Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Parents Work For The U.S.(Real Psychic Spies)

That's it.

Why should I cover for anyone, for any reason. Maybe my parents were sold into slavery, but I wasn't and neither was my son.

I was wondering what was wrong with me last night because I had insomnia but I realized I was totally wired because I had fasted for 3 days and then had coffee. At first I thought, "Maybe I AM manic, why can't I sleep?" and then I thought "Why can't I cry."

Well I got my cry in this morning when my mother refused to let me use her webcam when mine isn't working.

My own parents saw with their own eyes, the blisters on my forearm.

My parents have probably suspected what has been going on, because I found out when I got back from TN, after watching a bunch of shitty people practice their work out on me there, that my parents are or were psychic spies.

What level, I don't know.

All I know is that both of them are very, very, very, good. I am not a psychic at all. I've been more like a victim of mind control.

The jig is up.

Before anyone starts to call me crazy again, watch the part of the movie in "Family of Spies" where the woman, Barbara, gets on the phone and calls the FBI and starts telling them her husband is a spy. They think she's nuts. She sounds nuts.

But some things, for me, upon arrival here again, finally began to make sense.

My mother and father are able to pinpoint and predict almost anything I do, before I do it, in word, deed, and action.

This is why I am "special".

But unfortunately for the U.S., I guess I didn't make "the cut" and I know I didn't, because I know I am not able to do any of the things both my mother and father can do.

However, I believe I have some evidence to prove I've been a victim of mind control and use and abuse by the U.S. My son was kidnapped from me and there was nothing my parents could do because the other thing I've figured out is that they are slaves to the U.S. in some way. Someone has been forcing them to sometimes "perform" for them.

Yes, this is serious.

I have been wondering if my parents are like the Iranian man who worked as a kidnapped slave for the U.S., with everything looking fine from the outside, but being pressured and forced to work on behalf of the U.S. government.

When I said this crap ends with me, and my son is not going to be forced into this, I was not bluffing. So either the U.S. returns my son immediately or I go down the list of identifying several of their "assets" and start detailing abuses in violation of the Geneva Convention.

What's weird, is that I don't know know who else knows, but I feel that, as their daughter, I was ignorant, blind, and one of the last to know. I know my parents don't seem to be happy and I think it's the fault of the U.S.

I'm sorry, but last night I got a very good proof that I had just been lasered through my window. This is after several years of being TORTURED. This is after I witnessed what was done to my son, to turn him into another victim of experimental mind control to work for the U.S.

I asked to use my mother's webcam and she said no, and after I went into all the detail of how I could match this up with how it happened, after THEY saw,, with their own eyes, the blistering on my arm and the marks, and after I said, "I've been TELLING YOU I've been TORTURED and YOU said I needed proof and now you aren't even willing to help me?!!!" and they said no, and I asked for a ride into town to buy a camera and they said they didn't know what time and I said I'd walk and my Dad actually sounded happy about this which pissed me off. I thought, "Sure. I'm going to walk through town, on foot, after writing about being lasered."

No, I don't take this TORTURE CRAP as a point of pride. I left the house then with my mug of coffee and threw the coffee out and then hurled the cup onto the first hard object I approached, which was the fucking bridge. It only broke the handle off the first time so I picked it up and smashed it again and it broke into a hundred little white pieces, to all sides and some into the water.



You have manipulated and USED my family and if I am a "Joseph" in any sense, it's going to be to save my son and family from being USED by YOU.

This is what I figured out--

For my Dad, he got recruited as a teen. What I think maybe happened is that he was arrested for something like stealing a car and was made an offer then. Either that, or it happened when he tried to enlist in the Army and they "rejected" him or he decided against it at the last minute. What I'm thinking happened, is that they didn't reject him, they just wanted him to work undercover for them in psychic research which is maybe what my Grandpa Garrett did in WWII for the Marines. I would bet my Great-Grandfather, who married the Howard, worked a side job for the CIA or whatever amounted to the CIA then. It's only a guess, but it's not far off.

My mother, I don't know when they would start using her unless they were working on her when she was just a little girl. She was a child of the 60s, so they were already using and experimenting with kids. What a shock to think my own mother is a prototype of the MK-Ultra program, or Artichoke.

My parents are better than most of the shit I saw in saw TN from punks who didn't care about me and used me to Uncle Sam's content.

My mother's father was in the Army, in WWII, and he's no dummy. Granny isn't either. Granny is, I thought my whole life she was just "eccentric" but I think she was and is psychic. I don't think she worked for anyone, but I later noticed signs of it.

It's in the genes of both sides of my family.

I guess I must have been a disappointment, because I have nowhere near the gift they have.

The U.S. has to have some kind of blackmail or coercion over my parents because I can tell they're not happy. It's not that they're not happy people, it's that they've been tortured too, but they will never admit it, and I don't think my and my son's torture has made them happy either, but I guess according to their contract, they keep their mouths shut.

So Kate and Will aren't the only ones with an "unusual contract" by the record.

And, in all of this, last night the only thing that made me laugh, as I lay wide awake in a daze and dawning horror, being unable to cry, I laughed out loud remembering something I had said to my parents a few weeks ago:

"William never would have gone for Kate if she'd had a weiner dog." I cracked up laughing and said, "It's true. Her MOM probably picked her dog out for her, before she was old enough to even to pick it out, to keep up with an image she wanted for her daughter."

And last night, I took a bath and laughed and laughed, imagining Kate Middleton (blech) with a weiner dog.

It's funny what victims of torture have left in the world to amuse themselves with, isn't it?

I just had my arm lasered into blisters, and I'm trying to find something to laugh about.

MY SON has been brutally TORTURED by this FUCKING COUNTRY and I'm trying to laugh over Kate's Fucking Social Climbing Family and How One Small Detail Tips The Scale. Like a fucking weiner dog.

Funny how some groups try to steal, kill, and ruin lives all to prevent any disruption to their little created and staged "appearances".

Torturing children and mothers over it.

Well guess what? I'm NOT perfect and by now, I am fucking PROUD of it and I don't give a DAMN about appearances.

I want my SON back and if the U.S. doesn't do something about this matter, it will not be good for anyone.

I do not think my parents are like, traditional "spies" but I am positive they have the ability to predict things and remote control view. They see all of it from a christian perspective though, and call it "word of knowledge" and other things. They don't like psychic as a term because they're not into wiccan stuff or black or occult magic.

I guess they are seriously patriots, because they have allowed their own daughter to suffer like this. For what? the honor of the U.S.? I don't think so. I think they were sold into slavery to work and be forced to work even if they didn't want to. And they couldn't say anything about what they knew was being done to me or my son.



And then you watched me crawl along in the DIRT, like scum of the earth and abused me.


You fucking watched me crawl around in the DIRT. Denied me any kind of normal life. Any kind of normal work and fucking TRACKED ME and followed me around you fucking DOGS. You allowed your military and officials to fuck me like a game of fucking GOLF and you fucking KNEW what was up.

"Here's another one in the hole."


YOU decided you couldn't use me for one thing, so you used me for something else, without my consent and you kidnapped my son from me, hoping you could USE him and mold him.

You trafficked me in my own fucking country.


THIS is exactly why my Grandpa Garrett didn't want to be buried with your FUCKING FLAG.


It's a damn shame we are in debt, because you are cutting out a FAT check to my SON.

You manipulated me, used me, sexually abused me, raped me, and allowed all these things. You knowingly tracked me and allowed others to jail me on false arrests, and be shot up with fucking HALDOL. You refused to quit your gross experimentions on me when I begged you to stop.

You dumped me off, or allowed me to go back to my parents, at age 36, after you ruined my life, ruined my son's life, and had taken everything from me. You FUCKERS. And you allowed others to call ME crazy knowing I was NOT FUCKING CRAZY. You only let me go back to my parents after I said I wanted someone to just kill me.




I hope more of your fucking "Seals" get fucking SHOT out of the sky and your spies get trapped up.


You sexually raped, molested, hypnotized, and drugged CHILDREN.


I think I said "I'm done" before. No, I mean it. I'm DONE.


What was your fucking deal? To have the Avilas adopt him because they'd go along with your SHIT and you fucking KNEW I wouldn't go along with your crimes against humanity. I have a cousin marrying a man who is training to be a police officer. They have a nice "big" home.

And you have WHAT? YOU have a fucking CASE on your hands.

That Koch firm handling my appeal--YOU FIX THAT.


How did Alvaro Pardo figure into the U.S. "plan"?

I know for fuck sure that HE doesn't fucking "ride horses".

Fuck you COWARDS. Who left my son to be used, abused, bullied, lasered, used for mind control, hypnotized, sexually abused, cut with a knife or razor, and had hydrochloric acid poured on his finger.


"Do I not hate those who hate you? I hate them with perfect hatred Oh God." (Psalm 139:21). I stop short of torturing others, but yes, I hate those who have done this to my son. And I hate you with perfect hatred.

Kate can have her perfect fucking "dog".

I'm buying a camera and taking photos of my fucking arm and I am willing to divulge all kinds of details about my parent's psychic work and the crap this country has put me through.

"You're going to have to take riding lessons."


Who was I going to be riding? Prince Charles?


Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't become The Great Whore of Babylon. It could have been just like a Tiffany song "...could've been so beautiful/could have been so right"

With William on my bouncing knee.


What, first the Chief of the military and then who was NEXT? OH JOY. Obama?

No, Obama doesn't have anything to do with horses.



YOU are fucking paying dues.

Here's news to you: I'm WIFE material, not a WHORE.

And I'm DONE being YOUR WHORE.

You degraded me and abused me to the lowest level of life possible. My voice was ruined. I was poisoned. You even tried to fucking assassinate me, didn't you. And then you thought I was going to sell off my eggs for fucking $4,000.


Now I know why you fucking wanted them. I might create and spawn psychic "special" children for others to form and develop.

I crawled around, you beat me, you forced me out of everything. You stole my personal and private diaries and photos and clothing, and everything I ever owned. You stole my son.


No one needs to commit "treason". I didn't sign any shitty contracts with anyone. How funny that I was still a slave.

My son has been sold into slavery to the United States of America.

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