Monday, April 5, 2010

Chicken Curry but Got BLT

I wanted a BLT. I went down and the special was chicken curry. which I am often thinking of but I asked for bacon, lettuce, and extra tomato on whole wheat, toasted, with mayo. I guess I thoguht about my grandfather, who I think ate these sandwiches for months straight. I like them too.

I somehow ended up on an international mix of "Have You Ever Seen The Rain?"

Today was the first day ever that it came to my mind there might be an earthquake in this area. Really strange because I didn't think so before. I wanted one, I said, but it never "felt" like that was going to happen and this is the first day I sensed it might happen.

I think I woke up about the time of the Mexico earthquake. That was very strange.

Listening to Romeo & Juliet by Dire Straights. This is the one I clicked on but have't watched it through yet. Just had tears for some reason but I feel like I don't know why because it seems I don't my own situation.

I had tears (no one around) without watching the video and then I saw the video and started to laugh out loud. But it was serious too. I couldn't stop laughing, at some of the parts, but it was really uncanny in some other ways that are serious. How bizarre and random. I had to see when someone put that video up but it was done awhile ago and I had just never seen it. SO weird. The bubblegum? and t.v. screen? etc. everything. but I still feel confused because I still don't know what it means exactly, or which man (if any) this situation fits. I think there's maybe been such a situation but I'm clueless as to how or why.

This one is pretty too.
embarressing, because I walked back to the house and was tired and wanted to lie out in the sun, in private, so this guy was coming out of a locked field and I asked if I could lie out for a little bit. He said yes and I was just lying out for a little bit and then this other woman comes along and had her cell out. Just embarressing bc I think she took a photo and I looked like a homeless person, with my bag of toys from the store lying out on the grass.

One thing I noticed, after I had tears come to my eyes during the Dire Straits song, all of a sudden, the overheating quit immediately.

What was also really strange, I thought, was seeing that video and then thinking about the verse I wrote the day before. I was joking about some things but deleted. The part where the guy looks over in those glasses cracks me up. aside from the bubblegum cracking me up. But the way he turns like that. I'm curious about when this video was made--what year.

I am seeing some CNN and they're covering the church scandal. I should probably watch and be informed but it's old news to me. I mean, I got so involved in it and know how bad it was and have turned a new chapter, BUT I am so glad for the kids that it's coming to light. I really don't think it's such a bad thing. If it's handled appropriately, having the truth out doesn't mean it spreads, it means it gets contained. I also think, in a way, it's really encouraging that some of the Irish came forward because to me that says maybe Protestant-Catholic relations really have improved a little because maybe beforehand some felt it would be a shame to the faith and with the divisions, it was harder for people to say anything. I think it's a very healthy sign and I also think it will blow over as well. But then, I don't know that much and some Irish say it's much more about strait politics or land or past history than actual religion. So I don't know.
They just said on the news that there is only Protestant on the Supreme Court of Justices for the United states and that if some other guy is nominated it will be 4 jews and 6 catholics, is how the guy put it, on CNN. The other guy laughed and said, "Well that's interesting!"
I'm wondering why the overheating quit when I posted that video. It all just makes me wonder. I get punished for blogging about some things and then otherwise, it's like "peace". I have no idea. I would like to talk to Will but he's um, unavailable.

Sudden image or psychic impression of can't say what. Sexy. Can't say who. don't necessarily connect my last sentences with the new one--could be anyone not just who I last mentioned.
Okay, time for my red bull run. I have a lot of work to do today.

Oh, I forgot, one good part of my day was that I got a balloon for my son and was going to make it dance, it was a chickie balloon with spiraling tassel things and hearts and it looked girlish but I thought it would be fun to have dance. So this other little girl, about 2, saw the balloon and I let her look at it and made it dance a little. After I was told I couldn't see my son, I didn't react at all. I took the balloon out to the little girl and told the mom I could get another one and was it okay to give her daughter the balloon? and she said yes and this little girl had such a bright look on her face, it was one cheering thing to see. So she had a big grin and I helped to put it in her hand and even her brother was happy about it. Then I was in the other office on the phone and she was later crawling up to the window looking in at me and waving and it was very cute. So tht was one good thing in trying to make a positive out of a serious negative. I think it was meant to be that she had the balloon and her brother who'd been crying and was grumpy, cheered up too.

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