Monday, April 12, 2010

Visit With My Son (You Are Trumped)

The fuckers are trumped.

I am listening to AC/DC "Thunderstruck". My son came to me and I managed to redirect the kind of messages the fucker wanted to send me. I still got the message, but I still redirected it and told my son that whoever told him to do some of those things was not a good person.

The sicko had my son twirling his hand around his ear over and over like "crazy" and saying then pretended to vomit, and using all kinds of bodily language and other gross stuff. It was totally different from how much better he'd been doing.

First I walked in and there was all this turquoise stuff all over again with a turquoise pool and that same girl figure on the table and,

basically, there is no more denying it. My son and I are being fucking experimented with under the guise of gang activity. But it's U.S. doing and it's top line and supposed to be "confidential". The only way they have cooperation from people in this town is if the U.S. knows enough people are so corrupt they can be bought.

I had the word "emmeraude" coming to my mind the last few days and my son was doused in a heavy spray of Emmeraude. Which is gross now, to me.

There are too many things, and there is no way the U.S. would stand by and allow all of this to happen unless they were profitting and benefitting from it in some way and paying people off to keep their mouths shut so they can do what they want.

I want my son out of this country, and I am getting out too. Basically, things are being allowed to happen which some in the U.S. is trying to pass off as a benefit to them when really, my enemies just want revenge and are glad someone somehow got this kind of treatment sanctioned legally.

So there was all this turquoise stuff all over the place and the girl on the table and it's like one group cares but I could tell my son had been blasted with the same technology I've been having problems with in the last week or so. Someone or some group just went after us again, maybe because I started to bring up things others have done, and talked about UK stuff. Who knows.

Starting from the beginning: I went to the bathroom where my son was and he was there with Anne the monitor. He was very quiet when I went in and even when I said something and it was like something wasn't right. I don't know what Anne was doing beore he went to the bathroom, if she changed his shoes on him then or what. Then he opened the door and smiled and giggled. All Anne did was start coughing up a storm when I walked in.

I felt my son was sort of afraid.

Then he smiled when he saw me. He came out and I told him I had some toys for him, the cars, the dragon car, and the phone. He didn't look good. He had light bruising under the skin, looked greenish, and had dark circles under his eyes. He'd lost some weight too. I also found out that the state hadn't given him his milk which I had asked them to give him last week. I asked if he had had a good week or bad week and he said in a quiet voice, "bad week."

Then I told him he could take the dragon car out and it would change color under the water. So he took it out and he said he wanted it to be blue or red, like the demonstration but the package doesn't tell what that dragon will be. So it was yellow and I didn't know what color it was going to turn and we turned it to hot water and it turned orange.

Then I tried to turn on cold water and it wouldn't turn back, even though the package says it will, it was a permanently orange "Welsh" dragon.
The color of carrots orange.

Out of all of the things and toys in the store that I grabbed last minute in 15 minutes, I grabbed this one and it's the one that only turns orange and won't go back to another color. Don't ask me. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Weird.

So then I kept trying to get it to go back and it wouldn't.

Next, I showed him the cars I got and he exclaimed, "Go Diego!" and was happy about more cars.

He was wearing Army colored fatigues and camo style shirt over a white shirt. When I got into the room, I first made note of all the things lying around for us to find and I picked everything up and moved it all out of the way. Then I lifted up a table top and took all these plastic letters out and there were only 3 left after my hands were full, and what was also bizarre was this:

My son grabbed all 3 letters: "K", "W", and "P", and he THREW "K" out and said, "Kite!" How the HELL did he know that the "K" was a 'k', and where did he get the idea to throw that one out in the air and on the ground, saying, "Kite!" He didn't know ahead of time that it would be there because I randomly grabbed those letters and these ones just happened to be left. There was no fucking plan. I thought that was strange, that he randomly saw this K and did this, as if he knew all along or had been trained but there is no way bc I don't usually open that table top up at all.

So then, I picked that up and then the other two out of the box and put them all in the same place.

I was moving things out of the way to make an obstacle course because i decided to go with his Army theme look even though I was pissed he looked fried. So then I got all the other shit out of the way and my son sat on the top part of the table where there were two sections after I was pulling him as he sat on the very top lid. So he saw this space, without the lid, as a real seat and I pulled him around and told him he was in a "tank".

So I pulled him all over the place for the most part of 2 hours and he just laughed and laughed and had a blast. I told him we were going over sand, and through trees, and over rocks and for rocks I made it really bumpy, for sand I slid him all around like it was slippery (which he loved the most) and then for trees I went around trees, big ones, and then did jerky ski-like motions for going inbetween small closely planted trees.

He was SO happy about all of this. I got really hot and then my poor son looked worried when I said this, like he thought it was what he has been going through. But he loved it when I said we were avoiding snakes and lizards and things in the sand and just squealed and laughed and held on and then said he needed some raisins so I gave him a box of raisins that I brought for him and said, staring at him, in a deep abrupt sergeant voice, "HOLD onto your SNAAAaaaaCKS SOLDIER!" and lurched him off as he giggled and raisins were falling all over. It made me laugh out loud and even now when I think about it. When I said this his eyes got wide and then he grinned and said, "Okay!" Everytime I said this, "Hold onto your SNNNAAAaaCKS SoldDIER!" he was cracking up and then he was snacking along on his raisins inbetween . Then I told him he had to do a push up for dropping a raisin and he said, "I'll put it up." but I tried to show him a push up and then I realized he felt sensitive like it was punishment and knowing what neat freaks the Avilas are, I then decided to make light of it. He was starting to close up his box and looked serious so I made it light and then said, "Hey, let's just throw some out to everyone!" The war is over and now we're in a parade! You can throw raisins to all the animals!" So then he was throwing raisins around like we were in a parade. And then he said the car was broken and we had to fix it. I said good idea nd where should we look? He slid underneath the table and pretended to be working underneath the car and I gave him "tools".

So he fixed it and then wanted it to break down again so he could fix it again. So we did and then I said there was an oil leak and then he used this tool which was for construction but showed me, and told me to press the button to fill it up with more oil.

Then we pretended it was a boat and he fixed the boat. Then it was a plane and I didn't know if I could lift it because it was this large square table but I did, and had him flying around. I had him in one car accident where everyone fell out but no one was hurt and then he said he got hurt when he kept trying to get back into the car/tank and he said it wasn't the right chair. He kept sliding off, saying it wasn't the right chair. He said he hurt his knee and needed a doctor. I said where did he get hurt and which animal did he want to be his doctor and he said he wanted his mother to be his doctor. He said it hurt behind his knee and wanted me to kiss it but he wanted my red lipstick. I said I'd have to do that on the top of his knee so he could see it.

I did and he was fine he said. When it came off he wanted me to kiss his knee again so it was better. It was his left one he said. Then I had the thing as a plane and flying around and dropping with the clouds (he said, "rocks in the sky, I want to pretend there are rocks in the sky") and I said well clouds are sort of like that. So then we dropped and then we were careening around and he was laughing and then I took a wrong step and we did crash but it wasn't bad, and he bumped his OTHER knee but just a little bit and I kissed that one. Then we went uphill and downhill and he fixed all of them as they all broke down. And then he said he wanted tatoos at one point so I asked him what kind and he said he wanted:
"A balloon, chips, and flowers".

I asked how many balloons and he said one. Then I drew chips but made them in a bowl and it ended up looking like a cobweb sort of but it was a bowl of chips and then I asked him what kind of flowers and pointed to lilies and said, "something like lilies? or roses?" and as soon as i said roses he said quickly, nodding, "Roses!" So I drew one and he wanted another one and then there were 2 roses and I asked if he wanted more and he said no. He got up, happy and then I asked if he wanted anything else. He said, "I don't know, what do you think? whatever you want." and then I said, "Well, would you like dogs, cat, horses, snake?" and he cut in and said, "yeah! a snake!" and then added, "And a cat!" So then I added a snake sticking its tongue out curling up to the roses and then the face of a kitty cat peeking from behind the balloon. He looked at this, very satisfied and nodded and said, "Yeah!" and that was that and he stood up looking at his arm. I said, "You look really tough." I was teasing him, with the whole military thing going.

Then, my son was saying some things about the behinds of horses and this seemed like something someone told him to do. I said, yes, everyone has a bottom and all the animals have bottoms too.

He aslo talked about needing batteries again and then was putting a strawberry in the crocodile and saying it was a strawberry and he was microwaving it and then put a peach he said, into the "microwave" and said he was cooking it and then he said he was putting a mango in and microwaving it. I thought it was strange my son was talking about microwaving things and batteries when all this stuff is going on with us.He also said something about putting a cat into the microwave and cooking it. He would not get these ideas on his own.

I feel, again, that these state workers, Anne included, are allowing this to go on and then want to pretend everything is fine with my son being with my aunt and uncle and then want to turn around and use what they are concealing to later claim there is something wrong with the Avilas. They're just allowing all of this, and encouraging it, to set me and my family up. I don't know.

All of it is wrong. The only person who is fit to have my son is me and my aunt and uncle cannot be blamed for being bullied and pressured, threatened and intimidated. These state workers and some others are totally corrupt.

Anne was wearing the black and white paisley headband again, with a grey sweater, brown boots and using a green and beige pen.

A ton of things set up in the room today were green.

At the end of the visit, my son knocked over a little basket, sort of an easter basket that had mainly green and yellow and then one orange and blue crayon on top. It was a basket like the one from the Faberge egg of the Queen, the same size and style and it's never been there before. It spilled when my son bumped the table and he sid, "Snakes!" and I said, "A lot of them! Let's see if we can tame them" and I did a little snake dance with my hands pretending to be a snake charmer and I said afterwards that they were nice after I told them to be nice.

He also said I was a tiger and I was going to chase him around so I pretended and then he tamed the tiger. We played this game for awhile.

I also read a book and then I made an obstacle course for him. We had to climb through a tunnel to then get out and pretend to climb a wall and then he jumped into my arms to be hoisted around like swinging on a rope and then he was back to a tunnel,which I showed him how to do and he helped push me through and then I set out paper to step inbetween. Then I had a blanket over my head and pretended to be going in secret to another side and said that was the last test, to pass through undetected and then I saw he didn't want it on his head, so I wrapped his blanket around his shoulders like a superman cape and had him walk to the other side.

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