Saturday, September 11, 2010

This Morning: petunias & octavian coifan

I tried to post a comment this morning and it disappeared. I clicked on the thing and hit publish but it's gone and I am not sure what happened to it.

I was trying to put it up though. I'll see what happens.

I have lately loved the scent of petunias and I know some people think they stink but the right ones smell really good (I think). I was joking about how there is no perfume using petunias and joked it woudn't sound right, "eau de petunia". Petunia is such an odd sounding name. But then this morning I typed in a search for fragrances with petunia and I pulled one up:

Victoria Secret Love Spell.

LUV spell. If that's what it takes, well, I guess.

I don't know what's happened to me though...I didn't love petunias when I was little. Maybe I did. I know I hated liver with a passion and now I can eat it. I would rather have a steak but I didn't mind eating the liver. I hope I don't develop a liking for marigolds. Then I will know something is wrong, if I want to smell like a marigold.

There is also an old fragrance that was french by Andre Picard "parfum petunia de amerique".

I think it would have to be one of the most careful blends, to use petunia because it could be overpowering and not very good, done wrong. Sort of like gardenia, when if it's not made right, can give you a headache almost.

Then, I found something that just cracked me up, from a Romanian woman or man who has a blogpost called 1000 fragrances (perfume is the 8th art). Right beneath these 2 ads for lemon and vanilla perfumes, was this photo from May, ? year? and of a woman in heels and a nightdress with a spoon, standing on stairs with a bevy of wild cats at her feet. It made me laugh and laugh. In the background it said something like "are these petunias or roses in the background?" (they looked like roses but they were all purple). It was SO funny to see.

Then I went back and it was at the post for today, for Cloe Love. I like reading the descriptions by this blogger--they do a good job. Oh, it's a "he". Sorry about that, Octavian. He must be slightly psychic--you think? How in the world did I end up on his page today to see that hilarious photo if he's not? I tell you...those Romanians!

I think maybe I typed in something about petunias and then got this page or entry from Octavian's blog and then saw what his new review was, which is for today.

I feel like I need a drink.

What time is it anyway?

Okay, just kidding. Maybe some air before I pass out.

I noticed, after looking at things, that the icon of the woman on Octavian's page looks like the same kind of position, sort of, that I saw this man in, last night. But it was a man, and not a photo or painting.

My perfume this morning was strawberry oil. I found it and used to have some oils like this when I was a little girl. I think that is what got me thinking about perfumes and then the petunias.

Before I got to this page too, I had been thinking about petunias and roses together. But I was also thinking of gardenia and jasmine. Just floral fragrances.

I wish I could say who it was I "saw" in my image last night, but I can't.
I am sensing so many conflicting energies right now. First, very strong good energy and then, a lot of conflict. Sort of a clash of positive and negative and then secure happiness and sadness. a combination.

I always hope, and hoped now, that whatever it is about, I hope it can only be good for my son!

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