Thursday, September 9, 2010

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover: Mother Buying Liquor for...?

In the little bottle there is oil. In the tequila bottle, energy protein mix.
Haha. I was wondering what "manga" meant bc I saw it later in the background, that book, and it means "whimsical pictures" in Japanese.
I have the wrong one here. wasn't wearing this today looks bad but i threw something over what i had on bc it got cold. today i had on tight skinny jeans with brown flat boots, a brown tank under a lavender irish knitted sweater. i threw this other sweater on over the first one and added a scarf that doesn't even match, just bc it's cold. but anyway. i was going to add something but i can't find it and then it's taking too long to load bc i obviously have someone screwing with my laptop.

it has literally not been the same since it was taken into "evidence" by wenatchee and the prosecuting attorney. everything is screwed up now, and networked too, i might add. if the police didn't do it, who did, and why are they allowing it?

how long am I under surveillance without any of the REAL criminals being investigated and charged?

I had a feeling that tonight, especially, I was being scrutinized about going to the liquor store when no one knows exactly who I might be buying for or if I am even using my own money or drinking what I buy, if I buy it, at all.

I would prefer to keep it to myself, but in the sense that someone might claim they could use it against me, with regard to having my son...

You are going to lose.

So I would not even begin to assume that you know what I am doing.

I'm sure I could show some evidence, but maybe later. My point is that the minute I start feeling self-righteous, or am excusing something, maybe I should go one step further, if I don't have children that it might harm, and debase myself more, just to be humble or keep people guessing.

However, when I saw the expression of this blond woman in an SUV who was followed by a nicer (I think) hispanic woman, it came to mind that if someone is attempting to build some new excuse to legitimately take my son, I might want to be forthcoming about one thing--which is...Don't judge a book by its cover.

If there were no cameras and only a good psychic, the remote viewer would have seen me pour an entire bottle of tequila down the drain and fill it up with an energy shake and then put it back into the plain brown bag and never show it to anyone.

But my guess, is that all of the non-psychics, the ones who want to get something on me, might think they could claim I have a drinking problem when I don't, and they would feel very smug about the course of things until they see my photo posted of what I did with that liquor.

My point? Mind your own business and if you can't do that, remember there is a law for even claiming someone smoked something that is can't assume or make a claim. You have to have immediately witnessed it. Otherwise, you don't know who is smoking what, where, when or why and can't even say from a photo or hearsay that something is going on.

This is why we have laws.

So to anyone who thought they were on top because they assumed they could get me on any small thing, and twist it to make it a bigger deal, you're not on top anymore.

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