Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mykal Holt--Town Skank

This woman is a piece of work.

After cheating with my ex, she promptly stole my hope chest and did an illegal lock out.

Then, just today in court for something else, the guards handed me some order that I had NO notice of whatsoever, to pay HER something like $2,000+ for claimed "back rent" and I don't know what else. It was filed September 10th.

Let me tell you something, she is looking for an appeal and a countersuit and at least she is the one with a house and property up for grabs.

This isn't the first time she's done an illegal lock-out, and she has done some really all-around trashy things.

I think she got nervous, because she found out I was going to file something in court to get my hope chest back from her, so she filed something and I have no idea what, but she won by default and I didn't even get notice.

Everyone knows my address has been listed as "general delivery" because of mail problems. It's on my blog and in court records. I have not received mail at any residential address for almost 6 months and had a P.O. Box that someone stole the key to.

You know what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking this bitch is tied in with CIA or some psychic asshole because guess who else has Egyptian hyroglyphic prints at her house?

THIS bitch.

For all I know, I was seeing what someone else was seeing in her house, when they went there to discuss how to set me up. And then someone hastily, if she IS CIA, threw into high gear to get a National Geographic pictorial going.

The only thing is, if she's CIA, or did anything for anyone in it, or another agency or group, she is one sorry example.

I would have to know exactly when those materials were being compiled for the National Geographic. I'm not completely sure about everything but it would help me figure things out.

Mykal Holt is being sued and not only because she has harassed me to no end, but because she literally STOLE my cedar hope chest, defamed me as having wielded a knife when not even my worst enemy would make the claim I have ever, in my life, been violent.

She also did an illegal lock-out which was what threw me into the position of having to live in Seattle instead of going back to Wenatchee right away and then as soon as I had a job secured in Seattle, I go back to Wenatchee and get JAILED on a false arrest for "stealing a car" (nice, when she stole my hope chest).

She literally got a judgement against me for over $2,000 and because of her continued efforts to cause me distress and harm, she is being sued for WELL over $2,000. I would say, when I begin to tally damages caused by her--from intentional infliction of emotional distress to loss of housing without due notice, to stealing my hope chest and pink silk shirt, to defamation of my character, to loss of my job because of her connectios with local police, probably the damages add up to at least $20,000, which I will pursue.

I can first counter by removing this to federal court (once again) for lack of notice to any loss of monies or right, and then counter-sue her there for my damages.
I am not the first person to bring up what a skank she is. I had someone write in about how she went after not only my boyfriend, and fiance, but went after someone else's boyfriend too. She obviously has issues.

Going after one taken person, because of a sincere attraction, is one thing. Making a habit of going after taken men, indicates mental issues.

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