Thursday, April 8, 2010

Images and Precognition

I had no clue about the Indonesia earthquake, or any premonition about it, but about this weather--I had no idea it would be snowing and sun off and on like this, BUT I for some reason, did not believe it was going to rain. Why I had this thought, when 2 or 3 different people said this, I have no clue and then I actually prayed to God that it wouldn't rain at least not like they were saying, all day rain for 2 days. And it was a weird feeling, and I couldn't have ever predicted snow instead, but I really didn't think there was going to be a lot of rainstorms.

I think I prayed that it wouldn't rain, because the way some were saying this to me, made it sound like tears, like there was going to be "rain" in a figurative sense, of crying, and with all the weird stuff going on and harassment, I just thought, "Please don't let me and someone else or others who really care--don't let them be humiliated" and I didn't want it to rain. Which is maybe the silliest thing I could think, as if I could control weather or God cares about my thoughts about weather, but for some reason, I just didn't want to there to be rain on top of the harassment and thought even if things are bad it would be so nice to have a different kind of statement. I prayed "please don't let it rain God" as I was walking. I thought there might be a little rain but I felt when people were saying "big rain" and rainstorms, I sensed this was not going to happen. But I don't know why and then I prayed God would push the clouds back.

If it was science somehow, maybe I had a precognitive thought, but if it wasn't mabye it was just natural and I sensed this. I have not dared pray about rain or weather stuff for a long time but a couple of times in the past I have and things did happen. But I believe it was coincidence probably. Still, I somehow sensed that it wasn't going to be what the taxi driver and other guys were saying it would be.

Weird. I guess it was the same freak weather over in Spokane too, but over there they got hail, this woman said. We had a couple of very short drizzle periods, but no rainstorm. Just sun and blue skies and then overcast with snow and then breaking up for sun and blue skies again, over and over.
I was thinking I wish I'd prayed for the miners, for the air to clear up and I will do this after I finish this post. I also prayed a short prayer for Camillas leg, as a test for myself, but prayers are sometimes answered and often not answered and I prayed her recovery would be fast enough that it was surprising.

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