Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Visit With Son (shifting energy)--it's amazing (kanye west)

Someone had instructed my son to act up, in my opinion. It was fine to play the game of being upset but he kept going and I wonder if he's getting rewarded with toys for doing certain things. I was thinking, some of his mannerisms are things one of my housemates...i could picture him showing my son to do this--the younger one--doing the crazy hand symbol and teaching my son to chew his food weird and doing things like telling him to throw up, and all the stuff about "blow" and my son throwing I am at the house singing about the lagan song and there "blows a lily fair" and maybe it's someone totally different but what my son was taught is not even smart stuff--juvenile potty type of behavior and immature and yet with knowledge of what I am doing at the house.

So, maybe today was still a remnant of transpired before yesterday but he acted out some. The way my son was chewing was not normal and none of my cousins would ever do such a thing. I don't believe they would want my son to sound like a retard and rude. They at least care about his having good behavior and manners and there are times when my son has shown progress in this regard and it has to do with who is around him...Either that, or its an older man who has a horrible disposition. My son told me this grown up was around my height. But I don't know for sure.

He just went on and on and then there was some respite. He liked being dragged all over on the "car". Most of his behavior was from the week before...I don't think that much new was learned yesterday. He came up with things to say which sounded programmed, but in general, anything problematic was from before.
I have no idea why this song came to mind but it's "It's Amazing" by Kanye West. Not in connection with what I'm writing but I sat down and the words "It's amazing" came to mind so I typed in a song. Maybe it's not the right one or maybe it was just an impression of someone saying something, but that's what I got.
I didn't have time to prep for my son's visit like I wanted to. In the sense that I was going to make a different story for the William Tell story and screen the other book first. I just grabbed that other book having only read the inside of the front jacket where it talks about a writer in the attic.

So my son came to this visit and wanted to pretend to be mad and then we played with the car. His skin didn't look right. His nose, the tip was yellowish and the bridge of it was greenish and I tried to touch it because it looked like someone did something to it. He flinched when I tried and I think it was because it hurt. Under his eyes, still circles and he said his leg hurt and he needed a doctor. So I went along with this.

Then, after being distracted to play, he quit the other stuff and then after that I was going to read to him. The part that was incredible, was this book I chose.

I have no frickin' clue why in the world I chose that book. It was in the middle of nowhere and I didn't put much thought into it except that it touched me when I read the inside jacket. So,, no thought, and then, almost instantly, the librarian had a book out, next to a book about black and white, it said "4 Stamps".

What was weird, was that she already had the black and white book out. I think the 4 stamps one was there too but I didn't see it until I picked out this other book. I wondered about it.

I got to my house, and read the intro, about pieces of 4 pieces of paper. Then, later, just this morning, I chose this story, without reading the intro first, "The Strange Game" and after the visit (my son didn't feel like hearing any stories) I read the intro and it was about stamps, and I think 4 stamps. Will have to check, but BIZARRE.

Now listening to Arrowsmith. It's Amazing. Wondering what is so amazing.

So then, this is strange, right? I mean, RIGHT?

I told my son, which one, "The Strange Game" or the first one, and he liked the picture of the boy in the water with the whale, about Ireland.

I thought to myself I need to get more with pictures. I think this other book that I picked out was for me. I don't know why I was supposed to get that book but I felt sort of shocked as I began to read it.

How did anyone have this book about 4 stamps out? ready right there? How in the HELL. I looked at all these books on display and then in the stacks and this other book was at the bottom shelf, turned upside down or you couldn't read the title on the side at all, and then,...I randly choose it and there is this other book display. So weird.

So then my son didn't want to read this. The monitor didn't come through the front door but the back and it was Michelle. Who knows how she wrote up this visit. I had the guard tell me I shold name my other child "Hardy". I said yeah I almost got a book...
Oh, there goes a cat. Not kidding. And it saw some birds and just turned around.

I am not kidding about the cat thing either. That is an entirely different post.

So, I almost got a Hardy Boys book. Then I was in the visit and my son wanted to eat an egg he had and he cracked it to peel and I had 2 eggs to crack and peel. So I let him do his own and he got upset it "broke". So he was very upset and I was saying it wasn't completely broken and that happens and some eggs have thinner shells than others and some of them take more time to peel. So he was still upset and I broke mine on purpose and said, "OH NO! Oliver, I broke MINE too!"

So he then snapped out of it to have a look. I said, "I was trying to peel it but it just broke." The point is, to show it's okay to make mistakes and not feel intimidated by the greater education of adults. I didn't want him to feel he wasn't doing it "right".

So all of the eggs were broken, because they were all hard to peel that day. After they were broken, he was okay about it and (I think he's a perfectionist) we ate them and he said he wanted salt but he didn't want me to sprinkle it and then he watched me dip mine in the salt and he did the same. Then I pinched salt over my shoulder and over his.

This cat keeps going back and forth in front of me, past the window. Just went out again and then turned around again nd now I have a spider coming down the sill. I swear the animals are on a switch.

My son said today he wanted a spider and that he saw one on the floor and his eyes were wide. I swear to God, I have spiders and bugs and cats crossing my path ALL the time.

So I asked if my son had had an Easter Egg hunt and he didn't know what it was. So I said we'd have one next week and he said no, right then. He was so insistent so I grabbed this black bag which I was going to use for the basket but then I somehow saw this guy outside holding up a black car and I freaked out, not knowing if it was going to "mean something" so I grabbed the brown paper bag instead and tore it to make a basket with handles. Then I drew Easter eggs on paper and my son told me what to put. One with roses, stars, cars and trucks, a rocket, a fun truck, and smiley faces.

He took a pencil from the table at one point and started drawing on the piece of rainbow paper that was left behind from other visits. There was white paper and then the rainbow one under the table and he went to that one and drew on it, under the table.

After I made the Easter Egg hunt for him, he was very happy about that and I turned on the radio and it was a song about miracles. Having faith. I thought, "Hmm, that would be nice." and my son wanted skippyjonjones then and we listened to this.
I looked up the last version coming up for "it's amazing" and got "it's amazing how you speak right to my heart" and got this one: Ronan Keating.

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