Tuesday, April 20, 2010

When I Have Computer Problems--Occurance

Here is when I have noticed this occurs:
If I am writing about,
A. Diana and conspiracy ideas,
B. Looking up Kate or William (no one has seemed to care if I'm looking up Harry except maybe some Australians)
C. Trying to get legal work done on my case
D. Writing reports against others or trying to file complaints online (such as, writing a report to the Bar Association about a lawyer not doing anything on my case, etc).
E. Writing about my ex or about events where individuals have attempted to harm me or my son.
f. Writing about religion or persons associated with religion in any kind of negative light even if it's true.

Otherwise, I could write about, or look up, anything else, and I never have any problems. There are specific times and specific conditions where I have some group deliberately targeting me and/or my son, to get me to shut up. Most recently, in the last many months, I have noticed most of the problems surrounding trying to get on my feet and having this kind of interference, and also I don't notice it with looking up the Queen or Harry or Charles or Diana (unless I mention something connected to her online) but mainly with William and then Kate, even though I've only looked her up a handful of times and the first time was about 5 months ago or so. But I did start having very serious issues with laptop and any kind of privacy about that time. I couldn't go onto either a UK or US site or chatroom without some kind of threat. Let's see, it was before December that I first looked her up. Because I remember on Christmas or thereabouts I had some threats while on or in chatrooms. So it must have been in October or November would be the first time I even typed her name into a search I think and I looked her up a couple times but that was it. But thereafter, I couldn't go anywhere without even MORE surveillance than I had already. And it was around this time that my case was picked up by this lawyer and firm and they screwed me over to keep me from getting my son.

I haven't been back to the psychic network place since I had the weird interaction with the person who had a dream about paper falling and then it did, in my house. After that, if I went to any site, it was like the fucking respective governments were doing search queries on anyone I may have communicated with because US and UK sites I would go to were suddenly "under construction" and "updating servers" for weeks.

So much for a nice discussion with strangers about pigs in the woods.

I don't care what it takes, if it takes the Pentagon or someone else, I want this shit to stop.

So, there is this "problem" and I want it fixed. There is no need for me to go through this. Right now, or for the last 30 minutes to an hour, there has been the burning sensation. Now, if all these people locally know and think it's funny, then there is something wrong with this town.

I don't know how this is going on but I know it's not legal. I want someone to destroy whatever technology this is. DESTROY.

I had zero problems almost all day until I wrote about Diana in my music and images post.
It did stop. At 2:15 or so. I don't want this to go on. Someone will have some serious explaining to do.
It is not hot flashes or whatever. Someone turned on the air conditioning too, which is nice but for clarification, this isn't anything about feeling warmer all over. It is totally different.

It is like having an intense burning immediately in the chest cavity and nowhere else. It's more internal than external. I have had some heart palpitations as well, with it, just small, or actually, more like twitches in the heart muscle but not affecting any other part of my body.

The other stuff that was happening, affected me enough that you can see warping in my fingernails and the circulation under the nailbeds is not evenly pink. I still have thin white lines which are across my entire nailbed which showed up after the great Seattle adventures in being poisoned.

The only thing that makes sense is some kind of long range laser of some kind or satellite technology, in my opinion and it usually stays in a fixed location. If I leave, it quits, so it's not just my body acting up or out of whack.

And no, it's not a religious thing, in case someone is wondering. It is not a burning in the bosom (mormon idea) neither is it a stigmata thing (catholic idea). The closest thing might be a psychic thing I've heard some can do, which causes an intense heat but that is probably a cover, like carrots, for technology. I know it's science, not religious or spiritual (good or bad) and too many military have been interested for it to be anything else.
At this last landlords place, my business cards of important people I knew on the East Coast were taken, my paystub for making an unemployment claim was stolen, and I was completely robbed of my privacy.

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