Friday, April 2, 2010

Snowing Today & My Dream (Queen dream)

I had a very strange dream last night. Royal, sort of, but I think only because I'd read new things last night. Mainly, I was on the outside but within some walls or something and kept sleeping on the floor when there were beds to sleep on. I gave away my foam pad and some things and didn't know where I would be sleeping and had forgotten all about the beds. But they were bunkbeds around me, like I was living with the seven dwarves or something. It so weird.

Oh, I had a whole conversation with the Queen and Anne! but the Queen was younger. This is one dream I remember without having written everything down.

I don't know how or why I was there. But I was, but living in this other section where there were bunkbeds. ? but it was like it was in a house or castle of some kind.

So then somehow I was meeting or being introduced to the Queen and Anne was there. Anne was grown up but the Queen looked a little younger. Her hair was still dark. The Queen and Anne were talking about some embarrassing situation and I poked my head around the corner and said I thought it wasn't bad and that it reflected well on the Queen. (I remember what it was about but can't say here). So she said, "How did you know?" and I said I could hear and then she was lightening up and was actually sort of chatty. I think we joked around about some things. Then I left and I was back at the bunkbeds.

I don't know where Harry was, but William and some female cousin or friend of his, kept sneaking back and forth. I found out William had been in my bedroom but when I was back, I could barely see his shadow running back out the door or through some curtain. It was like he was looking around but didn't want to be seen by me or anyone.

So then I was there and I wasn't a servant or anything but I don't know why I was there and then I was walking out of this area. Then I saw this little toddler. A blond toddler. It was a boy and he had shorts on that were longer and a long sleeved shirt with a polo horse on it. He was all by himself and he was about 2-4 years old. I guess he sort of looked like William when he was a toddler but I didn't think about that in my dream.

We talked and his name in the dream was "Aaron" but he looked like William. Then, he sat down and wanted me to stay with him there but he then sat and this large mother cat rested her head against his shoulder and then another kitten rested it's head against his other shoulder in this harmonious peaceful thing. I think they were both cats of some kind. They just rested their heads against his shoulders and up close to eachother and then people who were around the parameters began to come out and look and saw this.

I have no idea what it was supposed to mean, but it was, in the dream, some kind of sign of peace and the lion sleeping with the lamb sort of deal, or like the animals found such security they laid their heads on his shoulder, I think they even closed their eyes, and I was there but I wasn't sitting with him facing others, it happened when I was talking with him. They were both cats but in the dream it was unusual that they would both get so close to eachother and be at peace. Maybe that wasn't it and I shouldn't read into it because it was more like they all just fell asleep on his shoulder and snuggled there and that they would do this on a little boys shoulder was interesting. I don't know, probably just state what the detail was and don't read into it.

I have no idea. It was one of those dreams that didn't feel very important except for the moment with the Queen in her dressing room with Anne, and then when the boy came along.

When the others came out to look, they came out because it was symbolic for something but in the dream and now, i don't know what.

I guess now that I'm awake I wonder if there was ever a photo taken of him with two cats or kittens in his arms when he was little. It might have been someone else though because in the dream I didn't know or think it was WIlliam, I just saw this blond toddler all by himself. No one was around him.

I always wonder where Harry is when I am having these dreams. He's more hidden I guess, from me, in the dreams.
It is REALLY snowing here today. Like it's Winter. Clocks go back!
Last night I prayed for many things while walking back. I prayed for the royal family, for the Obama family, for other leaders and families, for the Lebanese family, for all those who bless and protect my family and especially my son. I also prayed for the mercenaries and for some strange reason, I had positive energy with that--the good ones, I prayed for.
This is strange. I was listening to Rich Mullins, this morning, first song was "Calling Out Your Name" and then it was a different one I forgot and then "Hold Me Jesus" and then this one, "We Are Not As Strong, As We Think We Are" It came up first this morning but I ignored it and it kept coming back so I clicked on it. It says Will and Elizabeth and I have no idea what that's about when it's Pirates of the Caribbean (I still have not seen any of those movies yet).
I had a good sense of energy this morning and now it's sort of blah.

I found this song by Mullins and it felt right when I first heard the first sounds. I don't really like his voice in this though, it's not very melodious. I like the song though:

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