Wednesday, September 15, 2010

charles and then real IRA toilet

what thuh?

I looked up this article about charles and then the next thing I was reading was something about the real IRA taping a memory stick to the back of a toilet for a Guardian reporter to find.


I did have an impression of charles and a toilet, but what is this?!


i hope things don't go out of whack in ireland again. i also hope people are being fair, all the way around.

it doesn't feel like a premonition. it feels like i really saw charles and something to do with a toilet, probably just using it and that is it, and then someone got the idea to combine articles, maybe wondering if i would click, because of my interest in both royals and ireland and other country matters.

i have a weird twist on perspective for ireland. on one hand, i have been a protestant targeted by, initially at least, a lot of very zealous catholics who thought i was out to ruin their clergy and church. but then on the other hand, i have been targeted by some people in government, regardless of religious beliefs. and, I have always at least respected the opinions of irish in general, from any side at all, because all of them understand and acknowledge what goes on and they are at least more open about it than in the U.S., and it happens in the U.S. too.

iwould sort of like to know why I matter at all.

I just want my son back and to have people leave my son and I in peace. I don't understand why we've been targeted, honestly.

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