Saturday, September 18, 2010

fuzzy photo of dog & some impressions

This is a horrible photo. I didn't realize my lens was this dirty. But I thought this dog looked so elegant, the way her legs crossed and with her lean head, I wanted to take a photo. Her name is "Contessa" and it fits her.
These dogs look like horses when they have their legs up on the chair. Like dog-stallions. They remind me of a cross between an afghan and a greyhound (and a mohair sweater and a bear rug.) And a horse. And then when they're hunting I guess the ears go straight up, like a cat.
I took photos of the other 2 but they didn't come through. Every time I saw the hindquarters and tail of this dog, I kept thinking what a beautiful sweater...
"The puppies! the puppies!" just kidding.
They sort of remind me of Collies too, the head, just a little bit.
I just saw a black and orange butterfly, which I don't usually see around here. I guess, for insect sightings, there was a ladybug where I sit outside and I was indoors and moved to outside and the ladybug was there where I normally place my bag.
I had the impression of a royal selecting something, at maybe...3:00 p.m. or so, choosing something. A woman, and I want to say there were several different things in front of her and she was maybe picking something up and then setting it down. I almost want to say they were cylinder shaped but not super tall, like picking up a spice from a turn table or a lotion where there are other ones around, for some reason, but I was not trying to get anything or asking for anything and it was just a very vague thought. I wanted to almost say at first, it was a very small music box or something that turned around and then wanted to say maybe a grouping of candles (but not in a line) and then thought "spices?" or lotions or something but I have no idea bc I didn't try to get the impression in a clearer way.
I also had an impression of what color the Queen might be wearing today but I couldn't find photos today and don't want to guess until I see. I wasn't trying to guess anyway, just an idea came to mind vaguely, last night.
I imagine the Queen never ties a scarf up around her hair but this sort of came to mind later, as I was walking, as well, wondering if for bed or for something else, with a knot on top. Probably, for someone else and again, I was not even trying to guess at all, what she was doing or has done in the past.

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