Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lime Cleanse Progress

Well I should have kept it simple but late on day 3 I added a few things that threw it off and I ended up with the beginning of a droopy eye. Seriously. So I added inactivated charcoal and the droopy eye corrected within 20 minutes.

I was squeezing in some of the lime pulp with the juice, but today I banished the thought, not wanting to slug at pulp when it's hard enough to get the stuff down undiluted. So I made it with the clear juice only and no pulp and continued to use ascorbic acid crystals. Then, I decided to add a few chlorella tablets later, and took a bath while chewing on fresh cilantro.

Everything was still fine. Then, I thought, Oh, I might have a little pure vegetarian bullion with herbs and maybe I'll take one of those omega-3 capsules. However, this is where I did something wrong. I don't know what it is with the capsules, but when I took them in TN, I got droopy eye too. So I tossed them after tonight, and then decided, no save a few for analysis if needed one day. But it's the only thing I can think of that threw it off. I was just trying to add a little lineolic acid, but something triggered my eye and that was frightening enough for me to grab the charcoal and administer at once.

Besides, I figured, after 2 days of kind of chelating the calcium bonds and minerals from with ascorbic acid, whatever I loosened up I could then bind with chlorella and charcoal. I think maybe using chlorella is a waste, bc its best properties might be taken by the charcoal absorption, but I added it in bc it's a natural chelator along with cilantro.

I made a cilantro soup with the bullion and cilantro after chewing on it raw.

So I did a flush and then I ended up doing a chelation before I did a blood purification cleanse. I was going to do a blood purification cleanse first but I suppose it makes sense to chelate some of the toxins being flushed, whatever doesn't come out on its own and needs to be drawn out further.

I'll chelate with charcoal and then do a blood purification. And then maybe a fast. I bought white flour and white sugar while grocery shopping last and now I'm looking at it thinking, "What do I need that for?" so I might just give it away. Instead I might buy some wheat flour and wheat and rye bran. I have oat bran already and maybe I'll make a lot of muffins. I don't know. Need raisins.

I have all this great raw whole foods around but I'm holding off eating them until I get this cleanse thing out of the way.

I'm done with the limes for now but I'll go back to them later. I am going to chelate, then blood purification, then maybe ease into a fast and then chelate or cleanse with natural things and then resume and ease back into a whole foods diet.

I am totally off of caffeine and not one headache. I went cold turkey on caffeine with the lime juice and not one withdrawal symptom. I have distilled water too, but I think I'm going to buy more vapor distilled water before I go back to the filtration distilled.

I don't need to lose any weight at all. I need to exercise, but not lose weight. However, even if I look a little too skinny from this, if my energy levels return, this will help me to get back into a rigorous exercise routine, which I've been used to most of my life.

I don't know what the point is of a master cleanse with just a few tsps of fresh lemon or lime juice. I think, slug the whole thing if you can. I mean, drink water still, but drink the juice too.

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