Saturday, April 3, 2010

Terrible, Sad Vibe! Check On My Son? Please

I feel a very sad and depressed vibe. I know it's people I care about somehow. If it's plotting, that might be some of the heaviness but it feels more like straight sadness and then I read a few things which made me sort of sad too.

I'm not fitting into things the way I should I feel, but I am doing my best despite serious obstacles and I'm not lying when I say I've been trying. I've wasted time today and yesterday, yes, but just trying to tamp down my stress first and thinking about what to write and then it will be faster work.

I will pray tonight. I have not been praying enough.

I hope my son is okay.

If someone could do it, I'd appreciate having someone check on my son. I tried to call but the phone is off the hook.

I just got this "depressed patients" ad. I'm not depressed. If I am, it's because I'm sensing very strongly, that something isn't right for someone out there or more than one person, who is improtant to me.

My life and circumstances are not much different at this moment. It's the same old thing. So I know it is something to do with others.

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