Friday, February 6, 2009

Vibes Today

Someone sat down today, next to me at the cafe, and said nothing, but walked in and I knew something was wrong. Or just, a lot on his mind.

He later said he was putting some things behind him. As he walked out, it seemed he was putting an entire life behind him.

A very interesting man, I thought, just by appearance and the way he carried himself. Something didn't have to be said at all. There was a kind of aura or something.

Also, today again I started having more of the bad vibes but I don't know what it's about. Most of the day has been fine, but I sense something is going on--something has happened or there is an undercurrent.

A sort of sadness and I wish I knew what it was about.

I have been thinking again, today, that someone died, but I don't know why I'd think this. Maybe something is just "off" or something has been discovered that has left a lot of people sad.

It sounds so strange, but I cannot put my finger on it.

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