Thursday, April 1, 2010


I felt good energy all day yesterday. Ironic. Because terrible things happened! all day! and I even cried. But still, that sadness and depth I had felt the day before was no more.

After what the day was like, and seeing so much coordination, I think I was right to say I was sensing negative energy from plotting and planning mischeif and that perhaps there were some who were also very sad.

I was right! But after that period was over, then came the bad but the undercurrent was okay. I felt close to God all day. I didn't lose it or have a breakdown. The most I did to "breakdown" was cry briefly. Which was probably very normal.

I almost like days like that, in retrospect, because it gives me the chance to cover more ground and get more information. The more people talk or act out, the better my odds are of getting dirt and finding out where the dirt is coming from.

This morning, I sensed good energy and then it was negative or bad or sad or something, after I made a post about the Lebanese man. Maybe I just felt sad for him, I don't know. But I got that feeling a little bit.

I have to write about my visit and then get some things done.

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