter--it's hate crime and a cover for hate crime and for retaliation against parents they don't like. It's also using mafia government to oppress people from competition.
I have several personal instances of being threatened and blackmailed by U.S. government employees and I will describe more of them later, here on this post. If the U.S. wasn't committing crimes, they'd have no reason for working so hard at blackmail and illegal entrapment schemes to protect them in the commission of their crimes against children. It also shows me that if they pulled this with me, when I was older, and kept trying to increase the levels of blackmail, what they have done to my parents and what they plan to do with my son. They have been targeting family members and blackmailing them while they're still kids.
Government "research" claims or apologies are no excuse for annihilation.
The U.S. government tried to blackmail me and entrap me to be destroyed or forced to work for them after they abused and assaulted me as a child and baby, and used me to traffick materials inside of my body between their employees:
1. Setting the House on Fire. I was being encouraged to set the house on fire in Moses Lake, Washington. The purpose was not for money--it was to give the government an excuse to accuse me of arson and put me in juvie. There was no way my parents wanted their sentimental belongings and records and few valuables destroyed. All of our photos and everything...The only reason was to find out how suggestible I was, for CIA and U.S. Army military purposes, and then to put me in juvie on arson charges, where I would be solicited for more torture or my discrediting would begin. My Mom never brought it up. My Dad did and my Dad, one of the Bobs, was the one who was recruited by the U.S. Army as a teen after HE was set up by them and forced into juvie for "stealing a car". The U.S. Army and the CIA are the groups responsible for MKUltra. It was FBI and police that always backed them up, along with Baldwin mafia at cat-call or dog-whistle. Generally speaking, mafia works with government. The U.S. forces people into the mafia when they put others in jail and need a new supply. Basically, the U.S. government trains mafia like they train kids to be prostitutes for them or soldiers through torture and coercion. No one said, "Burn the house down"--it was suggested many times, and pretty much after I started writing a diary or sometime before. I was between the age of 9 and 13 when it was a theme.
Unfortunately for the U.S. government, I wasn't a player. I was not a "Tony Roos" or "Robin Bechtold" or someone who would take their hints or incentives and commit crimes when encouraged by someone they loved, who was told to do it by the government, worked for the government, or whatever.
If anything, they just wanted to see if I'd do it. Possibly, since someone was always watching anyway, they'd just show up after it started and put it out before they was real damage and then make an assessment of what to do with me next.
I was watched and manipulated and oppressed my entire life. The other reason to have me do this would be to ruin whatever "option 1" or "track 1" had been for me, and force me into a criminal track that was easier for getting rid of me. Shoot me, no problem and no suspicion, because I'm a criminal so now they could bury me and make sure all the wires and plants inside of my body were a safe secret. I'd never sue them that way. Or, if Edward Howard was biologically my father, and had defected when I was 8, they'd make it worse for his kids to pressure him.
It wasn't mafia because I lived in between 2 military families and with an FBI psychologist behind us. They moved after waiting for me to set the house on fire. I never did so they moved on.
It was suggested to me with our house bugged and everything so it's not like my parents and the government didn't all know about it. I noticed they would comment on the news or newspaper stories to eachother, in my hearing if we were all in the livingroom, knowing I listened. I said one day, "You're saying things to eachother that you want me to think of doing or not do". So they never said "Don't have sex until you're married", it was "Bob, did you hear about Alicia and Robin? What a shame. I thought she was a Christian and I guess her mother said they talked to her about waiting until marriage but apparently, she was lying to her mother." So through hearing them talk about various things I formed ideas of what they accepted or did not accept. I said one day, "I know you're just saying that because you want me to listen." Or because I was listening or something. So then they started talking about someone who started a fire in their house, and set it on fire. How horrible it was and then how much money they got. Boy could they use some money, those people. On and on and on about it.
I remember I thought even back then that it was really weird that the Mormon FBI psychologist's family decided to move after I didn't do it. I figured they hoped I would and then it would give him a chance to have a different kind of access to me, as a psychologist or something, or to just discredit me.
They kept talking about it and then I sensed my Dad getting mad that I wasn't doing it. I am positive he was being told to suggest it and maybe they were tortured over it even. All I know, is I thought to myself, as a kid, shocked, "I can't believe it. My parents want me to start a fire?!" Maybe at that point, that's what Alan Springer was supposed to spring into action over. Hurry and call me nuts. The FBI has always needed a cover for their shit.
This was around the same time I was being tested about my ability to keep secrets for the U.S. government. I was given a test of "Don't tell anyone" but of course they said it out loud at our house which was bugged, and knowing I was wired myself. I was told they had $50,000. Well, I just saw a special about Aldrich Ames the other day, and apparently some big deal over a $50,000 amount. Why go to Edmonton, Canada, with $50,000 comments, unless it was to tip the U.S. off, knowing I was wired for the fucking NSA and CIA. They said to me they had $50,000 saved up and then I was supposed to keep it a secret. Next, we were going to vacation in Edmonton, Canada. Aldrich Ames had $50,000 in a transfer, and he was friends with Edward Howard, and Edward is close enough to Edmond.
These assholes who came to my house right before Katie Middleton decided to get pregnant, knowing she was going ahead with it, Fred and whatshername, stopped by smirking and gave me a carton of Almond milk and said, "We had an extra so you can have this one." It was given to me right after his wife took me shopping and I could tell they were Middleton people and didn't like me. She smirked at a bunch of Hispanics at the store while there and bought milk and 2 Lays potato chips bags. The Hispanic looked at the bags of chips and smirked and she looked at him laughing and then looked maliciously, sort of haughtily at me.
He is retired military from California and they worked with the military pastor from 7th Day Adventist who is also a psychologist for the FBI.
So why mention $50,000 to me and Edmonton, Canada? Well, Aldrich's Russian friend had a lover in Canada and he was a diplomat. Basically, the United States used me for trafficking, they tortured me, raped me, and they used me as a "messenger" between them for secrets between spies and intelligence.
I never benefited from any of it, ever. In fact, I was degraded, belittled, oppressed, had my homework stolen from me, and dumbed down deliberately. I really don't know about the $50,000 and the Canada vacation coincidence, but what I do know is that they had money and they were not poor and they were not stealing or trying to commit insurance fraud. My parents said all of this with full knowledge of the U.S. government. The entire objective was to see if I'd "do it" and to catch me up in their own spiral of criminal government activity with a blackmail security.
If I kept secrets and was able to be encouraged to do things I knew were wrong, out of devotion or love or thinking maybe I could bring people I love better fortune, they might just use me as an asset or they might just feel better about the crimes they committed against me. They wanted something on me, to discredit me, early. The only purpose was for blackmail of a child/teen. If they had something on me, they'd use it.
So like I said, it was noticeable enough that one day I got really scared, fear in my heart, leaping up, and shock, to realize now they were getting mad I wasn't doing it and it was still being suggested. They wanted me to do a bad thing? But we were 'christians'.
CIA Christians and U.S. Army Christians are as "Christian" as Jew. Go ahead, burn the house down! I think part of it was to test how strongly or how effective the bond was between me and my parents and the programming done to control me through them. I'm sure they got tortured when it wasn't good enough, because I've seen evidence of that.
So then this song was written later, which is like a major joke, called "Sonny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin. She wrote it in 1996, after I was getting physical therapy from my 1995 car accident and had a chiropractor take full body x-rays of me. She titled her CD "A Few Small Repairs" and writes this theme song about a girl burning a house down and "walking on a wire". I wasn't walking on one. I had wires INSIDE of me. So I guess yes, my legs had wires and I walked on them. How much of the royalties did I receive for that entertainment? None of course. It's not like anyone had to have the x-rays though if they knew when it was done to me as a kid. She grew up in Canada. Oh what a shock. "London, Ontario".
Like I said, Maiers, with their Canada friends, also had a line to me and knew I was wired. In fact, they may have had something to do with what was being trafficked. I don't think the gift of the metal cylindrical lipstick case was for nothing. All of the gifts were to make points to my parents, knowing I'd show it to them.
So that is the first example of U.S. government attempt to trap me and discredit me and use it for blackmail and to give them what looked like better access to me and to our house. Of course the police would come over, or FBI, and they could investigate and ask questions about how it started and then find out it matched to what I made up as a kid or not. If it didn't, they knew I was lying and even if it was close, they might have access to me.
All of it, United States government and their ways of trying to frame a kid so they get out of jail free. Maybe a cop gets out free. Maybe it just makes people feel good about Middletons because who knew about it? Well, Shawn Colvin wrote the song in 1996 and she was raised in Canada. The same place one of the assassins who tried to kill me in 1995, said he had parents.
2. The next time the U.S. used government employees to attempt to entrap me or blackmail me was close to the same time and it was by a U.S. contractor for the federal government, the Maiers. It was at the same time, approximately or after. Stephanie's and her sisters said they wanted to skinnydip. I thought it was weird, out of the blue when I knew them for so long. I remember it felt like a set-up, even then, when they started encouraging me to go. So I did, at night and they had all their porch lights on around the pool. When I was encouraged to get out naked and go down the curly slide, I refused and then I did with further urging. No one else would but Christina. I thought why is she the only one going on it but the others were telling me to? But I did and then I saw Stephanie look over at the window and smirk and it was her Dad standing there at the sink and I am pretty sure there was a flash of a camera by him or someone next to him. While this wasn't blackmail to me, it was an attempt to entrap me into a position where I was photographed in a degrading position. From there it was used as potential blackmail with others. The pool sat at the end of an island as well, and across from it, across the lake further down was the Moses Lake police department. I remember feeling humiliated when I saw Stephanie's Dad and then saw her smirk and then go under water to conceal how she was laughing. I never said anything because I was too shocked that a Dad and daughter would laugh together over convincing me to be exposed. I then refused to believe what I thought because I couldn't believe it, so I pushed it out of my mind. Christina knew too, that her Dad was there. She was so insistent she got out naked herself to convince me to follow her. "See? Look, I'll do it first." After high school, before Robin raped me, he had private time with their Dad and Christina and was especially interested in getting close to Chris. It wasn't really lust, it was always CIA drug business with him. He spent all of his time there, talking to their Dad and Chris on private boat trips, and getting drunk with Stephanie and Chris while I sat in Stacey's room and talked to Stacey who sat in front of a giant doll case full of dolls and cut out coupons. This was a visit that took place after 2 assassination attempts against me. Stephanie met him and Monica in 1991 or 1992 and the first attempt was after her visit.
3. 1997. I guess I could include one weird accusation of stealing a diamond. It came from a Jewish manager for Helzberg Diamonds and I believe he knew it was a lie. I am 100% positive he knew it was a lie and I believe he deliberately accused me of this to create a record to discredit me or out of hatred. First he was telling me all the time, "Let's walk". It was his only saying. "Let's walk". If you look at Heltzberg Diamond ads now, they're celebrating Katie Middleton with royalty themed pieces. He said, "Let's walk" to me almost every day. He'd walk and smoke and I walked with him as he discussed having me train to be a manager. There was no hint of a problem until the day I gave my notice. I gave a 2 week customary notice and he said, after, "There has been a diamond theft" and of all the people he picked on, he picked on me. He claimed that the only "special diamond" they had, which was in a safe, and which I had been allowed to view one day under a microscope, disappeared. He said he knew it was me, and wrote it in my employee record. He badgered me for over 2 weeks, the entire time I had to stay there and finally I said, "I already told you I didn't take it. If you want to call the police and have them ask me, go ahead, because I'm tired of being accused." I was shocked because he made it sound like he liked me and then acted hurt or something when I said I quit, and then he labeled my work history negatively with a theft accusation. I believe the only reason for him to come up with such an idea was to ruin my work history and/or to give police an excuse to go to my house and pretend to search for it as they did other things. Anyway, I guess he died of cancer a few years ago. I worked for him after the Del Balzos and CTR. One day Carl Del Balzo went in and I felt embarrassed and then another day Claire came in, the best friend of Stacy Darling. I remember she seemed to be mocking me and was checking in on something. I found out later, Kate Middleton has a cousin with the last name Darling and I don't know if it's a relation but I remembered feeling bad that Claire had gone in and looked smugly satisfied I was there. She had this look, and I thought, "She must think now I'm really low-level or something to go from an offer to do corporate sales in computers as an executive to a mall job." She narrowed her eyebrows and smirked and looked triumphant. She went in looking for someone and it was me and when she saw me, she smirked and then was going to leave and I caught her and talked to her before she could go around the corner. I wanted to see how she reacted to my being friendly with her and she looked guilty. The diamond theft accusation was after this.
Blackmail and my personal experience with being blackmailed by the government, the U.S. government, or their attempts actually, to blackmail me.
Secondly, I was going to go to a fruit stand today and walk there to get more of a kind of plum I liked and I couldn't go. Why? Because yesterday when I walked to the library I was assaulted in the knee that I had an x-ray for.
The assault occurred exactly as I was approaching the library in downtown Coquille. In addition to this, later that day, after I was harassed by what appeared to be Mexican mafia, a cop came to my door and I was targeted and assaulted again.
My knee obviously has some problems with it, from the x-ray. I looked at it at the recommended or default resolutions, which was generally best and then used a few other tactics to see if anything turned up that I was missing. At first glance I thought my patella looked sort of knocked off to the side or displaced and I also saw fractures. In addition to that, an odd hole. I didn't notice the necrosis until later. In that past I noticed necrosis as defined by the cresent shape with greater signal intensity. I mean, in the past, looking at something else. Or, a fully developed ring around a part of necrotic bone. So I found out, when I was wondering what some of these darker spaces were that didn't appear to be shadows, is that bone goes through stages of necrosis and only later does it break off or a ring develop--that sort of thing. I thought the angle of my patella as well, might be from position, but I observed there is another sign with its displacement and it is of the black line that one should see evenly between the femur and tibia/fibula and it's not even. It's like the femur got smacked down from patella and pushed down on one side more, and then there is a greater signal intensity beneath that space, in a cresent. There is what appears to be avascular necrosis on a part of bone near the patella, where the kneecap would hit as well, or on the top of the patella. There is also flattening of the femur condyles where it was hit and it could be further necrosis. I'd have to look again, because right now going from memory. So there are clear problems and it is not hard to see how it was caused by impact from a fall on the knee, on hard ice, because of the way it's damaged. Separately, there is some kind of hole that looks like a precise bullet hole went through my knee.
I picked up the record and then it was the next day I was assaulted while approaching the library. That was yesterday. My knee does not always feel great, since it was broken, but I felt my knee being targeted, like from a laser from a distance, as I was walking basically to the visitor center. It wasn't like my knee just didn't feel very good or was strained. I could feel it like a direct target on my knee and the only things in front of me were the visitor center, the kid's swimming pool, and behind that pool there is a tall building with a balcony. The pain from target quit, on that day (yesterday) after I was on the side of the visitor center building.
I don't think anyone would do this unless they knew there was potential for lawsuit over my fall on ice, and possibly trying to make me sound crazy or discredit the damage that was done.
So then the next day--I guess that was day before yesterday the target occurred--and then yesterday, I was walking home and almost got run into by someone who wanted me to know they were steering towards me and then just missing me, and I know this because I heard them behind me. There was plenty of time for me to hear the noise of a car approaching in a normal path and then taking a lurch towards me, within an inch of my arm and then lurching back and pulling into a driveway and getting out. It was obvious he wanted me to know. I said something about not appreciating his trying to kill me and walked to my house after finding out he's been there one day. So then all of a sudden I had a cop at my door. The cop was telling ME some neighbor claimed they heard me threaten him and I said, "HE threatened me and nearly ran me over." I said, "I wouldn't say he tried to run me over, literally, but he intended to create intimidation because he knew what he was doing when he did it and he wanted me to look behind my shoulder at him when he started steering to me and I didn't give him that satisfaction." So I said, "I would not call it trying to run me over, but intimidation."
It's like all of a sudden the cops and FBI want to make assassination attempts by Mike Nichols and others like Tony Roos look like it wasn't really a big deal--not murder really, not a murder attempt, just some guy trying to harass me or intimidate me or being careless.
I know the difference.
So then after this, with this neighbor intending to create a problem, a cop came to my door, and it was Officer Wallace and I said I would be out in a minute. I don't know who he is really, or where he's from or who he knows and how long he's worked there and I also don't know that he personally had anything to do with the assault, but it was done to me while I stood there next to him.
This other form of assault has been something most people don't even talk about. Lasers are one thing and bad enough, but since I've been in Oregon, the U.S. has been torturing me targeting my genitals. I am not kidding.
I just had a pap exam and tests and everything is normal. There isn't anything wrong with me that would create this problem, and when I moved here, the first people to start talking about it and referring to "genital torture" and technology torture to genitals, were people at the library. I went to the local Coquille library and while it was being done to me, they would get together near me and start up a conversation about it. Never in my life did I mention anything like this to anyone, and not to them or my family, and I don't know people who just decide to start talking about military torture to genitals or using forms of distance or remote technology to degrade and assault someone in this way. So what made being tortured worse than the torture itself, were the government employees sitting around, almost mocking me by talking about it in front of me.
I said nothing the entire time, knowing all they wanted to do was prompt a response or reaction from me. So for 2 years, I have said nothing. They would talk about genital torture and then brings up conversations about "vaginal mesh" all the time, as if to indicate women who have had D&C's like myself, might need metal "mesh" to hold everything together which the military would use to for facilitating torture to the genitals.
The U.S. started doing this to me, at the same time I began looking into being a gestational surrogate again and quit my job at Devil's Kitchen which I knew was owned by a U.S. federal employee--another government man and wife trying to use me for their own research and not just to work. It was in 2011.
I witnessed torture the U.S. directed to my own son that caused his circulation to change and his body, mostly his private parts to turn blue and purple.
The librarian that brought it up most was one who married a Mexican guy who sits there while she works. I think he's her husband and I think they're both Hispanic. But there were white librarians bringing it up too.
The U.S. has been doing this as a sick game of retaliation. If I say I have no interest in being with a government employee, which I did say after another one of them tried to hit on me and then the U.S. was hoping another could get lucky, they torture me. So they started torturing me not only to my genitals, which has been ongoing for 2 years now, they continued other forms of torture they were practicing.
This cop Wallace came to my door and I stood outside and the minute I stood next to him, this form of torture was used against me. Since he was present the entire time it happened and was done to me, my guess is either that he reports back to a military person or he himself is military or works for another part of government besides police. The only reason to call him out and have him there to watch me and observe me while they was done to me was to document or notice how I acted when I was tortured, or to make a sick point, as a police officer stood there, and then the U.S. government torturing me and targeting me specifically to my genitals. Either Wallace had something to do with it, or someone else knew when he was there, and he called it in, calling me "Candy" and then the torture was started against me. Maybe he called me Candy because someone thought it was funny to try to connect their preplanned genital torture of me with "candida" or thrush problems or something.
At the same time, other forms of torture have been done against me and my parents.
Prior to his showing up, after I had a neighbor trying to intimidate me, a bunch of what seemed to be Mexican mafia were in town, mocking me as I walked back to my house. One of them had license plates 289 EWP (Oregon).
I told my Mom today if someone thinks I would believe Howard, my Dad's brother, was actually my Dad, I'd never fall for that. I said, I know Edward Lee Victor Howard is my biological Dad. Kyle Flick and others never would have targeted my family if it wasn't true, and too many mentions have been made about it. If ELVH has other unknown or IVF or undocumented children, I'm sure that may be true.
I know some of the time I was being tortured by Canada and the U.S., my Mom or one of the Dicksies was there because she laid down on her side while I had to lie down. She rested on one side and I used to instinctively touch my forehead. I also know when I ran away from school, I expected to see a private plane waiting. I had no natural reason to think a plane was going to be waiting for me aside from my subconscious memory and planes that most likely transported me around to be tortured. Possibly as far as Sandoval in Switzerland where the CIA ran PET scan experiments.
I didn't know how people got blackmailed by the U.S. government to allow horrendous things to occur but I have no problem explaining some things the United States government tried to use on me. They commit crimes, all of them together, like one big mafia: FBI, CIA, local and state police, and military, and they claim to do it for the CIA and military when most of the time it's an excuse for retaliation over something someone did they don't like, or getting caught for crimes they committed first.
So the U.S. will kidnap a child, torture that child to your face, and then tell you to either fuck their agent Alvaro Pardo or keep watching your child be tortured. And then they'll try to frame you to make it look like you're commiting marriage fraud in the meantime. The U.S. will take a bunch of government employees that are all corrupt, and corner someone who they want to degrade, exploit or abuse, or whose child they want to steal, and this is what they do. Steven Spielberg's idea of the war horse where a horse is taken from a boy "for the war" as property confiscated by the government, is sort of putting forth an idea that kids get sold like horses and kidnapped from their parents. However, that's not really how it is. It's not about some war horse, national security matter--it's hate crime and a cover for hate crime and for retaliation against parents they don't like. It's also using mafia government to oppress people from competition.
I have several personal instances of being threatened and blackmailed by U.S. government employees and I will describe more of them later, here on this post. If the U.S. wasn't committing crimes, they'd have no reason for working so hard at blackmail and illegal entrapment schemes to protect them in the commission of their crimes against children. It also shows me that if they pulled this with me, when I was older, and kept trying to increase the levels of blackmail, what they have done to my parents and what they plan to do with my son. They have been targeting family members and blackmailing them while they're still kids.
Government "research" claims or apologies are no excuse for annihilation.
The U.S. government tried to blackmail me and entrap me to be destroyed or forced to work for them after they abused and assaulted me as a child and baby, and used me to traffick materials inside of my body between their employees:
1. Setting the House on Fire. I was being encouraged to set the house on fire in Moses Lake, Washington. The purpose was not for money--it was to give the government an excuse to accuse me of arson and put me in juvie. There was no way my parents wanted their sentimental belongings and records and few valuables destroyed. All of our photos and everything...The only reason was to find out how suggestible I was, for CIA and U.S. Army military purposes, and then to put me in juvie on arson charges, where I would be solicited for more torture or my discrediting would begin. My Mom never brought it up. My Dad did and my Dad, one of the Bobs, was the one who was recruited by the U.S. Army as a teen after HE was set up by them and forced into juvie for "stealing a car". The U.S. Army and the CIA are the groups responsible for MKUltra. It was FBI and police that always backed them up, along with Baldwin mafia at cat-call or dog-whistle. Generally speaking, mafia works with government. The U.S. forces people into the mafia when they put others in jail and need a new supply. Basically, the U.S. government trains mafia like they train kids to be prostitutes for them or soldiers through torture and coercion. No one said, "Burn the house down"--it was suggested many times, and pretty much after I started writing a diary or sometime before. I was between the age of 9 and 13 when it was a theme.
Unfortunately for the U.S. government, I wasn't a player. I was not a "Tony Roos" or "Robin Bechtold" or someone who would take their hints or incentives and commit crimes when encouraged by someone they loved, who was told to do it by the government, worked for the government, or whatever.
If anything, they just wanted to see if I'd do it. Possibly, since someone was always watching anyway, they'd just show up after it started and put it out before they was real damage and then make an assessment of what to do with me next.
I was watched and manipulated and oppressed my entire life. The other reason to have me do this would be to ruin whatever "option 1" or "track 1" had been for me, and force me into a criminal track that was easier for getting rid of me. Shoot me, no problem and no suspicion, because I'm a criminal so now they could bury me and make sure all the wires and plants inside of my body were a safe secret. I'd never sue them that way. Or, if Edward Howard was biologically my father, and had defected when I was 8, they'd make it worse for his kids to pressure him.
It wasn't mafia because I lived in between 2 military families and with an FBI psychologist behind us. They moved after waiting for me to set the house on fire. I never did so they moved on.
It was suggested to me with our house bugged and everything so it's not like my parents and the government didn't all know about it. I noticed they would comment on the news or newspaper stories to eachother, in my hearing if we were all in the livingroom, knowing I listened. I said one day, "You're saying things to eachother that you want me to think of doing or not do". So they never said "Don't have sex until you're married", it was "Bob, did you hear about Alicia and Robin? What a shame. I thought she was a Christian and I guess her mother said they talked to her about waiting until marriage but apparently, she was lying to her mother." So through hearing them talk about various things I formed ideas of what they accepted or did not accept. I said one day, "I know you're just saying that because you want me to listen." Or because I was listening or something. So then they started talking about someone who started a fire in their house, and set it on fire. How horrible it was and then how much money they got. Boy could they use some money, those people. On and on and on about it.
I remember I thought even back then that it was really weird that the Mormon FBI psychologist's family decided to move after I didn't do it. I figured they hoped I would and then it would give him a chance to have a different kind of access to me, as a psychologist or something, or to just discredit me.
They kept talking about it and then I sensed my Dad getting mad that I wasn't doing it. I am positive he was being told to suggest it and maybe they were tortured over it even. All I know, is I thought to myself, as a kid, shocked, "I can't believe it. My parents want me to start a fire?!" Maybe at that point, that's what Alan Springer was supposed to spring into action over. Hurry and call me nuts. The FBI has always needed a cover for their shit.
This was around the same time I was being tested about my ability to keep secrets for the U.S. government. I was given a test of "Don't tell anyone" but of course they said it out loud at our house which was bugged, and knowing I was wired myself. I was told they had $50,000. Well, I just saw a special about Aldrich Ames the other day, and apparently some big deal over a $50,000 amount. Why go to Edmonton, Canada, with $50,000 comments, unless it was to tip the U.S. off, knowing I was wired for the fucking NSA and CIA. They said to me they had $50,000 saved up and then I was supposed to keep it a secret. Next, we were going to vacation in Edmonton, Canada. Aldrich Ames had $50,000 in a transfer, and he was friends with Edward Howard, and Edward is close enough to Edmond.
These assholes who came to my house right before Katie Middleton decided to get pregnant, knowing she was going ahead with it, Fred and whatshername, stopped by smirking and gave me a carton of Almond milk and said, "We had an extra so you can have this one." It was given to me right after his wife took me shopping and I could tell they were Middleton people and didn't like me. She smirked at a bunch of Hispanics at the store while there and bought milk and 2 Lays potato chips bags. The Hispanic looked at the bags of chips and smirked and she looked at him laughing and then looked maliciously, sort of haughtily at me.
He is retired military from California and they worked with the military pastor from 7th Day Adventist who is also a psychologist for the FBI.
So why mention $50,000 to me and Edmonton, Canada? Well, Aldrich's Russian friend had a lover in Canada and he was a diplomat. Basically, the United States used me for trafficking, they tortured me, raped me, and they used me as a "messenger" between them for secrets between spies and intelligence.
I never benefited from any of it, ever. In fact, I was degraded, belittled, oppressed, had my homework stolen from me, and dumbed down deliberately. I really don't know about the $50,000 and the Canada vacation coincidence, but what I do know is that they had money and they were not poor and they were not stealing or trying to commit insurance fraud. My parents said all of this with full knowledge of the U.S. government. The entire objective was to see if I'd "do it" and to catch me up in their own spiral of criminal government activity with a blackmail security.
If I kept secrets and was able to be encouraged to do things I knew were wrong, out of devotion or love or thinking maybe I could bring people I love better fortune, they might just use me as an asset or they might just feel better about the crimes they committed against me. They wanted something on me, to discredit me, early. The only purpose was for blackmail of a child/teen. If they had something on me, they'd use it.
So like I said, it was noticeable enough that one day I got really scared, fear in my heart, leaping up, and shock, to realize now they were getting mad I wasn't doing it and it was still being suggested. They wanted me to do a bad thing? But we were 'christians'.
CIA Christians and U.S. Army Christians are as "Christian" as Jew. Go ahead, burn the house down! I think part of it was to test how strongly or how effective the bond was between me and my parents and the programming done to control me through them. I'm sure they got tortured when it wasn't good enough, because I've seen evidence of that.
So then this song was written later, which is like a major joke, called "Sonny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin. She wrote it in 1996, after I was getting physical therapy from my 1995 car accident and had a chiropractor take full body x-rays of me. She titled her CD "A Few Small Repairs" and writes this theme song about a girl burning a house down and "walking on a wire". I wasn't walking on one. I had wires INSIDE of me. So I guess yes, my legs had wires and I walked on them. How much of the royalties did I receive for that entertainment? None of course. It's not like anyone had to have the x-rays though if they knew when it was done to me as a kid. She grew up in Canada. Oh what a shock. "London, Ontario".
Like I said, Maiers, with their Canada friends, also had a line to me and knew I was wired. In fact, they may have had something to do with what was being trafficked. I don't think the gift of the metal cylindrical lipstick case was for nothing. All of the gifts were to make points to my parents, knowing I'd show it to them.
So that is the first example of U.S. government attempt to trap me and discredit me and use it for blackmail and to give them what looked like better access to me and to our house. Of course the police would come over, or FBI, and they could investigate and ask questions about how it started and then find out it matched to what I made up as a kid or not. If it didn't, they knew I was lying and even if it was close, they might have access to me.
All of it, United States government and their ways of trying to frame a kid so they get out of jail free. Maybe a cop gets out free. Maybe it just makes people feel good about Middletons because who knew about it? Well, Shawn Colvin wrote the song in 1996 and she was raised in Canada. The same place one of the assassins who tried to kill me in 1995, said he had parents.
2. The next time the U.S. used government employees to attempt to entrap me or blackmail me was close to the same time and it was by a U.S. contractor for the federal government, the Maiers. It was at the same time, approximately or after. Stephanie's and her sisters said they wanted to skinnydip. I thought it was weird, out of the blue when I knew them for so long. I remember it felt like a set-up, even then, when they started encouraging me to go. So I did, at night and they had all their porch lights on around the pool. When I was encouraged to get out naked and go down the curly slide, I refused and then I did with further urging. No one else would but Christina. I thought why is she the only one going on it but the others were telling me to? But I did and then I saw Stephanie look over at the window and smirk and it was her Dad standing there at the sink and I am pretty sure there was a flash of a camera by him or someone next to him. While this wasn't blackmail to me, it was an attempt to entrap me into a position where I was photographed in a degrading position. From there it was used as potential blackmail with others. The pool sat at the end of an island as well, and across from it, across the lake further down was the Moses Lake police department. I remember feeling humiliated when I saw Stephanie's Dad and then saw her smirk and then go under water to conceal how she was laughing. I never said anything because I was too shocked that a Dad and daughter would laugh together over convincing me to be exposed. I then refused to believe what I thought because I couldn't believe it, so I pushed it out of my mind. Christina knew too, that her Dad was there. She was so insistent she got out naked herself to convince me to follow her. "See? Look, I'll do it first." After high school, before Robin raped me, he had private time with their Dad and Christina and was especially interested in getting close to Chris. It wasn't really lust, it was always CIA drug business with him. He spent all of his time there, talking to their Dad and Chris on private boat trips, and getting drunk with Stephanie and Chris while I sat in Stacey's room and talked to Stacey who sat in front of a giant doll case full of dolls and cut out coupons. This was a visit that took place after 2 assassination attempts against me. Stephanie met him and Monica in 1991 or 1992 and the first attempt was after her visit.
3. 1997. I guess I could include one weird accusation of stealing a diamond. It came from a Jewish manager for Helzberg Diamonds and I believe he knew it was a lie. I am 100% positive he knew it was a lie and I believe he deliberately accused me of this to create a record to discredit me or out of hatred. First he was telling me all the time, "Let's walk". It was his only saying. "Let's walk". If you look at Heltzberg Diamond ads now, they're celebrating Katie Middleton with royalty themed pieces. He said, "Let's walk" to me almost every day. He'd walk and smoke and I walked with him as he discussed having me train to be a manager. There was no hint of a problem until the day I gave my notice. I gave a 2 week customary notice and he said, after, "There has been a diamond theft" and of all the people he picked on, he picked on me. He claimed that the only "special diamond" they had, which was in a safe, and which I had been allowed to view one day under a microscope, disappeared. He said he knew it was me, and wrote it in my employee record. He badgered me for over 2 weeks, the entire time I had to stay there and finally I said, "I already told you I didn't take it. If you want to call the police and have them ask me, go ahead, because I'm tired of being accused." I was shocked because he made it sound like he liked me and then acted hurt or something when I said I quit, and then he labeled my work history negatively with a theft accusation. I believe the only reason for him to come up with such an idea was to ruin my work history and/or to give police an excuse to go to my house and pretend to search for it as they did other things. Anyway, I guess he died of cancer a few years ago. I worked for him after the Del Balzos and CTR. One day Carl Del Balzo went in and I felt embarrassed and then another day Claire came in, the best friend of Stacy Darling. I remember she seemed to be mocking me and was checking in on something. I found out later, Kate Middleton has a cousin with the last name Darling and I don't know if it's a relation but I remembered feeling bad that Claire had gone in and looked smugly satisfied I was there. She had this look, and I thought, "She must think now I'm really low-level or something to go from an offer to do corporate sales in computers as an executive to a mall job." She narrowed her eyebrows and smirked and looked triumphant. She went in looking for someone and it was me and when she saw me, she smirked and then was going to leave and I caught her and talked to her before she could go around the corner. I wanted to see how she reacted to my being friendly with her and she looked guilty. The diamond theft accusation was after this.
Alvaro Pardo: Muslim Liar for Department of State
The U.S. Department of State held me hostage and tried to force me to marry Alvaro Pardo. Alvaro told me he worked for the FBI but he also worked for the Department of State. He was in the U.S. during the entire muslim "Revolution" thing that did nothing but kill one leader for another.
It was a CIA game and nothing else. He did translation for the U.S. government, and that is why they tried to force me to marry him. They figured they could hold me hostage and either force me to marry him and get some child from Colombia over to the U.S., or they could use it and accuse ME of marriage fraud and send me to prison.
The Pentagon worked with the CIA to kidnap my son.
The Department of Health and Human Services was involved in this from the start. I had not realized their offices and most of their headquarters were in Maryland, where I lived with Alvaro, and I can trace Alvaro to Michelle Erickson and Jennifer Godfrey from CPS in Wenatchee, WA.
Ever since I didn't marry him, the number 7 has been thrown at me whenever I'm being tortured or kicked out of housing, or degraded. This has been to "remind" me, supposedly, of Alvaro Pardo's daughter in Colombia who he said was 7 years old.
I don't even believe he has a 7 year old daughter anymore, and I know his cousin Alberto has two sons that look more like Alvaro than Alberto, living in the U.S.
People in Wenatchee, WA, including cops, were hateful and trying to pressure me to marry Alvaro either to frame me to go to jail, or because they wanted to help Jennifer Godfrey.
A separate but connected issue is that if I was being blacklisted in Portland after Josh Gatov raped me, and I've been told he works for the government and have heard different ideas about what department, if it's Portland that blacklisted me, it would be Portland FBI or Portland Police. That was in 1998-1999. Detective Grose never addressed the fact he was a government employee because they deliberately tipped him off to leave the country and then dropped the case, telling him to come on back after the statutes expired.
Alvaro being Muslim could have been why the Eastern Indians who were Muslim thought they were doing Islam a favor by drugging me with Haldol, though I thought they were lying to me and were probably Hindu or something and just saying Muslim to implicate Muslims. However, if Alvaro was Muslim, this would be how FBI got them incited to assault me with Haldol.
I believe the U.S. used Alvaro to kill Osama bin ladin. He translated for someone, and did some kind of undercover work in the U.S. and if he was Muslim, since I got thrown to him by Irish Catholics, it was probably through drug trade that Middleton is involved in. Which is why the Irish Catholics got invited to Katies wedding and then a bunch of Irish Catholic Navy Seals killed Osama bin ladin the next day.
Alvaro told me he was Muslim, but he was a liar. He lied about being faithful and he tried to set me up to go to prison at least once when I was even with him, and it wasn't by choice I was with him.
I was being held hostage and the U.S. was paying him money to do it.
It was a CIA game and nothing else. He did translation for the U.S. government, and that is why they tried to force me to marry him. They figured they could hold me hostage and either force me to marry him and get some child from Colombia over to the U.S., or they could use it and accuse ME of marriage fraud and send me to prison.
The Pentagon worked with the CIA to kidnap my son.
The Department of Health and Human Services was involved in this from the start. I had not realized their offices and most of their headquarters were in Maryland, where I lived with Alvaro, and I can trace Alvaro to Michelle Erickson and Jennifer Godfrey from CPS in Wenatchee, WA.
Ever since I didn't marry him, the number 7 has been thrown at me whenever I'm being tortured or kicked out of housing, or degraded. This has been to "remind" me, supposedly, of Alvaro Pardo's daughter in Colombia who he said was 7 years old.
I don't even believe he has a 7 year old daughter anymore, and I know his cousin Alberto has two sons that look more like Alvaro than Alberto, living in the U.S.
People in Wenatchee, WA, including cops, were hateful and trying to pressure me to marry Alvaro either to frame me to go to jail, or because they wanted to help Jennifer Godfrey.
A separate but connected issue is that if I was being blacklisted in Portland after Josh Gatov raped me, and I've been told he works for the government and have heard different ideas about what department, if it's Portland that blacklisted me, it would be Portland FBI or Portland Police. That was in 1998-1999. Detective Grose never addressed the fact he was a government employee because they deliberately tipped him off to leave the country and then dropped the case, telling him to come on back after the statutes expired.
Alvaro being Muslim could have been why the Eastern Indians who were Muslim thought they were doing Islam a favor by drugging me with Haldol, though I thought they were lying to me and were probably Hindu or something and just saying Muslim to implicate Muslims. However, if Alvaro was Muslim, this would be how FBI got them incited to assault me with Haldol.
I believe the U.S. used Alvaro to kill Osama bin ladin. He translated for someone, and did some kind of undercover work in the U.S. and if he was Muslim, since I got thrown to him by Irish Catholics, it was probably through drug trade that Middleton is involved in. Which is why the Irish Catholics got invited to Katies wedding and then a bunch of Irish Catholic Navy Seals killed Osama bin ladin the next day.
Alvaro told me he was Muslim, but he was a liar. He lied about being faithful and he tried to set me up to go to prison at least once when I was even with him, and it wasn't by choice I was with him.
I was being held hostage and the U.S. was paying him money to do it.
Fraud by Hilary Clinton: U.S. Department of State and Hague Convention
Apr 22
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Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking asylum outside of the U.S.?
Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by Canada.
I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
I look forward to your reply.
Cameo L. Garrett
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LOREE Garrett |
| Apr 22![]() | |

LOREE Garrett | Apr 22![]() |
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Apr 22
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I made a mistake in guessing "displaced" persons. My question should have been, doesn't this mean we are "stateless" persons?
My son was not only refouled to the U.S., he was then violated (his rights and mine) with the U.S. assigning him a social security number before any court process, when they knew I had it revoked. This was done to give an appearance of "jurisdiction" when they had none. After this, they assumed guardianship of my son, lied, and had him adopted away from me.
I have not seen or heard from my son for over 4 years because of the United States.
We request assistance.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 1:26 AM
Subject: Refugee and Asylum Statistics for U.S.
To: usawa@unhcr.org
From: LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 1:26 AM
Subject: Refugee and Asylum Statistics for U.S.
To: usawa@unhcr.org
Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking asylum outside of the U.S.?
Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by Canada.
I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
I look forward to your reply.
Cameo L. Garrett
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Washington, USA USAWA Protection |
| May 15![]() | |

Washington, USA USAWA Protection | May 15![]() |
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May 15
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Dear Garrett,
Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in the US who have renounced their citizenship.
We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the immigration laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the consulates or embassies of the countries concerned.
1) http://www.
2) http://www.aclu.org/files/
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
>>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
>>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>

Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking asylum outside of the U.S.?
Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by Canada.
I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
I look forward to your reply.
Cameo L. Garrett
I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking asylum outside of the U.S.?
Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by Canada.
I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
I look forward to your reply.
Cameo L. Garrett
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LOREE Garrett |
| May 24![]() | |

LOREE Garrett | May 24![]() |
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May 24
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Thank you for the information about resources for, as you termed it, 'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm told it's an official list of people and their families who are designating as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding available for me while I am in the U.S.
Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the application as an attachment online by email?
If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this email address.
Cameo Loree Garrett
On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
>>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
Dear Garrett,
Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in the US who have renounced their citizenship.
We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the immigration laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the consulates or embassies of the countries concerned.
1) http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/ nonprofit/legaldirectory/
2) http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/ImServDir_20101229.pdf
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
>>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
>>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking asylum outside of the U.S.?
Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by Canada.
I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
I look forward to your reply.
Cameo L. Garrett
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Washington, USA USAWA Protection |
| Jun 7![]() | |

Washington, USA USAWA Protection | Jun 7![]() |
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Jun 7
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Dear Mr. Garrett,
Again we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. In accordance with its obligations as a signatory to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which incorporates by reference the substantive provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the United States has well-established procedures for international protection within its borders. As such, UNHCR does not have the authority to conduct determinations of refugee status for individuals present in the United States.
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
>>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 5/24/2013 7:04 PM >>>
Again we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. In accordance with its obligations as a signatory to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which incorporates by reference the substantive provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the United States has well-established procedures for international protection within its borders. As such, UNHCR does not have the authority to conduct determinations of refugee status for individuals present in the United States.
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC

Thank you for the information about resources for, as you termed it,
'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not
assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this
magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a
list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm
told it's an official list of people and their families who are designating
as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am
interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding
available for me while I am in the U.S.
Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the
application as an attachment online by email?
If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this
email address.
Cameo Loree Garrett
On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
> >>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
> Dear Garrett,
> Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
> (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we are
> unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited
> mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who
> fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer
> persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in the
> US who have renounced their citizenship.
> We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek
> assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of
> non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in
> your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the
> matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the immigration
> laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the consulates or
> embassies of the countries concerned.
> 1) http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/legaldirectory/
> 2) http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/ImServDir_20101229.pdf
> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our
> office.
> Protection Unit
> UNHCR Washington DC
> >>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
> >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
> Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
> I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states
> there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers
> originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking
> asylum outside of the U.S.?
> Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in
> the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to
> apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the
> U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by
> Canada.
> I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left
> this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who
> did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social
> security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship
> follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
> I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were
> refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
> I look forward to your reply.
> Cameo L. Garrett
'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not
assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this
magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a
list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm
told it's an official list of people and their families who are designating
as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am
interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding
available for me while I am in the U.S.
Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the
application as an attachment online by email?
If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this
email address.
Cameo Loree Garrett
On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
> >>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
> Dear Garrett,
> Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
> (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we are
> unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited
> mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who
> fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer
> persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in the
> US who have renounced their citizenship.
> We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek
> assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of
> non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in
> your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the
> matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the immigration
> laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the consulates or
> embassies of the countries concerned.
> 1) http://www.
> 2) http://www.aclu.org/files/
> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our
> office.
> Protection Unit
> UNHCR Washington DC
> >>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
> >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
> Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
> I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states
> there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers
> originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking
> asylum outside of the U.S.?
> Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in
> the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to
> apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the
> U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by
> Canada.
> I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left
> this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who
> did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social
> security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship
> follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
> I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were
> refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
> I look forward to your reply.
> Cameo L. Garrett
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LOREE Garrett |
| Jun 7![]() | |

LOREE Garrett | Jun 7![]() |
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Jun 7
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I am specifically asking about the UN refugee list because I wish to be placed on it.
The U.S. does NOT have a justice system that is functioning any longer. My recent attempt to have assassination attempts against me documented on record, after this documentation was concealed by local, state, and federal law enforcement (persons witnessing collisions and not taking normal incident reports even, where an attempted murder was involved) has nothing to do with an idea that this country is managing their own security. This country has used federal employees to try to kill me.
I don't waive my right to be listed as a refugee with the UN.
I also do not waive my right in any concession by asking an agency to document or investigate attempted murder, as if I have faith in this system or as if it was not done earlier or was not discovered earlier. This country has known about these crimes and concealed them. The fact that I push now to have them documented, once again, officially, on the record, is for my own records and safety and for presentation to the UN and other entities of the actual timeline of state-sponsored crimes against me and my son.
The U.S. has known of crimes and "accidents" and what laws they were supposed to follow in recording evidence and my repeated efforts to have this documented, and persons who were present who knew it should be documented, did not do this.
The U.S. has concealed evidence of premeditated multiple rapes against me and other members of my family, and they have tortured us, blocked our freedom of travel, falsely arrested me to block me from traveling and hold me in confinement, assaulted me with drugs for "political dissidents" (Haldol), and kidnapped my son and lied about why he was kidnapped.
I have exhausted all remedies in the U.S. and this was exhausted several years ago. I attempted to flee the U.S. and was kidnapped back, with my son. The harm is irreparable and Canada was aware they were refouling us and kidnapping us and told me this.
My question was about the refugee list. There is a list, regardless of what country someone lives in, and I have several times explained I wish to see that application and be placed on this list.
I have not received any response, to date, after 3 years of asking about this list.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
Dear Mr. Garrett,
Again we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. In accordance with its obligations as a signatory to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which incorporates by reference the substantive provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the United States has well-established procedures for international protection within its borders. As such, UNHCR does not have the authority to conduct determinations of refugee status for individuals present in the United States.
>>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 5/24/2013 7:04 PM >>>
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
Thank you for the information about resources for, as you termed it,
'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not
assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this
magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a
list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm
told it's an official list of people and their families who are designating
as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am
interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding
available for me while I am in the U.S.
Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the
application as an attachment online by email?
If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this
email address.
Cameo Loree Garrett
On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
> >>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
> Dear Garrett,
> Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
> (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we are
> unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited
> mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who
> fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer
> persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in the
> US who have renounced their citizenship.
> We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek
> assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of
> non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in
> your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the
> matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the immigration
> laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the consulates or
> embassies of the countries concerned.
> 1) http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/ nonprofit/legaldirectory/
> 2) http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/ImServDir_20101229.pdf
> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our
> office.
> Protection Unit
> UNHCR Washington DC
> >>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
> >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
> Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
> I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states
> there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers
> originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking
> asylum outside of the U.S.?
> Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in
> the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to
> apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the
> U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by
> Canada.
> I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left
> this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who
> did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social
> security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship
> follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
> I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were
> refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
> I look forward to your reply.
> Cameo L. Garrett
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LOREE Garrett |
| Jun 7![]() | |

LOREE Garrett | Jun 7![]() |
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Jun 7
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I believe my son and I are considered "stateless" rather than displaced because when I left the U.S. with him, I revoked his SS# first. Then I declared political asylum to Canada and revoked my citizenship, stating I revoked it. It was clear my intention was for political asylum and that I renounced U.S. citizenship. My son was a baby and his status followed mine, and as such, he and I were both asking for political asylum and then stateless once we did and once I revoked this citizenship. He had no connection to the U.S. aside from birth in the State of Washington and I left.
The U.S. treated us as "stateless" when they tortured us. They tortured us before we were even considered "stateless". Then they illegally assumed jurisdiction over him when I had asked for political asylum from the U.S., and when the U.S. knew we were "stateless". CPS was told, by me, they had no jurisdiction and they said they were going to drop the whole case. Instead, they hired a man named Alvaro Pardo and coerced me to marry him in order to have me make statements on official documents that I was a U.S. citizen, for him to be able to get a Green Card for U.S. work and citizenship. This would have repatriated me and my son to the U.S. and given them a right to jurisdiction for court but this never occurred. I refused to marry him and was assaulted and retaliated against, and forced out of federal housing. I was also denied money I was owed by the State of Washington.
They proceeded to have my rights terminated, against the law and lacking jurisdiction. Then then stressed efforts to have me maligned as mentally ill, which I was not, and am not still. I was held hostage and drugged for this purpose and then refused a passport to leave the country.
My son was adopted from me and I have not seen or heard from him for 4 years. The guardians were involved in the collusion with Pardo and the state because they wanted to raise him themselves and got financial incentives.
I have never made any statement or document that discredits the fact I revoked citizenship for me and my son in 2007, while in Canada.
I would like to know what kind of international court hears matters regarding child kidnapping and obstruction of justice between 2 states (U.S. and Canada) and I would also like to know what court would determine my son's adoption is fraud and null and void.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 9:30 AM, LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> wrote:
I am specifically asking about the UN refugee list because I wish to be placed on it.The U.S. does NOT have a justice system that is functioning any longer. My recent attempt to have assassination attempts against me documented on record, after this documentation was concealed by local, state, and federal law enforcement (persons witnessing collisions and not taking normal incident reports even, where an attempted murder was involved) has nothing to do with an idea that this country is managing their own security. This country has used federal employees to try to kill me.I don't waive my right to be listed as a refugee with the UN.I also do not waive my right in any concession by asking an agency to document or investigate attempted murder, as if I have faith in this system or as if it was not done earlier or was not discovered earlier. This country has known about these crimes and concealed them. The fact that I push now to have them documented, once again, officially, on the record, is for my own records and safety and for presentation to the UN and other entities of the actual timeline of state-sponsored crimes against me and my son.The U.S. has known of crimes and "accidents" and what laws they were supposed to follow in recording evidence and my repeated efforts to have this documented, and persons who were present who knew it should be documented, did not do this.The U.S. has concealed evidence of premeditated multiple rapes against me and other members of my family, and they have tortured us, blocked our freedom of travel, falsely arrested me to block me from traveling and hold me in confinement, assaulted me with drugs for "political dissidents" (Haldol), and kidnapped my son and lied about why he was kidnapped.I have exhausted all remedies in the U.S. and this was exhausted several years ago. I attempted to flee the U.S. and was kidnapped back, with my son. The harm is irreparable and Canada was aware they were refouling us and kidnapping us and told me this.My question was about the refugee list. There is a list, regardless of what country someone lives in, and I have several times explained I wish to see that application and be placed on this list.I have not received any response, to date, after 3 years of asking about this list.Cameo
On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
Dear Mr. Garrett,
Again we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. In accordance with its obligations as a signatory to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which incorporates by reference the substantive provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the United States has well-established procedures for international protection within its borders. As such, UNHCR does not have the authority to conduct determinations of refugee status for individuals present in the United States.
>>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 5/24/2013 7:04 PM >>>
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
Thank you for the information about resources for, as you termed it,
'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not
assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this
magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a
list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm
told it's an official list of people and their families who are designating
as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am
interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding
available for me while I am in the U.S.
Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the
application as an attachment online by email?
If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this
email address.
Cameo Loree Garrett
On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
> >>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
> Dear Garrett,
> Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
> (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we are
> unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited
> mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who
> fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer
> persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in the
> US who have renounced their citizenship.
> We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek
> assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of
> non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in
> your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the
> matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the immigration
> laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the consulates or
> embassies of the countries concerned.
> 1) http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/ nonprofit/legaldirectory/
> 2) http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/ImServDir_20101229.pdf
> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our
> office.
> Protection Unit
> UNHCR Washington DC
> >>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
> >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
> Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
> I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states
> there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum seekers
> originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens" seeking
> asylum outside of the U.S.?
> Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living in
> the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able to
> apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the
> U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by
> Canada.
> I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left
> this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby who
> did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social
> security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship
> follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
> I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were
> refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
> I look forward to your reply.
> Cameo L. Garrett
![]() | ![]() |

Washington, USA USAWA Protection |
| ![]() ![]() | |

| ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Cameo Garrett,
Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer persecution.
We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek assistance. The following links provide lists of non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the matters you raise:
1) http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/legaldirectory/
2) http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/ImServDir_20101229.pdf
In regards to your son's adoption, we also recommend obtaining legal advice. Please see the following resource from the American Bar Association, which provides a list of legal advisers according to state: http://apps.americanbar.org/legalservices/findlegalhelp/home.cfm
Additionally, we have attached to this email information on statelessness.
We hope this information is helpful.
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
>>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 6/7/2013 4:32 PM >>>
We believe 1 family torn apart by war is too many.
Tell the world you do too: http://www.unhcr.org/1family?link=email
Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the limited mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States who fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer persecution.
1) http://www.
2) http://www.aclu.org/files/
Additionally, we have attached to this email information on statelessness.
We hope this information is helpful.
Protection Unit
UNHCR Washington DC
I believe my son and I are considered "stateless" rather than displaced
because when I left the U.S. with him, I revoked his SS# first. Then I
declared political asylum to Canada and revoked my citizenship, stating I
revoked it. It was clear my intention was for political asylum and that I
renounced U.S. citizenship. My son was a baby and his status followed
mine, and as such, he and I were both asking for political asylum and then
stateless once we did and once I revoked this citizenship. He had no
connection to the U.S. aside from birth in the State of Washington and I
The U.S. treated us as "stateless" when they tortured us. They tortured us
before we were even considered "stateless". Then they illegally assumed
jurisdiction over him when I had asked for political asylum from the U.S.,
and when the U.S. knew we were "stateless". CPS was told, by me, they had
no jurisdiction and they said they were going to drop the whole case.
Instead, they hired a man named Alvaro Pardo and coerced me to marry him in
order to have me make statements on official documents that I was a U.S.
citizen, for him to be able to get a Green Card for U.S. work and
citizenship. This would have repatriated me and my son to the U.S. and
given them a right to jurisdiction for court but this never occurred. I
refused to marry him and was assaulted and retaliated against, and forced
out of federal housing. I was also denied money I was owed by the State of
They proceeded to have my rights terminated, against the law and lacking
jurisdiction. Then then stressed efforts to have me maligned as mentally
ill, which I was not, and am not still. I was held hostage and drugged for
this purpose and then refused a passport to leave the country.
My son was adopted from me and I have not seen or heard from him for 4
years. The guardians were involved in the collusion with Pardo and the
state because they wanted to raise him themselves and got financial
I have never made any statement or document that discredits the fact I
revoked citizenship for me and my son in 2007, while in Canada.
I would like to know what kind of international court hears matters
regarding child kidnapping and obstruction of justice between 2 states
(U.S. and Canada) and I would also like to know what court would determine
my son's adoption is fraud and null and void.
On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 9:30 AM, LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com>wrote:
> I am specifically asking about the UN refugee list because I wish to be
> placed on it.
> The U.S. does NOT have a justice system that is functioning any longer.
> My recent attempt to have assassination attempts against me documented on
> record, after this documentation was concealed by local, state, and federal
> law enforcement (persons witnessing collisions and not taking normal
> incident reports even, where an attempted murder was involved) has nothing
> to do with an idea that this country is managing their own security. This
> country has used federal employees to try to kill me.
> I don't waive my right to be listed as a refugee with the UN.
> I also do not waive my right in any concession by asking an agency to
> document or investigate attempted murder, as if I have faith in this system
> or as if it was not done earlier or was not discovered earlier. This
> country has known about these crimes and concealed them. The fact that I
> push now to have them documented, once again, officially, on the record, is
> for my own records and safety and for presentation to the UN and other
> entities of the actual timeline of state-sponsored crimes against me and my
> son.
> The U.S. has known of crimes and "accidents" and what laws they were
> supposed to follow in recording evidence and my repeated efforts to have
> this documented, and persons who were present who knew it should be
> documented, did not do this.
> The U.S. has concealed evidence of premeditated multiple rapes against me
> and other members of my family, and they have tortured us, blocked our
> freedom of travel, falsely arrested me to block me from traveling and hold
> me in confinement, assaulted me with drugs for "political dissidents"
> (Haldol), and kidnapped my son and lied about why he was kidnapped.
> I have exhausted all remedies in the U.S. and this was exhausted several
> years ago. I attempted to flee the U.S. and was kidnapped back, with my
> son. The harm is irreparable and Canada was aware they were refouling us
> and kidnapping us and told me this.
> My question was about the refugee list. There is a list, regardless of
> what country someone lives in, and I have several times explained I wish to
> see that application and be placed on this list.
> I have not received any response, to date, after 3 years of asking about
> this list.
> Cameo
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
> USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Garrett,
>> Again we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. In accordance
>> with its obligations as a signatory to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the
>> Status of Refugees, which incorporates by reference the substantive
>> provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the
>> United States has well-established procedures for international protection
>> within its borders. As such, UNHCR does not have the authority to conduct
>> determinations of refugee status for individuals present in the United
>> States.
>> Protection Unit
>> UNHCR Washington DC
>> >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 5/24/2013 7:04 PM >>>
>> Thank you for the information about resources for, as you termed it,
>> 'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not
>> assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this
>> magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
>> My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a
>> list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm
>> told it's an official list of people and their families who are
>> designating
>> as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
>> This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am
>> interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding
>> available for me while I am in the U.S.
>> Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the
>> application as an attachment online by email?
>> If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this
>> email address.
>> Cameo Loree Garrett
>> On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7
>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
>> USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > >>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
>> > Dear Garrett,
>> >
>> > Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for
>> Refugees
>> > (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we
>> are
>> > unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the
>> limited
>> > mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States
>> who
>> > fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer
>> > persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in
>> the
>> > US who have renounced their citizenship.
>> >
>> > We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek
>> > assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of
>> > non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in
>> > your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the
>> > matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the
>> immigration
>> > laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the
>> consulates or
>> > embassies of the countries concerned.
>> >
>> > 1) http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/legaldirectory/
>> > 2) http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/ImServDir_20101229.pdf
>> >
>> > If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our
>> > office.
>> >
>> > Protection Unit
>> > UNHCR Washington DC
>> >
>> >
>> > >>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
>> >
>> >
>> > >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
>> > Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
>> > I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states
>> > there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum
>> seekers
>> > originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens"
>> seeking
>> > asylum outside of the U.S.?
>> > Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living
>> in
>> > the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able
>> to
>> > apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the
>> > U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by
>> > Canada.
>> > I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left
>> > this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby
>> who
>> > did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social
>> > security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship
>> > follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
>> > I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were
>> > refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
>> > I look forward to your reply.
>> > Cameo L. Garrett
>> >
>> >
I believe my son and I are considered "stateless" rather than displaced
because when I left the U.S. with him, I revoked his SS# first. Then I
declared political asylum to Canada and revoked my citizenship, stating I
revoked it. It was clear my intention was for political asylum and that I
renounced U.S. citizenship. My son was a baby and his status followed
mine, and as such, he and I were both asking for political asylum and then
stateless once we did and once I revoked this citizenship. He had no
connection to the U.S. aside from birth in the State of Washington and I
The U.S. treated us as "stateless" when they tortured us. They tortured us
before we were even considered "stateless". Then they illegally assumed
jurisdiction over him when I had asked for political asylum from the U.S.,
and when the U.S. knew we were "stateless". CPS was told, by me, they had
no jurisdiction and they said they were going to drop the whole case.
Instead, they hired a man named Alvaro Pardo and coerced me to marry him in
order to have me make statements on official documents that I was a U.S.
citizen, for him to be able to get a Green Card for U.S. work and
citizenship. This would have repatriated me and my son to the U.S. and
given them a right to jurisdiction for court but this never occurred. I
refused to marry him and was assaulted and retaliated against, and forced
out of federal housing. I was also denied money I was owed by the State of
They proceeded to have my rights terminated, against the law and lacking
jurisdiction. Then then stressed efforts to have me maligned as mentally
ill, which I was not, and am not still. I was held hostage and drugged for
this purpose and then refused a passport to leave the country.
My son was adopted from me and I have not seen or heard from him for 4
years. The guardians were involved in the collusion with Pardo and the
state because they wanted to raise him themselves and got financial
I have never made any statement or document that discredits the fact I
revoked citizenship for me and my son in 2007, while in Canada.
I would like to know what kind of international court hears matters
regarding child kidnapping and obstruction of justice between 2 states
(U.S. and Canada) and I would also like to know what court would determine
my son's adoption is fraud and null and void.
On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 9:30 AM, LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com>
> I am specifically asking about the UN refugee list because I wish to be
> placed on it.
> The U.S. does NOT have a justice system that is functioning any longer.
> My recent attempt to have assassination attempts against me documented on
> record, after this documentation was concealed by local, state, and federal
> law enforcement (persons witnessing collisions and not taking normal
> incident reports even, where an attempted murder was involved) has nothing
> to do with an idea that this country is managing their own security. This
> country has used federal employees to try to kill me.
> I don't waive my right to be listed as a refugee with the UN.
> I also do not waive my right in any concession by asking an agency to
> document or investigate attempted murder, as if I have faith in this system
> or as if it was not done earlier or was not discovered earlier. This
> country has known about these crimes and concealed them. The fact that I
> push now to have them documented, once again, officially, on the record, is
> for my own records and safety and for presentation to the UN and other
> entities of the actual timeline of state-sponsored crimes against me and my
> son.
> The U.S. has known of crimes and "accidents" and what laws they were
> supposed to follow in recording evidence and my repeated efforts to have
> this documented, and persons who were present who knew it should be
> documented, did not do this.
> The U.S. has concealed evidence of premeditated multiple rapes against me
> and other members of my family, and they have tortured us, blocked our
> freedom of travel, falsely arrested me to block me from traveling and hold
> me in confinement, assaulted me with drugs for "political dissidents"
> (Haldol), and kidnapped my son and lied about why he was kidnapped.
> I have exhausted all remedies in the U.S. and this was exhausted several
> years ago. I attempted to flee the U.S. and was kidnapped back, with my
> son. The harm is irreparable and Canada was aware they were refouling us
> and kidnapping us and told me this.
> My question was about the refugee list. There is a list, regardless of
> what country someone lives in, and I have several times explained I wish to
> see that application and be placed on this list.
> I have not received any response, to date, after 3 years of asking about
> this list.
> Cameo
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
> USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Garrett,
>> Again we are unable to assist you in the ways you request. In accordance
>> with its obligations as a signatory to the 1967 Protocol Relating to the
>> Status of Refugees, which incorporates by reference the substantive
>> provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the
>> United States has well-established procedures for international protection
>> within its borders. As such, UNHCR does not have the authority to conduct
>> determinations of refugee status for individuals present in the United
>> States.
>> Protection Unit
>> UNHCR Washington DC
>> >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 5/24/2013 7:04 PM >>>
>> Thank you for the information about resources for, as you termed it,
>> 'displaced persons'. I have contacted them in the past and they do not
>> assist U.S citizens who have cases against the federal government of this
>> magnitude. They don't have the resources for that.
>> My other request was to be registered on the refugee list. The UN keeps a
>> list of refugees, regardless of whether they assist them or not, and I'm
>> told it's an official list of people and their families who are
>> designating
>> as refugees, from anywhere in the world.
>> This is something I would like to be sent the application for, and I am
>> interested in inclusion on the list whether there are resources or funding
>> available for me while I am in the U.S.
>> Could you please mail this to me? or are you able to send me the
>> application as an attachment online by email?
>> If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to contact me at this
>> email address.
>> Cameo Loree Garrett
>> On behalf of myself and my son, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, age 7
>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Washington, USA USAWA Protection <
>> USAWAPU@unhcr.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > >>> Washington, USA USAWA Protection 5/15/2013 11:50 AM >>>
>> > Dear Garrett,
>> >
>> > Thank you for contacting the United Nations High Commissioner for
>> Refugees
>> > (UNHCR) Regional Office in Washington, D.C. (ROW). Unfortunately, we
>> are
>> > unable to assist you in the ways you request. This office has the
>> limited
>> > mandate of assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States
>> who
>> > fear being returned to a country where they are afraid they might suffer
>> > persecution. We do not have the capacity to assist displaced persons in
>> the
>> > US who have renounced their citizenship.
>> >
>> > We encourage you to obtain legal advice on the matter for which you seek
>> > assistance. For your convenience, please see the following two lists of
>> > non profit organizations in your area that may be able to assist you in
>> > your immigration matters or refer you to another agency that handles the
>> > matters you raise. If your situation requires knowledge of the
>> immigration
>> > laws of another country, you may wish to contact directly the
>> consulates or
>> > embassies of the countries concerned.
>> >
>> > 1) http://www.
>> > 2) http://www.aclu.org/files/
>> >
>> > If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our
>> > office.
>> >
>> > Protection Unit
>> > UNHCR Washington DC
>> >
>> >
>> > >>> Washington USA 4/22/2013 9:40 AM >>>
>> >
>> >
>> > >>> LOREE Garrett <loree.o.eerol@gmail.com> 4/22/2013 4:26 AM >>>
>> > Please let me know to whose attention this should be addressed.
>> > I looked up the UNHCR tonight and your information about the U.S. states
>> > there are 3, 778 refugees originating from the U.S. and 593 asylum
>> seekers
>> > originating from the U.S. Does this mean these are U.S. "citizens"
>> seeking
>> > asylum outside of the U.S.?
>> > Also, this site says it offers assistance to individuals who are living
>> in
>> > the U.S. and are "displaced" persons. I would like to know if I am able
>> to
>> > apply for assistance for myself and my son as U.S. citizens who fled the
>> > U.S. and requested political asylum and who were refouled to the U.S. by
>> > Canada.
>> > I do not believe either I or my son are citizens of the U.S. when I left
>> > this country and renounced citizenship for myself and my son was a baby
>> who
>> > did not have citizenship with the U.S. In fact, I had his federal social
>> > security number revoked. When a child is that young, their citizenship
>> > follows that of the mother, and he was a baby.
>> > I renounced U.S. citizenship for myself and my son and since we were
>> > refouled, doesn't that make us "displaced" persons?
>> > I look forward to your reply.
>> > Cameo L. Garrett
>> >
>> >
Tell the world you do too: http://www.unhcr.org/1family?
7 attachments — Download all attachments
![]() | MEMO_Statelessness_LJ Edits.doc 28K View Download |
![]() | Statelessness_Intake_Form.May 2013.pdf 68K View Download |
![]() | 1954 Convention on Statelessness.pdf 548K View Download |
![]() | 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.pdf 468K View Download |
![]() | Citizens of Nowhere.pdf 1197K View Download |
![]() | Definition of Statelessness Guidelines.pdf 99K View Download |
![]() | Determining Statelessness.pdf 122K View Download |
![]() | ![]() |

8:01 AM (23 minutes ago)
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If Hague was not involved, Hague would not have been consulted and used by the Department of State prior to the kidnapping of my son by the United States.
The United States also would not have attempted to assassinate me for a 7th time in Washington D.C. downtown, after I had contacted a law firm about Hague and discovered I could use Hague for the situation with my son and his return. Additionally, Washington D.C. FBI would not have used a man from Colombia to attempt to circumvent my filing for Hague remedy for my son within the first year of his removal. The fact that this year expired does not alleviate the burden of Hague to accept complaints and direct applicants to the person who will receive that complaint.
If you should wish to reject my complaint after reviewing the facts, that is one thing, however, you are attempting to obstruct and impede justice.
Hilary Clinton's attempt to "fix the Hague problem" for the U.S., when the U.S. did not have legal right to use Hague in removing me and my son from another country when we left, does not diminish the fact your department was consulted and the statutes abused to suggest there was a parental kidnapping and that this was the excuse the U.S. and Canada had to take my son from me.
I was the one being accused of parental kidnapping.
Hague was used by Washington D.C., and they committed fraud and abused the system by suggesting they had a legal right to kidnap my son from me. Later, they decided to formalize their appreciation to Hague by signing a declaration on October 22, 2009.
Because the U.S. Department of State contacted persons at your department and committed crimes with the excuse that your department was assisting in this matter, I also have a right to address your department and the fraud that occurred by a state and to have full and complete discovery from your offices regarding me and my son and any and all persons who contacted your offices from December 2007-October 31 2009.
Once the Department of State assumed I would not discover their involvement with Hague, they removed the "Colombian" who worked for the FBI in the U.S. and in Colombia, from me after he took photos of all of my personal property and pretended they were offended I was not going to marry him when all he had done was hold me hostage in the United States while I was attempting to get to the courts and to a lawyer.
I have asked several times for a name of a person who will take responsibility for the transmission of communications with me.
Cameo L. Garrett
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