Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CPS Wants My Head Examined

I write about my marriage plans to my family and suddenly, Michelle from CPS is calling. I swear to God my own family sent her.

She asked if I'd be open to doing a psych eval the very next day. I said I'd take a look at the list.

I told my boyfriend my family was probably asking CPS to push me to do this because they were worried about my state of mind. So he laughs and then says, seriously, that if I turn out to be mentally ill he's not going to marry me.

I stared at him. I said "are you serious?!" and then told him I didn't have to take ANY tests from the state because they had violated laws and rules of civil procedure and the whole case was a sham because I didn't even have a defense. I told him the whole thing could get thrown out or a new trial ordered. I looked at him and said, "So this is your way out now? what are you? fbi? Cia?" he smiled more when i said CIA and then he said no.

I told him what my family was probably thinking and about the state, and how I had asked them about work for him over there, even in the orchards, and then I said, "You know what I say? I say, 'FUCK YOU!'" and I stuck up my middle finger. I haven't sworn around him at all, so he just looked at me.

Then I stopped chomping on my apple when he asked if I had the address to the clinic to get my records. I handed the core over to him and said, "por favor?" and he held out his hand. I added, "Bueno. Practica." he smiled and then I said, "por trabajas con frutas en los arboles." to which he just laughed out loud under his breath, shaking his head at the idea of picking fruit in an orchard.

So anyway, I find it ironic my aunt Holly writes to me in a concerned and skeptical way about this marriage, when she, as I wrote in my response to a comment earlier, married a man who was not only in a similar position, but at least MY BOYFRIEND is


I should make sure my family takes note that among all their embrazos of illegals, which I don't mind at all, this one I'm marrying is, at least right now, here on legal papers, which is more than Holly's esposo came over with.

Not only that, I probably have a better idea of what i'm looking for than Holly, when she married the first latino to come along, when she was 18 years old. And it was a very short engagement.

I should think, my family should be happy I took someone up on their offer of marriage, at long last, who is a professional, hard-working, and who could help my son with his Spanish. And here is my own family, griping about how my son needs a "father".


My family isn't happy one way and then they gripe about the other way. I have an instant cure for "living in sin" too, and I should THINK they would be thankful I'm taking the scriptures seriously:

"It is better to marry than to burn." says so apostle Paul.

Burn baby burn? is THIS what my family is saying now??? I am outraged.

As for green card, this guy, AHEM, my boyfriend, mi novio, tienes mucho familia aqui and he also has children who may want to come to the states in the future. He likes the U.S. and can make more money here, and I would get a pass to Colombia where I work on riding bulls. TORRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrO!

The absolute worst that can happen is that my boyfriend ditches me after getting a green card. I would then not be the first to fall for a line, or the only woman to be suckered in.

My only real concern is losing true love and, above all else, what is in my son's best interests.

Even if it doesn't work out, this marriage isn't the beginning and end of my life. And I don't believe in hanging up the towel if it doesn't work out the first time around. I believe on getting back on the horse, but I wouldn't do anything that affects my son in a negative way so I'm mindful of him first.

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