Friday, February 6, 2009

music today

heard a lot of international music today. really liked the mood and style of Rogues "Sa Se Stie" and "Danca Nua" and some others. Wrote them all down. Also heard "Let's Go to Paradise" by Mental somethingorother, and "Rush Hour" and some scary songs too. About dancing into danger and the honeythief and some others.

I'm a little upset though because I couldn't find the lyrics to half of the foreign language songs I heard. We need more translators!

Last night I saw "Black Book" by chance--turned on the t.v. and decided to find a movie and happened upon a foreign film on Star, at the part where she asks him if the blond hair looks Jewish to him, and I watched the whole movie--it was in German or Dutch with subtitles and was really good but intense and I had to get up for a beer towards the end. It's about a lot of things, but was pretty gripping.

I am still making moderate plans towards marriage. Going to meet a bunch of people from Columbia, which should be fun, and dance. Still thinking about everything and pushed back a date one week, but my mind is also always on my son.

Trying to figure everything out, what is in his best interests, more than anything else.

Oh! and I saw my first "famous" person and recognized him. It was Gephart, and I have no idea why I knew, but I did. Saw him dining at the same place for lunch. It was a great place to go.

There's a lot going on, and I have to figure out my medical stuff too, because I may have to have a surgery if the hormone levels for pregnancy don't go away on their own.

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