Friday, August 5, 2011

The Royals Domestic Abuse and Horse Dream

I got up this morning and turned on the radio and heard, "...police involved in the Royal's domestic altercation. Mrs. Royal reported to have been pushed down the stairs by Mr. Royal and has a head injury and is badly bruised." It was radio news about some family in town with the last name "Royal" that had some kind of domestic violence situation, and they were saying he was the former VP of the school and he'd pushed his wife down the stairs and she was banged up. In the town of Coquille, Oregon. Seriously. Why would I lie. I mean, check the police report

So then I got to my parents house and said, "Did you hear about the news? about the Royal family?" and my mom said, "Yeah, she apparently shot her husband and son." My mom went on, "I'm going to have to call __________ and find out what happened. ____ sold them a house." She was saying she read some kind of note online about it. I said, "What do you mean she shot her husband and son? On the radio, it was just on, and they said the husband pushed her down the stairs and she had hurt her head and was bruised."

I added, "If this is the grapevine here--mum's the word! How did this go from HE pushed HER down the stairs and she's bruised, to SHE shot him and her son?!"

I then disclosed, "I had another animal dream. This time with a horse." My dream was first that I was in a math class with a very good-looking math teacher and it was accelerated to make up for lost time in the summer before going to college. It was a 1 month math class and they said what the number was and everything. Then, I had a dream where someone dumped a horse. I don't know exactly how they dumped it but suddenly, it was in my care and I was traveling with 2 women from one state to the next and I was trying to find a home for it. They got fed up with me because I wouldn't leave the horse. So I walked out of the convenience store, and they were gone. They had just split without me. So I was standing there, and I had no money, and all I had was this funny looking horse with a really long neck. It was in the corral, at some point. I took it in to be with the other horses, but the other horses were mean. I watched, and the horse was scared to even be near the other horses because they were bully horses. It had such a frightened look on his face, and didn't want to leave me and I protected the horse and took it out of the pasture and corral. I lost my entire ride back to the other state, over this horse. It was a normal sized horse, but had a very long neck. And someone in the dream made a vulgar comment at one point, saying the horse was backing up to me to be used in an improper manner and I said no he wasn't, he had to poop. And the horse pooped and then I thought, this poor animal may have been sexually assaulted. It was like it had been used or conditioned but it never wanted was a hunch. So I said I wasn't leaving until I found it a good home. And I wasn't putting this horse into anyone's home either. So I knocked on some doors and yelled out there was a very good horse for a good home. And I didn't want to leave it but I couldn't keep it. So I knocked on a large farmhouse door and it was a huge farmhouse on a farm with all kinds of animals and the woman said yes, they'd take the horse and take very good care of it and then I thought I saw the horse walk in and I saw its tail but it was like pin the tail on the donkey because as soon as it was in the house, the tail went up to the ceiling, like a hair attachment on a helium ride, and as I watched it float up to the ceiling I looked again and it wasn't a horse but a man with blond hair wearing large curlers in his hair and laughing. He had been wearing some kind of horse or donkey tail. He was tall and thin and looked like the actor on The Patriot, of the blond guy with the aquiline nose. So then I thought, in my dream, this isn't the horse, this is a man and then knew the horse had to be around still but I woke up feeling like I had found the horse a good home. It wasn't a white horse. It was some other color but it wasn't white and it wasn't black. And when I petted it, it only came to my chest, but although it was shorter like a pony, it looked like a regular horse, except for the long neck.

I started my cleansing with ascorbic acid today. Bought a box of limes and squeezed the juice of about 30 or more and drank the juice, every 1/2 hr to 45 minutes. Had vapor distilled water with it. Then after a couple of hours of this, I bought some crystals of ascorbic acid to enhance the process and got it going and then I have to just do this every 4 hrs. or so. Then after things were going, I took activated charcoal pills to help with binding other toxins while I'm doing the flush. The point is to keep the flush going and I thought the charcoal would help draw in the toxins and then they'd go out but I'm wondering if it will just sort of slow down the process. If so, I can try something else.

I definitely felt the effects of the lime juice. Right to my head and then my heart.

My goal is to cut through the cholesterol and oxygenate my brain. I have to get past the blood-brain barrier. And so I'm doing some things in steps.

Cut through the toxins, fat, cholesterol, and add stimulating things that rev up circulation and continue to draw out toxins while allowing for passage of purified blood.

First I'm trying this ascorbic flush and then some kind of continued idea on drawing things out and reducing cholesterol and then throwing in some good things when the channels are clear. We'll see. I'm doing research and playing it by ear.

Umm, just looked up ascorbic acid with activated charcoal and ...groooovy, it combines to form a new chemical element. At least, a pure form of activated charcoal combined with ascorbic acid (according to a chemistry website where nerds discuss), will create DHA, dehydroascorbic acid and it says that if regular ascorbic acid doesn't penetrate BBB (blood brain barrier), DHA will.

I might be reading it wrong, but I'll check it again later.

I don't want to be wrong and find out it's doing the reverse and blocking something. Um. Checked. Yeah. DHA is a form of ascorbic acid that penetrates the BBB.

Don't hate me because I'm...

Hmm. So mission accomplished on getting past the BBB. Confirmed that ascorbic acid does NOT penetrate BBB but DHA does. However, I am mainly doing ascorbic acid for a liver cleanse not necessarily targeting brain and want to know if this is really something I want for my brain when it could do the opposite of what I want.

I did the wrong thing. Oh well. Other tricks in the bag. Probably the effect of ascorbic acid potenting Haldol is when it's in conjunction. Which might mean it simply could potentiate many things by opening up channels. But I don't like the dopamine activity correlation. I will have to buy some guarana soon. And continue my cleansing and fast. And probably no more charcoal with the ascorbic acid. I only took a couple of tablets anyway. Not much. 4 total.

Lucy Makes Veggemitavitamin.

I like the sounds of the choline stuff. The adelyl choline thing. And I was just thinking about panthenic acid today as well. And bilberry. I think we have some bilberry on our property. I bought more milk thistle seeds and got a jar with it for making a tincture. I have apple cider vinegar but I don't know if I absolutely must have vodka or ethanol alcohol for this. Some substances maybe can only be drawn out with the one. Might have to read more about red yeast rice as well.

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