Friday, September 10, 2010

Hotmail - - Windows Live

I took photos of proof of the attachment file icon on the side of my email and then photographed the pictures from a camera onto the computer. But they are not showing up. My photos are disappearing and then they randomly reappear. However, I got proof that I am not making this up and that I am not losing it and that someone has been intentionally tampering with my laptop and that the email I got from Kelly Delong was harassment. "Court Tomorrow‏
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From:ED VAS (
Sent:Thu 9/09/10 2:51 PM

Hello Ms. Garrett,

I am the new Director at the Housing Justice Project. Do you plan to appear at the hearing tomorrow? And also, what is the name of your attorney? Let us know if you need any information.

Best of Luck,

Kelly Delong
Executive Director
Chelan Douglas County Volunteer Attorney Services


Anonymous said...

This woman is obviously just doing her job, not harassing you. Her email seems very cordial to me. The reasonable thing to do is to simply respond to her email informing her of your situation (unaware of hearing date, no lawyer, etc). What you are doing - posting her name, email, accusing her of harassing you - is UNreasonable and might even be used against you.

Mama said...

hello, but you are mistaken.

this email was sent as a harassment and nothing less and then the attachment that was sent with it, suddenly "disappeared". i took photos of before and after so i have proof. it would not be deleted without a reason, and this email specifically addressed the fact that i have been discriminated against in housing here and no legal agency locally will do one thing about it. this woman sent me that post for false hope and to have me stay in town out of this false hope.

don't begin to think you have a handle on my personal affairs.


Mama said...

by the way...

this same woman sent a follow up email admitting there was no hearing and i was not their client.


Anonymous said...

So then wouldn't that have made her earlier email a mistake? Thus making it something which would have been resolved immediately by the follow-up email I suggested? You said yourself that she is new and therefore mistakes would not be totally unusual. Further, can you explain to me how she could have deleted an attachment sent to you in an email? As far as I know this is impossible. You keep talking about someone accessing your computer and deleting files. You do know that you could have a malware virus (which deletes files, inhibits speed, and can cause overheating), right?

I don't "think I have a handle on your personal affairs" by any means. However, I read your blog and as long as you keep putting your personal life into the public view you should expect that people who read it (such as me) will comment occasionally.

Mama said...

Nothing is impossible when it comes to technology.

I find the only people who I can even relate to at all anymore, or who understand me, are those in high positions, when I have been down to the lowest.

The people who understand technology are persons in intel and military and some who are rich who are interested in knowing and can pay to have someone explain it to them.

When I say intel, I mean intel from any country. Every country has this knowledge but the regular person, understandably, does not.

For some reason, I am a prime time target for all kinds of fun things.

But yes, it's possible and so is animosity from a "new director" from a legal clinic, who has lived in town long enough to know who I am.

I think your comments are very correct for the average person, but I do not have "average" things happening to me.

